Its time to nerf Hammerdins. Change my mind


Teleport toss Lighting fury
Teleport Set traps
Teleport Zerk Zerk hork hork
Teleport FOH
Teleport Blizz/static

You see where I am going with this yea?

All you guys keep coming up with ridiculous proposals. Typically nerfs. Nerf teleport, nerf hammerdins, nerf this and thatā€¦

You cannot change the game so much it is not D2 anymore!

I mean, hey, why not give my Bowazon MAGIC damage, I mean screw the Cold and Fire, letā€™s have magic instead. Let me spend 20 points in the Bows tree and do Hammerdin-like, irresistible damage with my bows, for those pesky PIsā€¦ And with just 1 mana point, so I do not run out of mana trying to kill a PIā€¦

You kind of already have magic arrow for phys immunes tho


Remove concentration aura damage but offset the skill by trippling its damage output. There, no more need for concentration and it would be a little more streamlined while doing slightly less damage but gaining more utility.

It would be able to spend those concentration points and almost max both resist fire and lightning for extra max res. While doing slightly less damage. Almost like a net positive for botters since their bots wonā€™t chicken out ever.

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Bhammer could be reworked to gain cast speed with fanata or become interruptable and give you a reason to use concentration but without the added damage. Also, concentration could be reworked to scale uninterruptable % and maybe its damage reworked. It should output more damage than fanata imho but sacrifice ias and ar.

And god forbid there are walls near the mobs. You arenā€™t killing anything in a hallway or a tunnel. Act 2 is a cancer for Hammys pretty much the whole way thru if you donā€™t have teleport yet. Itā€™s very slow to start to kill. Many other classes have cleared a whole area before the Hammerdin even gets his wind-up going.

The choices are make one. Hate one. Or follow one around. Nerfing should never be the goto. Elevating others is the way.

Weā€™re blessed to have Pixel Hero among us. Tell me, goodie, what class that you play has a rotation? xDā€¦ maybe MA sin has kind of primitive rotation with those charges and finishersā€¦ Thatā€™s wrong game for attitide.

Actually with the addition of force move thatā€™s no longer completely true. Even Maggot lair is pretty simple for an enigma-less Hammerdin now. You just force move into the mobs. :slight_smile:

As for the magic immunes just use some tele charges You can skip all of them and easily push past Act 2.

Requiring multiple high end runewords is not what Iā€™d define as ā€œeasy.ā€ Most other classes with similar end game gear clear just as well, if not better. I disagree that hammers are overpowered, so therefore they donā€™t need a nerf.

The closest thing in your OP that I agree with is the unresistable and unblockable damage. Which is just more fuel for the argument that damage immunities are a horrible game design and need to go.


Blizzard, PLEASE donā€™t ever cave into people asking for nerfs on classes and builds they donā€™t play. Just keep buffing underused items and builds to be more viable and weā€™ll be good.

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What do you mean, vmagi, wiz spike, 25 fcr spirit and 2x fcr rings and you are p8 chaos ready. :joy: Hammerdin is easy AF


Hammerdin is ok for most part. Has been OP for many years though and Zealot Pally isnā€™t even an effective alternative with FOH pally. Only beef I have with Paladins are that theyā€™re portrayed as a sword and shield class. Yet this game and recent patch updates turned them into a class that has two casting builds that are far superior to its melee side. Maybe that is why they want us to make Spirit rune word inside of a sword and shieldā€¦


Easy , give every monster in game 50% magic resist , done.
(also make convic lower the magic resist)

That would mean we need more magic resist gear.

That is the worst arguement for not nerfing a class i have ever heard in any game.

Maggot lair is the only annoying part a hammerdin faces and it is not even challenging. Wave 2 baal is mildly inconvenient at worst.


Because heā€™s one of those people who believe their class should be the strongestā€¦Just like with Diablo IIIā€™s Barb&Monk players at the beginning campaigning to nerf the Demon Hunter to start with then moved on to the Wizard,Witch Doctor classes as wellā€¦It didnā€™t end well for these Trolls tho because eventually the Barb&Monk were nerfed as well. The moral of the story being donā€™t scream nerf because eventually youā€™ll get nerfed too

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Quoted for truthā€¦
Really wish melee had a mechanic that allowed them the same ā€œdrop chanceā€ as the near-instant room clearing builds.
Only have 2 characters in game, both zeal based Pallyā€™s, and I truely enjoy the play, but goodness the drops are hard to make happen.
No desire to play caster/room- disintegrateā€™r, so, Iā€™ll continue to suck it up LOL!

So are the other classes.

teleport, ww, teleport, ww, teleport, ww

I dont see your point being valid in the way you place it. I have a proposition.

The only time hammer is an issue is in PvP, otherwise it performs very well and should be left alone. remember you cant have conc and tele active simultaneously so thats another button and step.

this is the proposition. in pvp, magic damage is unhindered. I propose more items with magic res or giving special pvp-nerfing to magic damage to compensate for the lack of magic res available in the game.

The bone necro also uses magic damage, to greater effect than the Hdin in terms of aim but deals much less damage andā€¦this is the strange partā€¦conc does not increase bone spell damage. why does concentrate increase hammer damage, but not bone damage? both are magic based.

I believe the answer is in the origins of blessed hammer, which originally dealt half phys and half magic dmg.

SOOOOOOOO, they could also just make it so conc doesnt add damage to hammer, or allow bone spells to benefit from it.

I think in either case, we need more ways to mitigate magic damage. Fade should provide magic res too, thatā€™s stupid that it doesnt.