Join game to MF and everyone leaves EVERY TIME.. It's time for /Player 8 online

Thank you for illustrating my point so succinctly. Angry troll’s gonna troll.

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You could self-ban and just not post? It’s an option.

This one?

No wonder He is so crabby. Hes not feeling shower fresh.

No need for violent personal attacks. But I will admit you are definitely shooting for that forum ban.

The problem is a lot of the suggestions to change the game aren’t really solutions to the actual problems people are facing. 2 of the biggest ones I see over and over:

  • Hard to find games / poor lobby
    Let’s ask for /players8, that’ll fix this. Nope. The lobby system needs an overhaul, or at least stop region/ping locking game visibility so people have more games to find and play on.

  • Hard to find loot
    This is just the core of D2. You don’t want this game turning into D3. That game gets boring after a week as you have everything you need for your build. The longetivy of D2LoD is largely predicated on the rarity of the items. Yes ladder helps people start fresh and build every couple of months but not everyone wants to do this.

There are of course more things the game could tweak – 2.4 is a good start at adjusting less often used / useless skills (more or less) to try and increase build diveristy and playstyles. Heck a mele Assassin (not just traps) appears to be very viable now as an example.

Its fine to ask for change, but don’t be surprised when you see pushback on certain requests. Any change asked for, especially to the core mechanics of the game could have drastic effects on the game.

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Very mature little boy. You could just close the tab and leave, but you prefer to make homophobic insults.
I’m really sorry if I hurt you so much that you feel like behaving this way. You should seek help.

exactly lobbies are hard to find and we need p8, No one cares about the jsp cheaters who are against p8 they can all get banned along with that infamous abomination called d2jsp donno why is it allowed out so long. Hopefully the new owner of blizzard does something and bans jsp. And GOOD BYE OLD SKOOLERS

Because you do not understand the popular definition of what a “dead game” is. Just because there are still people who play Runescape, does not mean that game isn’t “dead.” D2 died a long time ago, D2R was a new coat of paint on the old classic, but its engine is still garbage compared to the newer models.

You are right;, people quit because the loot grind is tedious. Why are you so busy trying to say people aren’t quitting? You can’t say they should move on, then come back later and complain that the lobbies are empty, and the community isn’t active.

It’s really a pleasure to jump from game to game because of the number of players bonus, and not finding games with enough people, or games that last long enough…

Bots will bot regardless, some actually think they play with one account… They obviously play in players8.

Nice necro… … … …

Tell me about it. Every game has someone whining about someone else doing something they want to do themselves or aren’t supposed to be doing. It’s annoying and I never remember it being so toxic either. I decide to play offline more often and every once in awhile I will play online for Baal or chaos runs. Sad part is people complain in chaos games quite a bit too.

This is exactly whwre im at.

I like to play by myself mostly and sometimes with groups.

Im mostly on my Non ladder characters

I can do terror zones and repeat chaos and Baal but it gets boring my character just cruises through them without much difficulty.
I still find great drops from time to time but the difficulty just isnt there.

I like games to be hard when I play alone.
Once you get to about level 90 the strategy starts to become less important.

Possibly a comprimise where you could increase the player difficulty on only a certain number of games per day would be fair. People would still want to participate in groups that way.

But its not just for the items. Harder games are more fun

Why cant there be a limit on an online players8 option? For example only 1 or 2 games every 24 hours.

That would take care of any bot problems.

There has to be an algorithm that would make this possible without ruining the game.

Personal loot is lame as hell but making the game harder? Whats wrong with that.

I know this is an old necro’d thread but holy hell i laughed at this :grin:

/p8 is one of the things that will actually help casuals without hurting everyone else.

Maybe if implemented in a reasonable way it might be a good thing.

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I would be pretty annoyed with you joining, making the enemies more difficult, not helping with the walk, and potentially blocking quests from being completed. It’s just selfish behavior.

That said, I’m fine with something like /players 8 being added. So I imagine I’ll take arrows from all sides in this thread.

If I am in a game alone or with a friend, I am always happy when others join and stay in a different act. It doesn’t matter which, above or below, since we can simply recreate when we get to cleared content.

Maybe your problem is that you are terrible at the game and always need help in progressing? Keep practicing and believing in yourself, you’ll eventually get better! Maybe visit the forums for guides, I’ve heard that helps…

lol wow edge lord much?

If there is a game “Hell Walk”.
The people who join should be doing the walk with the host. Joining because it has many players, to speed to do chaos and meph before the players in the game working toward a goal together is a dick move. That persons a dick.

Its not complicated acting like a selfish dick makes you a dick lol.


Play single player then. You can have exactly the player difficulty you want at all times. I also suggest joining baal or chaos games if you continue to play online. They are less likely to notice the difficulty increase that newbs in act 1 will feel.


King of hells mechanic would solve this’t-help-player-retention…-game-needs-real-endgame-activities/154331

Any progress done by other people in your game will benefit you as long as you stay in the game