Please link that thread, I can’t find it!
Same. Where is this datamine? Can you post the link?
It’s in the pvp compromised thread.
Take the supposed data leak with a grain of salt, I think that post should be taken down as a matter of fact. Let the official news come tomorrow.
It probably should, which is why I didn’t want to link it directly. And while I do take it with a grain of salt, it’s really just what I already pretty much figured for months what we would see in 2.5, since these two big things touched upon in December on the Llama stream.
loot filter, lobby update, tcp/ip. 20 char slots (isn’t that already the max?), additional stash tabs
think the 20 would be additional 20.
yeah probably a translation thing there like “spoil”
I interpreted “local servers” as TCP/IP as well but it seems too good to be true. Thus why I’m trying to take that post with a grain of salt as to not get myself too excited.
That’s actually why I want that post removed, the reason TCP/IP was removed in the first place was because people got ahead of themselves with the Tech Alpha and did things they weren’t supposed to, just like how people are “datamining” and sharing things they aren’t supposed to right now.
i hear ya, and i’ve no idea but i think it was about people moving things from open bnet to closed bnet? not sure tcp/ip was ever an issue. could be wrong.
While having a multiplayer option on single player would be good to have again, to be honest, the biggest reason I quit single player was because I got tired of having to make backups in fear of corrupted files. My dad crashed a couple of weeks ago, and I had to fix his files to restore his stuff again, which was a pain due to trying to figure out which were his most recent backups.
The crash/power outage corruption issue is very annoying indeed, hopefully that’s something that gets fixed.
Original D2 was pretty much bulletproof in regards to character corruption outside of early D2 versions (looking at you Thieving De Seis), it’d be nice if D2R were the same.
We’ll see though. After tomorrow, I’ll have a good idea of how I’m going to tackle next patch. I know I am going to roll a Summon Druid for season 2, but I may spend most of my time on non ladder. I’m not interested in mods yet, due to patching cycles tend to have broken many of them, but it would be good for folk that want to play modded multiplayer. Even if they ported over PD2, I just can’t see myself getting into it.
I really hope this isn’t click bait
Summon druid is great I think, I was playing an untwinked fire druid through Normal/Nightmare on /players8 then respecced once I reached Hell because I knew fire immunes were going to be a slog (even with the buffed physical damage of Boulder/Volcano/Armageddon).
It’s been working really well on p3 for me, summons are very tanky and I can quickly recast any that die, Shockwave also provides a lot of safety. I really like the change that allows all summons to be out at once, helps fulfill that fantasy of beastmaster.
Currently at Act 5 and about to face the Ancients, I think they’ll be a cakewalk.
removed the post so it doesn’t get too hyped if incorrect or cause something not to happen.
You’ve done the right thing, it probably wouldn’t change anything but it’s good to be safe.
Very likely to be against the forum rules here anyways since the subject matter breaks Blizz’s EULA.
I wouldn’t mind a currency stash holding Gems,Runes,Essences,Keys…It would make many things much easier
is it pre season yet jk
sounds like we might get a ladder reset this year after all.