Its time to nerf Hammerdins. Change my mind

and nobody cares what u think, please post a comment that is usefull instead of this short not helping answer. go blow out you steam somewhere outside in nature… kid

"As I said back in the day, this is a pretty malicious design, and what’s even more stupid is that there’s no resistance to this damned magic hammer.
I can accept stupid idiots wearing enigma and peeing around like dogs throwing mallets, but the whole game, almost refused to provide “magic resistance” equipment.
What’s so special about magic attacks that you can’t resist them? Ice, fire, electricity, poison, and even physical attacks can be weakened, but not magic attacks?
Don’t tell me you can use cube to create that ridiculous magic resistance…
Well, if magical attacks are so special, the Paladin can continue to be the old dog that pees everywhere.
Since the shameful transmission + magic hammer rampage, the Paladin is considered by me to be the favorite of the handicapped (sorry.
Oh yeah, there are some “disabled paladin” enthusiasts speaking here. Yes, I made it very clear that they barely know how to play D2 when they can’t throw hammers like old dogs pissing around.
They have a vested interest in enjoying the game’s lack of design for “magic resistance”, but they are speaking out, pointing their fingers at your noses and saying, "Don’t play if you don’t like it, LOL, look, isn’t this the “Disabled Paladin”?

So what about bone necros then? Nobody crys about them although they do piercing magic damage that can be aimed in a straight line and can clear entire screens with their CE?

But you seem very mentally challenged, so you have to insult everyone playing a build that is very effective.

Whats the top bonespear dmg vs hammer damage? Just curious.

And it do require very accurate positioning to hit target and close distance… if you die from 2-3 hammers perhaps you should consider visiting PvP forums and read how to built more durable char?
Hammerdin nowhere close to be the top of the food chain - kicksins are and smiters

Absolutely right. The build is a joke and the skill should never have been made as powerful as it is. Most of the time they’re played by laughing adolescents who think they’re being clever. Why on earth Blizzard introduced such powerful magic only attacks into the game without enginering a viable defence against them is beyond me. The OP is correct it’s time to correct this glaring mistake.


Agree 100%. I cant believe they haven’t been nerfed even a little.



tbh just remove hammers from the game and remove sorc entirely and enigma

we will play the actual game then

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B hammer can easily take 2k chunks off your life killing the majority

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And then there’s the monsters immune to magic and Hammer Damage is Magic Damage

If you think Hammer is top dmg then you know nothing about this game :slight_smile:
Dragon Kit its 28 + 16 Hoj = 44 Holy Fire aura,now add 20 points in Fire Rez + Salvation and Also you can get 7 skills from other items, so in the end you have a lvl 51 Holy Fire with synergy , U need to cast 0 things,just walk around and all die instant , this game have alot of setups that are way better that Hammeradin ,this build is common because its cheap and easy to put hands on it :slight_smile: did u ever watch a zeal sorcer ? that use pasion + dream kit and have +40 Holy Shock Aura with Synergy and combo with full Cold build? :slight_smile: if you play the game min/max u will find out Hammer is “trash” thats why they don`t “nerv” him,its nothing to nerf there

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Which other classes were nerfed?

Maybe yes. Irresistible magic damage with only one or two immunes in the game, but very awkward to aim and target. And teleport makes it much easier now.

On the other hand staves and amulets with teleport charges have existed since when.

So we do not know what the real intentions were. Probably, like many other D2 things, it is all a random mix. Not a clear and concise design.

People cry that hammer uses a lot of mana… but it barely does. Probably the highest damage per mana in the game.

So it’d be a decent nerf to actually make it use a lot of mana

but the real issue with paladin is that he is always “master of all”. His stupid holy shield and all-resistance shields are way too strong for what the class already has. Meanwhile paladin still has hidden gems that people haven’t discovered yet (conversion for example, is ridiculously good…)

A good fix for paladin overall (and not blessed hammer specifically) would be:

  • Nerf resistances auto-mod on the paladin shields. Normal shields should go up to 10, exceptional up to 20, elite up to 30.

  • Change holy shield progression, it should give most of its block change with so few skill points. Make it start at 5, get 1% per level, cap out at 35.

  • Additionally hammerdin’s damage could be spread into 100 points instead of 80 (reduce vigor and blessed aim synergies to 9%, add 3rd synergy for 10% - so all synergies are still +280% but need more skill points)

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Why would you want to “nerf” a class? What’s it to you? Is it a PvP issue you are trying to solve? Otherwise there are dozens of classes and skills which are either overpowered, or underpowered for the skill point investment. And many runewords that steamroll over any delicate balance there may have been in the past.

And all you can talk about is not “let’s balance everything, let’s make INTERESTING skills and synergies that mean something”, all you guys do is “nerf teleport! nerf hammers!”…

I say leave things as is. If you think a class is too easy, go remove half your gear.

Holy hell, you’re actually right, thanks for correcting me. Game should be fun and interesting and it’s good for players who want to have an easy game pick one build and for others who want a challenge to pick another. I always stand for not buffing melees, keeping the hit chance mechanic as is and god forbid not doing any cleave damage. Most important part is for gameplay to be fun and memorable.

That said, I still think some nerfs could be fun. “remove half your gear” is quite an irrational thing to do. As you have seen in my suggestion, I really didn’t suggest anything dramatic like removing concentration bonus or anything like that. Just more of a suggested choice, if you want more survivability or more damage for your hdin, rather than “both, and as early as level 80!”. Again, this will barely change the meta… but it will make the BHammer build more fun, introducing a wider range of risk\reward

You’re missing the point in that the cheapest gear can have hammerdins doing abnormal mass damage.

Its not an expensive, specialty build.

Sadly it’s an argument that gets harder to make every year as 90% of non sorc/pally players quit years ago lol. Finding objectively online is about as hard as finding an intelligent conversation from politicians.

While I’m sure you or I either one could make a more “balanced” D2 the fact is Blizzard knows what it needs to do to appeal to a target audience. Sadly that target audience mostly just includes sorcs/paladins/javazons that want to turn off their brains and spam 1 button.

Meanwhile I will say this… Fire Druids pretty fun these days. :slight_smile: Nice change of pace actually using 5 different damage skills. If you haven’t made one yet, give it a go. It’s def viable. While it doesn’t exactly shine in areas like chaos, or baal wave 5… I can still knock out a ~4 minute chaos full clear run if I’m bored while still not being 94 for maxed synergies, and missing a few items. Really Death Lords, Minions of Destruction, and the occasional Fire/Physical immune are the only things it kind of sucks at.

Think a lot of people get scared away by the “fire” in fire druid. Truth is though is still does a good bit of physical damage. One still 1 shot most fire immunes with a molten boulder. Just not Minions of Destruction and Death Lords because they can’t be knocked back to take the multi hits. :stuck_out_tongue: I mean you can still kill’em but it takes me a solid 30 seconds for Baal wave 5.

Of course its for pvp, genius.

You sound like someone that started playing the game 5 minutes ago.

Read through the entire thread or stop wasting peoples time.

Bit late to nerf them now, but yeah they op and should have been nerfed back then. Is what it is. Smite should have got nerfed too or got the Zon treatment when it came to CB at least.