People acting like there is zero loot if you mf solo… WTF is wrong with everyone?
I have found every single rune up to Ber solo, including 6 Gul runes, 3x Ohm runes. My brother mostly solo mf’s as well and has found all of his first 4 SOJs on D2R. We all need to understand that it’s a big bonus if you happen to be able to MF with more than one person. All these offline mods and single player communities are trying to flood into the online portion of this game. While that is a very real community and fun, it should not directly influence the farming online.
But to the OP, you shouldn’t be going into public games where people are trying to gather a group to quest. They might end up just going further than the title of the game because they found success with the public, and then you ruin their quests. This could disband most the group, completely stops the flow and fun. It’s like the newer community can’t handle that there is actually a grind in this game, and not everything is super target farmed. We shouldn’t be able to play like single player and translate the benefits to online.
just run some chaos or baal games, noob
well i can run 4 instances and have a bo barb if you wanna run some games.
Don’t kid yourself or others son. It’s about the increased drop rate. It always has been. Ask for THAT but stop asking for /playersX as the devs have said absolutely not.
Once I have a geared toon I’m not using it to farm gear for that toon, I’m farming for my alts. You want the challenged AND gear drops of /players 8 online? Get an 8 player game going that’s for magic finding specifically (people are absolutely doing this) and split up into different areas and farm away. Perhaps you each find things the other could use and end up trading while magic finding – shocking people playing TOGETHER, I know it’s heresy in D2, but it can and DOES happen.
This change would encourage people to play, for sure. Which is why the community doesn’t want it. They enjoy empty lobbies and their small community.
They keep telling me to wait for D4, so… sure, I will, and so will the majority of gamers.
No actually it would discourage multiplayer games. Why would anyone run a multiplayer game where they have to share/fight for loot drops if they could just solo a /players8 online game for max drop chance? Think people.
This also doesn’t solve the current lobby/game visibility issues. Those need a REAL solution.
I would like players 8 online. So would a lot of other people. We want to be able to adjust the difficulty of the game we are playing. Not the loot.
I don’t want to be your friend creepy uncle fester sorry.
You don’t want a harder game. You want increased loot chance. Stop trying to pull wool over people’s eyes.
Creepy gate keeping uncle fester please stop trying to tell me what I want lol
If non ladder dies when the ladder is released and we cannot adjust the difficulty of games ourselves there will be almost no point in playing.
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Perfect argument for personal loot. Thanks chum.
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Yeah no. Personal loot is D3, NOT D2 (in any flavor). Nice try tho.
Yes, but you provided a perfect answer to why people prefer personal loot. They’d rather not compete for drops in a multiplayer game, so they’ll play solo, or in a password game with their friends.
Enjoy your empty lobbies and small community.
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IDK I find a point to play every day – the game is fun. I can solo, I can play single player, I can have fun with hero edited stuff on single player, or I can jump into multiplayer if there are games for whatever I choose to do.
Thinking fun is gated by ONLY by your limited viewpoint is narrow minded. Widen your imagination and enjoy what’s there. If you’re not having fun, move on.
D2LoD is dead right? It has no personal loot, yet it was popular enough to spawn a remaster of the game and there are still people playing D2LoD (I know I logged in the other day to play around with some characters I had there and to keep them fresh so they aren’t auto-deleted in 90 days).
D2 is not and will never be about personal loot. Stop trying to change the core of the game.
No, and how about you stop using arguments that have no point?
D2LoD was by all accounts a dead game. Just like most every other game Blizzard, and other companies, choose to remaster. Its a cash grab at nostalgia. Hazard a guess at how many people who purchased D2R still play? I’d say its less than 50%, and I’m being generous. I don’t even think ladder is going to bring a lot of people back. The popularity of the game had zilch to do with why a remaster was done.
The rose colored glasses have come off, wake up and smell the coffee. It doesn’t need personal loot, but it needs some changes to encourage people to play it. The grind for loot is extremely tedious, and borderline gambling. This is why D2Jsp has such a big presence for this title.
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Again I reject the premise that D2LoD was a dead game. Thousands of people still play and its not an issue to find a game at any time of night. It lasted for over 20 years and spawned a remaster. How is that a dead game with no popularity? Name ONE other game that has lasted that long and still has people playing it?
D2R needs some fixes – most notably the horrible lobby system in place (it’s actually WORSE than D2LoD since games are filtered even more by region/ping in D2R). You think people aren’t playing because there’s no ploot or /playersX? Please. As for how many who purchased are no longer playing (at least multiplayer) only Bliz has that data. You can pull % numbers out of your hat all you want but we don’t truly know.
Yes the game needs some love but it needs love in the right places that don’t touch the core of the game. If you want ploot and maps and other such nonsense there are other games that fit that bill just fine.
I farmed my infinity and enigma in solo games. And did 0 trades for those required HRs
So for everyone wanting players 8, wouldn’t you support personal loot for everyone in game?
For example. If you are using players 8, you get drops equal to 8 players in game (I know you don’t, but let’s say you do for the sake of argument). If you, and seven other players are all running solo games, and getting 8 players worth of loot, how is this any different from all 8 people running a single game and everyone in said game getting 8 players worth of drops?
There is no additional loot entering the economy between the single players using players 8 and the group all getting personal loot.
All of these p8 crybaby threads are nothing more than spam. P8 option for online play would ruin the game. Bots would take advantage of it and that would be that. Go play single player and go nuts with the p8…otherwise, just shut your mouth and lock your keyboard with this nonsense spam post. Reported.
Please read what I said again. People are quitting because the loot farming is tedious. There’s multiple pain points that add to it. The cry for p8 and personal loot is just knee-jerk reactions trying to alleviate the problem, but aren’t stating the core reason.
D2LoD is a dead game. You can reject anything you like, and change the definition of words, but popular definitions define it as dead.
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