Agan as previously established in this thread, ladder was not promised to be at launch, ever.
The removal of TCP IP can be blamed on the people who hacked the beta test and went to enable people to play without being accepted into the test. The devs had previously said it was planned, by the way, it was the publisher’s decision to have it removed because of what happened in the beta test.
“Too many changes” is subjective, and they described the changes that were happening long, long, long, long before release. If you didn’t like the changes they were making, you had plenty of opportunity to simply not buy it.
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No kidding! I don’t need ladder to play d2r. Who knew? You are as bad as micro. I bought it for ladder. Period. By far the number one reason and nothing else is close. Only played ladder once it started in d2 and d3. Literally never non ladder. But I don’t need to justify my purchasing reasons to you. The simple fact is my reason for buying wasn’t met. Said it 100 times. Could have been an issue with Druid being broken and not playable. There would be people saying just play another class blah blah.
You’re part of a very, very, short list of people IMO. I don’t need a ladder to start and end to do a “fresh start.” I can do that whenever I want. Why is this so important? It’s a cool feature. It’s not essential in any way.
The simple fact is my reason for buying wasn’t met.
You had all the time in the world to not buy it, but you did anyway (Well, I’m assuming you did, otherwise you probably wouldn’t be here complaining)
Ultimately, the ladder is coming, within a few weeks probably, since we’re playing it now on the PTR.
Literally my only concern was ladder. Other changes didn’t bother me. If ladder wasn’t planned at launch then it was bogus how they advertised for pre sale and you know it. If it didn’t have ladder advertised I don’t buy pre sale. Then after buying I was misled. Period. Whether intentionally or by issues or whatever.
I cannot play ladder due to real life starting in March so I didn’t get what I paid for. I tried three times for refunds In oct and nov.
I don’t just like the fresh start for me I liken the fun of the fresh economy. Trading is the most fun part to me. And launch didn’t have that feel. So much up in the air and didn’t make sense to grind to the max for a ladder coming shortly after. So I didn’t. Jokes on me. But to think I don’t have a right to gripe. Completely disagree. I get that I’m annoying and aggressive and beating a dead horse but if you can’t truly understand why I feel misled and robbed then you aren’t being honest with yourself.
I know some people view the ladder as an opportunity to “fresh start” (as noted though, a ladder really isn’t necessary to do this), and some people also do like the competitive element (which is the real reason it’s called a ladder). But to be honest, it is this latter point that really perplexes me about ladder. It’s just a contest of who has the least amount of a life- While there is an efficiency factor, really, whoever dumps the most hours in with the fewest breaks while following widely available EXP guides on the internet, will win.
I’d like the ladder concept a LITTLE better if XP didn’t simply stop when you reached max level. As it stands, when you reach lv99, it simply becomes a hundreds to thousands way tie for first place. Once someone reaches max level first, there isn’t really much reason to continue playing for this purpose until the next season starts. Or, ranking could be based on some other metric that doesn’t have a finite end point.
But on the whole, I think the whole concept of a ranking system in a single player / co-op ARPG is just silly in the first place.
I mean, come on. Blizzard doesn’t know when you work, Blizzard doesn’t know what your life schedule is like. I’m not going to pretend that I understand what your life is like, but … ??? Your “real life” starts in march? Didn’t it start when you were born? If you mean you work seasonally, so what? the ladder will be waiting for you in the fall or winter or whenever it is your “real life” ends.
You played the game. As far as any business that sells things is concerned, if they aren’t offering a satisfaction guarantee, once you pass the point of the return policy, you’re SOL. This isn’t their fault, it’s yours.
I can certainly respect this perspective on it. But really. They established BEFORE RELEASE that it wasn’t going to be immediately at launch. If this was the only thing that mattered to you, why didn’t you simply wait to buy it until the feature was implemented? Even if it was only going to be a short time. If it was such a dealbreaker, you should have held on to your money until you knew you would be able to enjoy it from the moment of purchase.
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I agree with this for the most part. Main reason ladder appealed to me more this time was I had the time to no life it and would probably be the last no life gaming run id ever do. Now there just won’t be one. I am not for adding rifts to d2 but as far as ranking the d3 at least makes more sense that it’s a time factor and at least “some” skill
Once it comes, it’s not going anywhere. There must be some point in the future where you’ll be able to put time into playing it.
I mean, I hope you’re playing it right now, to be honest. I’m having more fun than I would have honestly expected playing a four-day season, seeing how far I can get before it stops lol- not to compete with anyone, only to compete with myself.
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I have had a slow time at work followed by parental leave. Now with work and baby it ain’t happening. And no blizzard shouldn’t have to know which is why even though I was annoyed a 3-4 month delay still would have worked because I realize banking on release day for anything is dumb. There Will be no point in the next 18 years I can justify playing ladder to a “no life” standard
I explained in other posts why I didn’t return. Thought near 0 chance of delay to March. Old
Laptop and wanted to see if I needed to upgrade and wanted a practice run through Ubers. Killed Ubers once and stopped
Well I can certainly understand how it would suck. But what if the release itself was not going to be until now (as in, it was scheduled)? Would you have not bought it at all in that case, even if it launched with ladder?
Thought near 0 chance of delay to March.
Don’t ever assume stuff like this lol
Too many games are getting released prematurely these days. You should really assume that’s going to happen in this day and age.
Correct. If the actual release was say march 1 2022 I do not think I would have bought the game with 95% plus certainty. If for no other reason than to preserve my marriage. Thinking it would be delayed and delayed 6 months are very different. A 3 month delay would have worked and to me even 3 months would have been completely unacceptable ignoring my personally timing needs
Why I will remain a bachelor for life >.>
Traded a lot of brownie points to even play at all at launch with a pregnant wife let me tell ya. Even more reason to not grind hard at launch if I’m saving excuses for ladder
I’m a night owl. Both my best work and my best gaming takes place between midnight and 6 AM. I simply can not partner with someone if I don’t get some time period to myself lol…
I’m reminded of a certain Star Trek Voyager episode where Tom Paris and B’elanna Torres are planning a day on the Holodeck and Paris says, “This might be our last chance to be alone… for the next 18 years.”
I think 95% of people need time to themselves including the most healthy relationships. To what degree will vary or course and that’s the tricky part, finding someone whose fits with yours. Anyways I’m out for the night. Cheers
You sound entitled.
Take care I hope you get through this hard time
I do feel entitled to get what I pay for. Yes. If I buy a car with heated seats and it doesn’t have heated seats and they don’t fix it until the summer should I just be ok with it? No other industry to people defend companies for not delivering and then go as far as to attack those wanting what they were sold and advertised. It’s mind blowing you think it is an insult to suggest I would be entitled to what I pay for
You are asking for more than what they said and as far as ladder goes they are literally in testing of it in 2.4 so it IS coming.
Was it as soon as you’d like it to be no. Sometimes things take longer than expected so stop being a spoiled brat.
Lol you just don’t get it. They under delivered. Period. They mislead. They did nothing to make up for their incompetence. You have a messed up view on spoiled and entitled.
Is everyone that wants more than 20 characters spoiled and entitled? Or the changes they want? I just want what was advertised. That’s all and I didn’t get it. There was exactly 0 ladders with 1.14. Zero. Did they cover their butts. Sure. In no world does that make it right or does it make anyone upset by it “spoiled or entitled”
In EVERY other industry if you miss expectations that you suggested their is fallout. Why do so many of you expect blizzard to be immune? Yes deadlines get missed (whether hard or vague) but there are also repercussions from that. Not “oh well things take longer sometimes.” In no other place is this tolerated or apparently even celebrated
I’m asking for ladder to have been Shortly after launch like they said. I’m asking for ladder to have been included with the bug fix patches like they said. I’m asked for it to have been added once it was fixed like they said. All three things they said. All three not done. Don’t come at me saying I’m asking for things they didn’t say. I’m asking for exactly what they said and nothing more. And didn’t get it
Ladder is in PTR right now.
It’s literally right around the corner, you can either accept that or keep raging online.
I suggest getting some fresh air before your head pops off