Can I ask you the same question? Who confirmed that trading sites or D2jsp it against the ToS? NO ONE! Which is hilarious. You ask for facts to prove my points when your biased opinions have no factual grounds to stand on.
Now as for confirmation I will get to that since I do use facts even though you don’t.
Here is the video to give you some “Factual” information about D2jsp and it’s history. In this video it was confirmed by Cooley with a Blizzard employee that D2jsp doesn’t break any ToS. He then even went further to hire a layer to go over the ToS and explain it. It’s best to be safe and make sure you aren’t breaking the ToS which D2jsp doesn’t. Thanks to Cooley and his research and response from Blizzard.
Except it doesn’t. You are making stuff up
Seriously don’t you change, we enjoy the laughs. No one takes you seriously because you spout irrelevant nonsense without any facts to back them up. We get it, you don’t like trading sites. However until Blizzard steps up and makes a trading site, which is why they tried to buy D2jsp. Then the best place to trade is on D2jsp. It’s basically an official site at this point. D2 and D2jsp are different sides of the same coin.