Same issue here, was in Act 5 Killing Baa’ls minions, was in my low level 30’s got an error, submitted the report, loaded the game back and my character was in Act 3 and level 24 just after i made the flail to go into the Durrance of Hate. Nice 10 hours of progression and lots of items lost. Im the kinda guy that will clear each area and collect loot before going on to the next.
Same here. Offline character, sorc 9 lvl, half of 1st act, finished playing 6 hours ago, and now my character is just gone. Also, my support request got deleted twice. Wonderful.
Yea I went from lvl 6 to almost 30 in a game with 8 friends, we all went back to lvl 1 or 6. Very annoyed.
Same happened to me kicked out, patch installed BAM lost 10 hours of my life.
Here we’ve got another one, who was recording on twitch
Just happened to me as well. Its frustrating, lost few hours of progress, hope it can be fixed because stuff like that makes me want to stop playing it.
Same here, the game crashed around 07:53 PST 09/24 and the game was updated. When I logged in my character who was 1/3 into chapter 3 is now 3/4 into chapter 2.
This is just so annoying!!!
I just went the whole day without leaving D2R (I was taking breaks here and there), I played with 5-6 different characters offline that I transferred from D2 legacy and the 1 time I quit D2R and come back because I wasn’t able to change player count. Imagine my surprise when I log back in a few minutes after to find that ALL my progress on ALL my characters had been lost. I’m done for today, I’m extremely disappointed and angry right now. Hope this gets fixed soon
same problem. rolled back from a5 to a2
Chiming in here too. Lost 6 hours of play while solo online.
Did everyone experiencing this issue start playing before the patch, and then find the data rolled back when logging in after the patch?
Same exact thing happened to me
Same thing with me . A5 about to kill Ball, went to town to sell stuff. TP back and crash. Back to A2 Level 17. Really not pleased.
Same here. Back to lvl 3 for me lol…I didn’t miss playing D2 enough to put up with this kind of BS. Literally the worst bug/server issue that I have ever experienced since online games have existed. It was nice feeling the nostalgia and enjoying the updated graphics while it lasted but, will 100% be refunding after this blunder. Completely absurd waste of 8 hours of my life. Blizzard just isn’t what they used to be.
I had a server dc earlier in the night and after that I had no problems. I killed Baal, entered the portal and got to the splash screen. Went back into Nightmare (which I just beat), my progress was gone and character was standing in Act 3. I exited the game and got the patch, logged back in and progress is still gone.
Also lost all of todays play, went from lvl 24 in Act4 back down to level 15 in Act 2, hoping there is a fix for this or at least an acknowledgement of why it is happening and when we can actually play without losing all our progress. Didn’t even crash, saved and exited and when we came back it was broken, not impressed.
Just want to add that me and two of my friends experienced the same thing. Lost all progress from tonight. Extremely disheartening and discouraging. Really hope they can find a way to recover progress.
Edit: To add more details. One of us had a game crash and then experienced the bug when logging back in. The others simply needed to leave the game, exit lobby, and then we would find our characters rolled back.
Started game for the first time tonight. Played end of act 1, saved and exit game. Come back an hour later and all of that progress is gone. Game is unplayable in this state.
I was logged in apparently when the latest patch came out. I rebooted my PC to clear up some lag issues. I logged back on but had the patch to download first. I came back to my character and was put back to Act 2, but only 3 or 4 levels lower than I was. Not a terrible loss, but I’m fully stopped until I know we aren’t just gonna lose more progress just logging in or something.
8 hours of work for me is about 200 dollars. Do you think Blizzard will refund me for time lost ?