JSP needs to be banned before ladder

It’s like the mid 2000s all over again. I don’t use JSP but my god people, it’s not going anywhere. Don’t like it? Go play D3 ladder. This is D2 where people get their trade on. The End.

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Yep ALL the old arguments and flame wars all over again. Feels like 2004 again :smiley:


JSP is one player having 20 players on the football pitch and the other teams only having 11. There is no level playing field.

In terms of this being ‘The End’, there is a new patch full of changes coming. If there was a time to dream it would be now.

I see no harm in a SSF ladder that you choose to participate in, with the option of taking the 2004 option.

We get more conservative as we get older. The greasey voiced 40 year olds can have insulin on their own ladder. Let everyone else thrive.

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Blizzard can very easily file a cease and desist and force JSP to remove any mention of blizzard products from there site


You were already hilariously proven wrong in the other thread that it was confirmed by Blizzard and Legal team that D2jsp doesn’t break the ToS. So the misinformation tour by you can stop.

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Citation needed. Zzz


Is this your favorite thing to say? It’s time stamped in that video under Blizzard ToS. Furthermore Cooley was going to sign a D2 contract which prohibited breaking the ToS so he consulted the Legal team to make sure D2jsp wasn’t a violation because he was worried. Which they said D2jsp wasn’t a violation of ToS and he has nothing to worry about.

There is literally mounds of evidence that D2jsp doesn’t break the ToS from Blizzard, the legal team and lawyers. Yet ZERO evidence that D2jsp is against the ToS. It’s just misinformation spread by people that don’t like that site. It’s been debunked many times.

If you ignore the facts that’s on you.

Whether you like or dislike D2jsp is irrelevant because it is allowed by Blizzard. Not to mention that Blizzard couldn’t do anything about D2jsp anyways, they are a fully functioning business now. It’s not like anyone can just shut them down. Which is why Blizzard wanted to buy D2jsp from Paul. If you can’t beat em try to join them.

Side note, some people should actually become better versed in these topic before discussion.


In the same way magic mushrooms are illegal but magic truffles are not. Whats the point of competing on a ladder when someone has a handicap?

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Citations needed.

Cooley is an entertainer.

If there are “mounds of evidence” from “lawyers”, Blizzard, and “the legal team” it should be really easy for you to cite something.

I did cite something though. It’s there for you.

Yes Cooley is an entertainer that was signing a contract for D2 and he isn’t allowed to breech his contract with a violation of ToS without getting fined. So he verified that D2jsp is allowed with the legal team. Also a Blizz employee said it wasn’t against ToS. Then he hired a lawyer to explain it. If you need more than this, I just don’t know what to say. This is above and beyond information stating that D2jsp isn’t against the Tos.

On the flip side, again there is ZERO evidence that D2jsp is against the ToS and was speculative nonsense spouted in the community that hates that site. Where is the citation that D2jsp ever violated the ToS? Oh it doesn’t exist.

You can believe what ever you want but the facts have been laid out for you. It has been proven and stated by Blizzard themselves, that D2jsp doesn’t violate the ToS.

If Blizzard both wanted to take down jsp and were able to do so, then it wouldn’t be there, would it?

It’s a very simple answer

Blizzard is known to take legal action against any company/group/individual if it is proven to violate ToS.

We’ve seen it happening on numerous WOW Private server, We’ve seen how Blizzard even attempt to take action against Valve for the name “Dota”

Yet it has not happened to D2JSP over the past 20 years, which indicate Blizzard has no legal right towards D2JSP by any means, or they have attempted to do so privately, but failed.

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Except it isn’t, because til this day Blizzard still has not done anything against D2Jsp, or done it successfully.

This has been a never-ending topic since the existence of D2jsp, 20 years has pass yet d2jsp stilll exist. If blizzard has the intention to do so they would have done loooooong ago

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Which is why Blizzard tried to buy D2jsp before D3 was released in private negotiations. The owner Paul had other plans though and wouldn’t sell. The rest is history and the RMAH was born since Blizz couldn’t buy them. Would of been interesting how everything would of played out if Blizz did buy D2jsp though.

If Blizzard wanted to buy jsp, it is probably because they wanted to use it themselves, not to put it out of business.

It’s also normal for a company to buy out another one just to shut them down and force user into their own service.

Given how d3 was originally to have real money auction house. That is actually a very possible reason outside of blizzard unable to take them down via legal actions.

Where? You don’t cite anything, because nothing exists.

Do you know what a citation is?

Who is “the legal team” and where can I find a transcript of what exactly they said?

Which Blizzard employee said something and what did they say? Where can I find that blue post?

Who hired a lawyer? Who is the lawyer? What did that lawyer say? And where can I see what he said in writing or audio?


It’s kinda up to jsp to put their big boy pants on to separate nonladder and ladder trading. Specifically for d2r.

But… to be fair… the pay to win or play to cash in gameplay will never end. Is what it is.

And yes… jsp is an obvious failure of a platform and reserved for those who’ve invested in it over the years. But… it seems it’s the “blazingboost” of d2. Can’t really pull it down because, no matter how close, it seems to just skim past the games ToS. And… what happens in discord, stays in discord.

They would want to push and pull bots. Ban wave then force a repurchase, repeat. The actual platform of jsp isnt worth anything. It’s active users are comparable to your local high school population.

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Yes that was the plan due to it’s success and long history with the game. They also wanted an official trading site and D2jsp was it. Just didn’t work out for Blizz.

It does exist and it’s time-stamped for you. Are you just stubborn for no reason or you enjoy it? Honestly if you are going to be like this no point in continuing talking to you. I provided evidence that D2jsp is allowed by Blizzard. As opposed to the opposition that spouts nonsense that it’s against the ToS. This isn’t complicated like you are trying to make it out to be. Sigh…

This is like talking to a flat earther who ignores evidence, it’s just exhausting and better to just ignore from here.

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