Hey i am recently doing some playthrough and new amazon changes got me thinking.
I have to say that new 2.4 amazon is strongest build in game by far now. Charged strike just melt anything big enough to feed all bolts from it and they just made even even stronger in early phase, elemental part of dmg always hits so going from normal to nm is like walk in park.
What has javazon usualy issue with?lighting immunes. Well not anymore thanks to upgraded impale. This skill doesnt have synergie so it is strong right away. It cannot be interrupted, it does high damage and it always hits. Oh and now it also slows lol.
What else? Amazon passive tree. Slow missiles, tank summon valk, passive critical strike for impale. And evade, dodge and evasion now being working flawlessly now making you very durable character able to avoid even spells again with low skill invest ment.
You can also have freezing arrow to freeze enemies on switch. Lower resist wand to improve dmg significantly. And later in game infinity.
I feel like on hardcore is start as javazon best choice and when i compare her to playthrough with barbarian, it just makes me very sad because that guy suffer a lot.
Nothing has changed.
You’ve always had Jab, which is a stronger skill than Impale.
Jab will still be a stronger skill than Impale even after the patch because in the time it takes you to land 1x Impale, you can land 2x Jab animations which is nearly 6x strikes. So with crushing blow you’re getting 6x strikes to work with the proc vs. 1x strike from Impale.
Also, a lv 20 Impale is 700%ed where as a base lv 1 Jab landing 6x strikes even with no ed%, is relatively equal to the lv 20 Impale in terms of actual DPS “damage per second”.
And if we are talking running UBERs, you can literally bully UBERs on a normal Bowazon build with a base lv 1 Jab with barely any gear swapping. You just need to throw on Drac’s, Goblin Toe, T-God, Dwarf. You don’t even need a dedicated build for this, just a standard Bowa. The Jab is important and will always be better than Impale because the successive fast striking allows you to maintain procing the Life Tap, Open Wounds, and CB. You also need to strike quickly to benefit Life Tap leeching otherwise you can get killed quickly in UBERs if you aren’t constantly and I mean constantly landing strikes to get Tap.
This is what a base 1 Jab can do → D2r Elite Bowa End-Game Setup - 8 Player & UBER Demo.mp4 - Twitch UBER kills start around halfway through the video.
Unfortunately, unless they make Impale a standard attack speed, it’ll still be useless in both pvm and pvp. Base lv 1 Jab or even base lv 20 Jab if you wanted to go that far, will always be a better single target attack than even a maxed out Impale because Impale is just too slow, regardless of if it’s on a Bowa or CSer.
This is after all a large reason why a2 mercs are so much stronger than other mercenaries, they get to use the Jab skill.
yea with 2% synergy increased as total in this patch, Charged Strike gives nearly 5k extra damage more in total including 12 bolts in max gears. It is insane.
I highly doubt that, jab has very low dmg compared to impale and impale always hits which is huge. Question is if it can be blocked now. Because jab can be blocked by monsters and some can have pretty high block.
I am not saying that jab is bad at all, but from the point of playthrough, massive dmg attack which always hits and slow is pretty big deal.
You will be probably able to one shot council in trav without issues.
Zax dont take me wrong, but did you use Impale?? I suggest following test - go to Flyer Jungle in any difficulty and try killing all the blowgun fetishes with Impale, then do the same with Jab.
Also if I remember correctly CS doesnt work with Impale??
Why would i use it? Its getting buffed because its not used. The whole reason for pretty massive change skill is skill being currently terrible. So i dont understand why should i be testing it now when i cant play 2.4 yet.
To test what lol? Not every skill is very viable anywhere. What is point of your suggestion. It would be same like me telling you to test blizzard vs thorned hulks in act 3 and then test firebolt on them. What is better? So firebolt is better skill than blizzard? Of course not, its same flawed logic like on your part and it depends when and how you use it.
I though it should? Are you sure? I cant find any good source where its not said it doesnt. And i found some links to post where people claim it does work. Was it changed in later patches maybe? Its long time since i play with it.
As usual you are toxic. Having different opinion doesnt mean not understanding. You should finaly learn that. That being said i checked your post. I agree with majority of stuff you said about changes. Only two things i dont agree is how good impale will be. I guess we will see that today.
Every skill has have positives and negatives. Sure, impale will never work well against uber bosses because attack is slow and that lowers your chance of survival quite a lot and against normal bosses is much better CS of course. But against regular monster might be impale a lot better now because you will one shot them pretty much always.
Second thing i dont agree with is slow missiless. Javazon early usualy farm Pit and it is not fun vs archers there so upgrade to slow missiless is pretty good and definity worth using on hardcore.
The biggest reason why nobody uses it is its attack speed - and this is untouched. So for practical purposes skill didn’t got any relevant buff.
Most importantly what would be practical application of this skill? You not going to use it against any erratic creatures, or ranged. That leaves mostly melee mobs. Unless suicidal you not going to ever use it against something like Moon Lords or Lister merry company and because you can’t rely on life leach, you won’t really use it against any heavy damage mobs. Swarming mobs will probably multiply faster than you kill them (just as I am typing it I realised I am definitely making impale zon go to the final chamber of maggot Lair and fill entire lvl with mobs). what does that leave? Bosses - CB>Impale, Skellies - not really worth it, are they? Zombies, Frozen beasts, Horadrims - well… yeah I can see that, but similar to skellies - are they really worth it?
As for Java I think Fend + Jab may be now actually way to go, but won’t really know till try it.
They might have, as it was ages since for some bizarre and definitely not justifiable reasons I played Impalezon (ashamed I admit that I cheated and later on mostly used lvl 1 Jab over Impale). After quick check Basin however seems to agree with me.
Your problem is always the same problem in most of your posts. You fail to understand that some things are not opinions but rather they are facts, and the more facts people lay before you, like actual math, you begin to argue even more and tend to resort to insulting people rather than acknowledge that 2+2=4.
I’ll explain to you one more time and then I"m done this.
You can enjoy or max out Impale Zon or w/e it is you’re planning to do.
lv 20 Impale is a 775%ed bonus. The speed of Impale is incredibly slow. Even with an Eth Upgraded Titan’s Mat Jav, which will be the fastest possible Impale speed, it is only realistic to get the breakpoint that occurs at 92%ias which is 1.56 attacks per second. The 1.56 is the time it takes to begin Impale animation and for it to end. At 92%ias with the same Titan’s, a lv 20 Jab at 45%ed bonus will also have 1.56 attacks per second, but what it doesn’t mention is that 1.56 is the entire animation of Jab from beginning to end, which is 3x actual strikes. So what this means is that in about 1 second the Jab will 5x strikes, whereas the Impale in 1 second will land 1x strike and be half way to completing landing a second strike. Going beyond the 95%ias breakpoint would require 125%ias which is hitting point of being unrealistic without losing other important mods that you want to keep that ultimately would yield greater damage. If you are wanting to aim at less than 95%ias for Impale, your attack speed is going to become abysmal. If you were wanting to use something like EBOTD Warpike/Matspear or a Steel Pillar, you’ll be looking at 1.04 attack per second at 86%ias.
Now also consider the ed% modifiers that are working on the Amazon and how ed% actually works and adds up. Let’s take an Amazon as an example that is tweaked for ed%. 45/120, Fortitude, 300 Strength, a2 Might Merc with Pride for a total of 545%ed between both auras. This is a total of 1165%ed globally to your weapon damage and charm inventory. Now listen to this carefully → Let’s say you’re using Eth Up’d Titan’s which is a damage of 160-293 in melee, which is an average of 226. That average damage multiplied by the global damage will be what your standard attack damage is. That damage will be 2632 average damage on a standard attack.
Now if you apply a lv 20 Impale to that standard attack, it DOES NOT amplify the entire 2632 by 775%. What it does is it takes the base weapon damage of 160-293 “226 average” and applies that by 775% for another 1751. This damage is added into your total damage, making it 2632 + 1751 = 4609 Impale at 1.56 attacks per second that is a single strike.
Now if we look at lv 20 Jab at 45%ed, using the same gear & stats, each Jab strike will hit for 2959 damage and there are 3x strikes per each use of Jab. Each jab animation will also complete in 1.56 seconds but 3x strikes occur in that time. The thing is, is that since Jab is so fast, that 1.56 seconds means that in one actual second, the Jab will complete 3 strikes from a single animation and then also begin a second animation and go a little over halfway through that animation. This means that 5x Jab strikes occur in one second, whereas in one second with Impale, the Impale will strike 1x and be halfway into the next animation to strike, but it will require another .44 seconds for a 2nd Impale to land. During that first second of Jab strikes where it lands 5x strikes, each strike is hitting for 2959 damage. The 5x strikes from Jab add up to be 14796 damage. The Impale landing once in that timeframe will only be 4609 damage. Even if the Impale could land twice in the time it takes Jab to land 5x, the Impale would still only be landing 9218. The Impale would also only be landing 1x to 2x Crushing Blows, where the Jab would be landing 5x, same for Open Wounds or Life Tap, ect ect.
If you are confused about this, I don’t know what else to tell you.
This math is done correctly, I assure you.
Impale is just bad man.
Gotta understand how the game actually adds ed% from skills. That +775% at lv 20 is not nearly as impactful as you’d think it is next to just landing A LOT of successive standard attack level damage strikes in a very short amount of time.
Travincal council, one shotting them. And against unique mobs to one shot them.it might work well together with freezing arrow build to finish of enemies.
Dont forget it has slow now, so thats helps against monster fighting back. Always hitting slowing attack is pretty good.
I am not saying it will be new op top skill. But it might be frequently use skill from 2.4+
Always hitting attack is pretty great if you are lower level and issue with attack rating.
I honestly dont care about your calculation. I never said i will be using eth titans.
Getting high dmg Spears is not that hard compared to getting eth titans, for example uniq mancatcher has +50ias+shael 20, while having same attack speed as titans.
This is what I’m talking about. You are completely ignoring the obvious math I’ve presented to you.
The fact of the matter, what the calculation is showing you, is that regardless of what weapon you use or how much ias it has or what setup it is being used with, Jab is just always better than Impale in every situation. Not only is it mathematically dealing more DPS, but also in-game mechanically, it is several times over easier to actually hit with.
But it’s w/e man. Do your thing. Enjoy the new patch.
You still dont get it lol. I dont care about your calculation because you are using eth titans in it. I never said i will be using them. If you start new character and get to hell idk lvl 76 will titans magicaly appear in your hands? No they will not, but you will probably find some nice high dmg spear and that will be great for killing immune to lightning enemies if your one hand weapon is weak. You dont even know how good impale will be really yet until you test it live so just stop trolling here really. Thank you.
To be honest, the biggest boost for the Javazon is the updated Plague Javelin… massive poison damage over 3 seconds and only 40 points to max it and it’s synergy. I can see it being just as good as Lightning Fury if not better.
Pair that with the new charged strike synergies and you have yourself one complete hybrid build that doesn’t miss a step. Plague javelin for density/light immunes and charged strike for bosses/poison immunes. No infinity needed.
Idk. Honestly i think i played poison ama just once ages ago. It felt great on normal but started to suck on nm and hell because poison take time to kill. Many monsters is also highly poison resistant or immune.
But we will see i want to test everything changed.
It wasn’t that good… but they are reducing the time for the total poison damage to take effect from 10 seconds (ungeared) to 3 seconds… that’s over 3x damage boost. The duration went higher with +skills. A fully geared zon with no charms will go from 16 seconds to 3(5 times damage) and with charms will go from 21 seconds to 3 seconds(7 times damage) and does about 30k damage per second.
That doesn’t even factor in the 40% synergy boost… Plague Javelin will be OP