Join game to MF and everyone leaves EVERY TIME.. It's time for /Player 8 online

I LIKE to make posts with BOLD and EMPHASIS the WORDS I write to SEEM more important than it ACTUALLY is.

UncleFester in here dropping some serious knowledge and really great point of view, thank you, sir. There is a huge perspective people are leaving out when asking for these things. I can’t seem to find anything to disagree with, so it’s been great reading. :slight_smile:

Why are you expecting players 8 to be the standard? Thats a premium lucky event to cherish. The MFing starts with players 1 and thats that.

You should ask him about soup!

when you play with friends of separate classes, you share the loot for what is best for who, or you talk about what upgrades someone could get that would benefit the party, if neither need the drop, you trade it to get another upgrade for someone character, i know sharing is tough for middle aged men in video game land, but it’s really not that hard.

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Uncle fester after reading your posts here I would like to inform you you are talking out of your a$$.

I want to be able to play a game with some challenge to it. I don’t want to keep remaking my account every four months. The non ladder community will die and at that point there is no game for people like me.

We will leave and all that will be left is the ladder community which will be small and the uncle festers of this world playing single player trying to kill hell baal with some new and “funky” build for the next ten years lol.

I’m not remaking my account repeatedly to play ladder that’s boring. I’m not joining some discord group and pretending the be internet friends with some random weirdos to make eight player games and I’m not “finding the fun” on a dead game they will either make it good or ill play something else.

i totally agree with this u shud sign a petition on microsoft since they are the new owners of blizzard.

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lol @ jsp this explains it all and jsp is illegal and shud be closed and im only for personal loot without the p8 command, however with the p8 commmand i am actually against it but if they make it on/off toggle idc

jsp is not illegal. if it were it would be shut down. simple as that. blizzard cannot shut them down.

please, use your brain.

Or just literally anywhere faster. As most people know, rune drops are simply about killing the most stuff, kill more stuff faster, more chance for HR drops. Trav is of course a fantastic place for HR farming, especially due to Barb Item Find, but it’s definitely not the only place. I see people post all the time about HRs dropping in Countess tower, random fallen camps, arcane sanctuary, flayer jungle, it really doesn’t matter all that much. All that matters is that you kill a bunch and kill fast, that is all you need to get HR drops, and they will drop, eventually…I’ve probably had like 20 HR drops since launch, basically all of which happened playing solo, and I don’t even play all that much, all things considered.

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You can’t fix stupid.

OP is the kind of person who would say things like “I cut it 3 times but its still too short”


if a bunch of people are level 55-60 attempting act 1. you being in the game not helping is causing the monsters to be harder to kill for them.

if they are attempting to do act 1 in hell chances are they don’t have endgame gear… and cant easily clear, you making the game harder for the people who can already barely clear is you being a total jerk.

and yet u dont understand this
and even that is the most handpicked scenario ever

being in the game killing other stuff and not being part of the team, makes you an jerk.
you say you aren’t hurting anyone… that’s because u don’t CARE that your hurting people.

the same reason if i am making a new character and im trying to kill andy at lvl 12 on my charatacer i dont want 7 other players sitting in town… BECAUSE I CANT KILL HER ALONE IN AN 8 PLAYER GAME on a brand new level 12. ( unless im a sorc but that doest count)

you being in the game makes it harder and slower for the people trying to play the game.
if u offered to rush them for drops… you could get all the drops u want.
but no… your choosing to be an jerk.

if u want to get higher drops go make a splitfarming game…

Odd… if D2LoD is dead why are there many games being played right now (xp runs, new runs, trade games, etc.)? You have a very funny definition of the term dead sir.

Honestly if people find the loot grind tedious in D2/D2R, they should leave. Why play where you’re not having fun? There are plenty of other games that cater to a casual playstyle. If they bought D2R without actually doing a little research, well that’s on them. This is clearly not the game for them to play and enjoy – move on I say.

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Well move on then. You won’t be missed. You did however miss the point I was making but I guess I’m on the spectrum so probably understandable. Sometimes I wish I had a 2 digit IQ so I too could wallow in gleeful ignorance.

If D2r is reduced to a smoldering pile of ash, so be it. I’m pretty sure it won’t given the fact that D2LoD continues to be played by players in the thousands.

If / when Bliz can actually fix the lobby situation and get ladder going, you’ll definitely see an influx of players come back. If they don’t, oh well.


Don’t forget stews baby. Little to no water == stew, not soup!

I most certainly not have forgoten about stews.

As a matter of fact. CHILI! Soup or stew!?

And what about Vishi suas… Its a soup served COLD!!!

You sound angry. You should try being more loving.

It’s a video game sir – you should put it in its proper context and not get so worked up about it. If I enjoy it and you don’t, who cares. I play what I enjoy you move on to Candy Crush, something simple and easy to enjoy. It’s all good – we’re all just trying to have fun with what we like. If you’re not having fun, what’s the point?

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Chili is most definitely a stew. Soups can be hot or cold; it’s still a soup.

Bitter angry forum trolls however will want to continue pushing their opinions and rather than debate on the merits of their arguments will simply restate their opinion and make personal attacks. See what I did there Spacey? :smiley:

Base Hungarian Goulash…go

You lose at the interwebs.