Game Toxicity Born Of Bad Chat UI & Isolated Servers

lol well said. It’s true. I’ll admit it was toxic of me to ignore people asking for help, but I felt like I had no choice but to be in that situation.

I’m looking forward to group mfing on the new level 85 areas. It will definitely help out a lot.

He is not. I played with him and he is cool guy.

Well it does not come across on the forum lol

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That’s because I adapt to the environment.
I won’t be nice and friendly to trolls and toxic folks in this forum. I stopped trying to have civil discussion with people that ignore arguments and questions and only try to win with insults. But as this seems the only language here that is understood, I don’t mind using it.

I guess you think you are the good guy in this story, everybody thinks they are. But advertising toxic behaviour and bragging about loading screen kills paints a pretty different picture. All your posts after that aren’t changing the toxic picture of you.

So let me get this straight your really a nice guy and you are toxic on the forum because somebody hurt your feelings? LOL yeh sure mate. Your history is rife with trolling and toxic language. If you cant handle it you should’ve stayed quiet.

I’m not some pvp master at all I’m just playing the game minding my own business the only time I even try to kill another player is if they;

  1. Attack the nubs in a Baal run

  2. Try to intimidate me off a spawn with a random hostile (normally accompanied by some rude chat about how its their game etc)

  3. Try and pk me

I am the good guy here 100%

Hostile me and ill take your ears too if I can catch you.

…and btw all pvp in this game is a competition of “who can be the most lame” always has been why do you think rules about bm where created (by players) way back in the day? If they where no rules duelling wouldn’t be possible since there was so much cheese and people do still join duel games I bet and clear it out with something totally lame :smiley:

Come to think of it i have not seen many public duel games at all. Wonder why that is…

Out in the world random pks and people trying to scare you off a spawn get no pass. I’ll kill them in any lame way I possible can. No marquess of queensberry rules here. I really enjoy killing the people who talk in the chat or kill the low level players in a baalrun. Those ears are precious to me. Worth more than any runes lol.

Sadly though not many people have the balls to hostile another player. Even the random pk’s seem a bit thin on the ground these days its sad :frowning:

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Ponder in the confusion

G’day to you

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First iteration was better mate lol

i saw that fast edit lmfao

You surely are the good one

You surely are the non toxic good guy. Look at your post history.

You are a toxic piece of trash. No matter how much you try to put it on me buddy, it’s still you who keeps being toxic to anyone else. So I guess you are reflecting your problems to be mine.

On the lack of public duel games:
Most of the pvp happens in private games. Nobody who seriously wants to pvp goes to public bm bs. Especially not with 100% stunlock being a thing. Also with the current Lobby you wouldn’t see it any way

Notice how much more polite you are since I bullied you for a while.


No difference. But sure everything is about you.

As you are back to your teenage ways, I’m pretty done with you.

You have adapted to be more quiet less toxic more polite less of a tool :smiley:

When you grow up a bit you’ll stop caring what other people think. To me your not even human your just a collection of questionable statements on a forum.

Don’t feel bad harassing forum warriors like you is an idle pastime of mine. Like you said you get what you deserve

If Britney says you’re toxic, well then you are toxic. Leave Britney alone!

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OP nailed this. The entire drop system of the game is supposedly designed to foster a multiplayer experience. But the aforementioned design choices in the UX of socialization have hobbled the ability to do this effectively.

One recommendation I would make to the dev team is to create a role within their team that is solely responsible for community engagement.

So this individual could, for example, establish and moderate a discord where players could trade, communicate dclone spawns, establish rushes, recruit for Ubers, form baal and chaos runs, and plan tournaments.

They could also lead competitions for concept art, new item suggestions (uniques, sets and runewords) and align prizes to the player base.

This is one thing Path of Exile does really well, and another dev studio I would point to is the Baldur’s Gate 3 team. Lots of community engagement is a valuable resource for QA as well as keeping players engaged to future content drops so you’re maximizing revenue.
The externalization of social gameplay to third party softwares like D2JSP is a missed opportunity.


Nickie, the map is interesting.
I wonder what the east coast server distribution looks like.


I think it should be similar. I just briefly connected to one in New York and another in Florida.

Here’s a thread from JSP in 2011. Some guy claimed that the US East servers were also located in California. So if lag was an issue before, this is probably why.

edit: I went on both US East and West and I have the exact same ping, so I guess he was right.


Why don’t they just make it so you can see games from servers within a few thousand km radius instead of, like a few kilometers, and then put a latency indicator while browsing for games in the lobby? Sometimes when I log in at post 2am just to get a few baals, there are literally ZERO games there, rofl

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27 days later haha :upside_down_face: no but for real though this is still a major issue and it’s killing the game maybe more than anything

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Yeah like I prevented my zon from getting baal quest (meaning no cow level) so that I could quest bug baal by joining like chaos games and stuff, but then sometimes there’s nothing on the game list lol.

But then the rest of the day it’s like mostly 2 ppl per game on avg.

V inefficient use of the game servers lol. This is more games less people per game = more server strain, but then it is supposed to be the other way round.

My threads get very few reads and posts, heh. Had to post on somebody else’s thread -_-

There’s like hardly any team pvm on bnet now lol. Like can’t level in any P8 now. They must merge their servers or something, otherwise no critical mass on each server = depopulation =D

do you know what toxic casual means? lmfao thats you.

Back from your forum ban vacation? Seems like you are planning to go right back to it now