Javazon is strongest in game

I’ve already presented the math here in this thread, in post #10.
Scroll back up. Click on the ias calculator link. Check for yourself.

No you’re not. You are seriously a person who will always try to argue that 2+2=5.

BotD 60 + treasury 45 + cat eye 20 + nosferatu 10 + gloves 20 = 155 ias from natural spearzone gear with zero sacrifice. Helm is debatable. If you use ias from helm, then you can replace treasury with fortitude and still hit 125 breakpoint, but I prefer treasury, because of fade.

FajraKatviro, notice that I had said “125% or above is unrealistic to aim for” I never said you couldn’t do it. Let me explain why I said “unrealistic”:

  1. You are using your EBOTD and this means you do not have blocking.
  2. Amazons do not get defense rating boost and if you wearing Treachery for 45%ias or any other form of a Jeweler’s you will have terrible defense rating and everything will hit you that goes through your rough 50% Dodge. Keep in mind that all other ias% boosting gear all has very low defense rating.
  3. You absolutely need to wear Fortitude realistically for the large enhanced defense% modifier to begin with, along with all of the defensive modifiers, but most importantly the large defense bonus in conjunction with the Chill Armor proc which further boost your defense rating. The Fortitude also gives you a great deal of damage that will be needed in the end-game if you want to get anything done outside of barely making it out of your first hell walkthrough.
  4. When I gave you an ias% on an Impale build for a comparison, I gave you “realistic” ias% that considers you are wearing gear that will allow you to survive while using a melee jav/spear zon. This would include the use of: 45/120, Fortitude, Nosferatu, Laying of Hands, Cat’s or Highlord’s, for a total of 95%ias. If you were to use Eth Upgraded Titan’s with a Phoenix Shield, it will be better than any EBOTD you could make for several reasons. But if you insisted on using a 2hand EBOTD, you would end up with 155%ias but the EBOTD would still be a great deal slower than the Titan’s, and you wouldn’t have any block rate or the extra defenses from Phoenix, including the Redemption aura. You also could plainly just use a Stormshield with the Titan’s and never die unless you were trying to fight UBERs.

You guys don’t seem to realize the idea of this EBOTD Impale build is not going to work with how slow it is. In Example: If you were in Hell Difficulty in the Worldstone and you were to come across a mob of Death Lords who were extra fast with fanaticism, they will swarm you and kill you mid-swing before you could land a single Impale. Even if your Amazon was tanky enough to survive a strike or two, you’ll certainly be dead upon mid-2nd swing or when you try to turn and run with no shield.

This is again, why it is important to just use Eth Up’d Titan’s with a Phoenix or Stormshield. The damage output will be similar to an EBOTD due to the large bonus from Phoenix and the enhanced speed of the javelins. You will also still be able to throw attack against mobs like the extra fast fanat Death Lords, without needing to try and melee it. Then you can also save the weapon swap for CTA.

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All your arguments applies against 2h weapon, not against impale.
You say that the main drawback with impale is attack speed, but wrote a wall of text about defense, redemption aura and so on, ignoring that you can solve attack speed problem with basic item setup.
If you want fair comparison of jab vs impale, go ahead and compare 2h jab vs 2h impale.

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Stop this nonsense.
I’ve already explained the math.
Now I’ll give you a live demo from the PTR.

(1) D2r lv 1 Jab is still better than lv 20 Impale - Twitch


You guys said you wanted to bring everyone else to hammerdins level instead of nerf hammerdins I thought?

Everything is hindered when you attack with slow speed, a fast attack speed can avoid lots of this issue, but slow can’t, especially not to the uninterruptible ones. You can there to tank all the damage with nothing else to do but to wait for the animation to finish

Funny you test it on Catapult LMAO which doesnt even have block chance.

I honestly dont see a point in you arguing about this. When I posted this topic, i didnt say anywhere that Impale will be better than Jab. Then you come with your “math” and wall of text explanation nobody asked for and nobody argued about. I guess you just like to listen yourself? Must be that.

Why are you trying to convice us about something nobody argued about? Where in my initial post you see me talking about about comaprison between jab and impale with expensive high level gear? And fighting catapults… :rofl: :roll_eyes: ? I will tell you, nowhere.

So just please stop already lol.

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This is true but who needs slow % during the end-game? I mean honestly, people just go out and deal a lot of damage to kill things really fast. Slow % hardly matters in pvm unless we are talking very early game when players are pushing limits and riding into hell dif a lot earlier than they should be. In this event, 50% or more slow is actually useful. Outside of that though, it is definitely just a stronger option in the end-game to aim the resources of your affixes towards very high damage, not slow %.

You most certainly did. This is how it went:

I then explained to you that:

And then you said:

And so I explained the math to you over a cup coffee as to why Jab is just better for literally every reason. Even a base lv 1 Jab is better than a base lv 20 Impale. But you kept insisting that 2+2=5 so then I clipped my stream and posted a live demonstration for you as well as for the other people asking questions in here about Jab vs. Impale and Zons in general.

Also, I don’t know where you’re getting the idea that Impale is unblockable, but it is not unblockable. It is only uninterruptable.

So, where is 2h vs 2h comparision?

OK my dude, it doesn’t matter if the demo is showing the use of Titan’s or an Eth Mat Jav or a Steel Pillar or an EBOTD Mat Spear. This is because marginally, the discrepancy of difference you see between the use of Jab and Impale will be the same per weapon demo.

At this point I have laid out a small documentary on the subject through writing and even now a live streamed demo. If you can’t understand what’s been presented here, I don’t know what else to say to you other than: “Figure it out”.

Base lv 1 Jab is a stronger skill than a base lv 20 Impale in every possible scenario the game could throw at you, including pvp.

If Blizzard/Activision wants Impale to be used, they gotta do something different with it.


Guys throw in the towel already and admit impale just doesn’t cut it. If you want to play it for it’s unique slow sluggish playstyle then go ahead. It’s not the next best thing, jab still seems to be vastly superior.


Usefull against ubers, but who said you need it during end game? You are onyl one talking about it in relation to endgae. SLow is pretty great if you dont have so great character yet.

I didnt talked about end game tho. If you are making new character and starting hell, your jab might be too weak to deal with immunes and you might lack attack ratting. So in that case impale can be better as it always hits and it will help you fight some strong oponents by slowing them down. Not everything is about end game.

You have setup designed for jab, because you have not enough ias for impale. And you refuse to admit that.
IAS has diminishing return and cap. With increasing IAS you make impale much better and jab - slightly better (or even not better at all). I’m sure, you perfectly understand and intentionally ignore that.


Did it not occur to you that regardless of the IAS used and breakpoints that you hit, the more IAS you add to make Impale faster, the faster Jab also becomes.

Did you think for a moment to research your claims rather than to throw hopeful argument at me to convince yourself that you are right?

you can clearly see by using this link here → Diablo 2 Attack Speed Calculator | ias calc ( that Jab will always hit 3x to 5x per 1x strike that Impale can land, regardless of the build used or the amount of IAS on the character. They are always proportionately, the same marginal difference from each other in speed. What you see in the video I posted will be the same result, proportionately, with any amount of IAS you are using when you run a test of Jab vs. Impale.

You even received a +1 like with your previous response as well. The lack of general mindfulness & cognitive ability in this forum is frightening.

Go ahead, click the link, use it, figure it out for yourself.


light sorc is top killer fast cheap and productive

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In order to be useful against uber you need to survive in the first place. you’d be dead so many times between that 19f attack speed with 0 life leech, low defense, low HP and 0 blocking/damage reduction.

Fury Druid is already crying over 9F being ultra slow, and you are here trying to convince people that 19f is fast enough?

Not true, jab does not have always hit ability.

Except that being a lv 90+ Amazon stated for DEX that has the skill Penetrate who is using a skill that very specifically is doing +% to attack rating while wearing gear like Raven Frost that adds +250 ar, kind of is relatively equal to having the affix “always hits”.

As you can see in my UBER video, I am killing UBERs with a Bowazon that is using a base lv 1 Jab. This is a standard Bowa, it isn’t even stated for a special Jav or UBER build. The base lv 1 Jab is definitely hitting very often and dealing a lot of damage to be able to kill UBERs. I don’t know what to tell you bud. If you tried to use Impale vs UBERs, it would be so slow that you wouldn’t be able to proc Life Tap frequently enough and you would end up dying to sudden damage bursts.

Base lv 1 Jab is better than lv 20 Impale in every situation.
If they want Impale to be used, they need to do something else with the patch.


You dont have that majority of your playthrough from normal to hell.

Well in fact i dont know what more i can tell you because you continuously fail to understand that characters dont start at lvl 90 dont do ubers instantly and dont have BiS gear in day of playing.