Its time to nerf Hammerdins. Change my mind

Who are you to decide what a Paladin is? Did you invent Paladins and write the lore?

If you dont like them dont play them.

And the solution is not to nerf Hammerdins but Bring up other skills to be on Par with Hammerdins.

ALso If you remove Synergies then that would enable more hbrid builds. Then Nobody will want to pay hammerdin.

If everybody was as efficient as a hammerdin then hell would be normal. The game would be trivial.

A little give in both directions is the proportionate and reasonable path forward.


You would he surprised at how many people either dont know about this or dont understand.

I tried to have a conversation with one dude about it and he had no idea of wtf I was even speaking about.

So many people have liked your post and yet some of them donā€™t apply the same logic in their response to people who are asking for other things.

For EG this personā€¦

They agree with your ā€œwell if you donā€™t like them you donā€™t have to play oneā€ but when it comes to someone asking for more respecs, the same ā€œwell if you donā€™t like them you donā€™t have to use themā€ logic doesnā€™t seem to apply.

Anyone have any suggestions on why that might be? If you donā€™t want to use more respecs you donā€™t have to.

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No more hand holding for newbs. Nerf hammerdins.


Hammerdins are far more powerful than other classes and need to be toned down, has nothing to do with lore.

If we bring all other classes to the hammerdins level then hell becomes a JOKE and the game is not challenging . Way too easy.

Easy is boring.

Boring is dead game.


Historically speaking nerfing anything is going to create backlash.

Do you recall when pre ez mode Diablo 3 nerfed IAS? It was a catastrophy. People raged, quite and demanded refunds, and even threatened to sue.

It was Biblical.

Alienating the playerbase that enjoy playing hammerdins could easily kill this game.

I cant remember what Blizzards exact responce to the heat was but it was something to the effect that they would be much more cautious or even consider nerfing anything at all.

So you might as well be screaming in outer space to nerf Hammerdins. Its just not going to happen.

You should instead try to come up with more creative ideas on how to affect balance.

Bringing up other classes via buffs is the next logical solution but then exactly as you said the game would become easier.

All the more reason to add more difficult content.

  • The new lvl 85 areas are a start but make some areas even more difficult.
  • A Torment like difficulty setting beyond hell mode.
  • A rift or map system
  • Or simply allow players to increase players/X in online mode.

TLDR Nerfs arent going to happen ask for something else.

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all mobs have 50% magig resist
all player characters have flat magic res 50%
increase berserk dmg 50%
increase bone necro dmg 50%
ok job done

But what do you think is hammerdin too good and should be worse?
You say no and your credibility is gone.

I think the problem is more systemic then just saying Paladin is too good or not.

What you have is a symptom of a flaw in game design.
Ever since patch 1.09 prior to synergies this argument never existed.

What happened is players made fully synergized characters and now cant completely clear content. Even with a Merc the chances of you encountering a mob with duel immunities is quite high forcing you to skip them or in the case of a Diablo seal bossā€¦then your just screwed. Save and exit then do it all over again.

So now there are only a handful of optimized characters that can clear the entire game.
Hammerdin, FishyMancer, Zerker to name a few.

The option of making a hybrid is less appealing becuase of greatly reduced DPS.
Also new players unaware of immunties will not make hybrids because the game teaches you that synergies = good. Up until you hit the immunity wall.

To answer your question I think Synergies are bad and should be removed. This would allow for for Hybrids to be more viable and be on par with Hammerdins

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so what was typical hybrid build 1.09?

Ok i think exact opposite. i love synergies! How do you skill your character then? you have little bit of everything but you do nothing well. next you probably say introducing runewords was bad too and yellow items should be most powerful items in game right? Anyway im down to try 1.09 Maybe its the ultimate diablo experience

1.09 classic was way better than lod and post 1.10. At least for me and lots of other players back then.
Joining lod after 1.10 was peak power creep and a fully different game. But worse in lots of ways. I think d2 lod 1.10+ is still a good game, but I still miss my pre 1.10 classic.

But after many years with 1.10+ I think huge overhauls can only make it worse. They wonā€™t revert back to 1.09 or earlier stages. So I think buffing weak skills and adding new rws with similar power level as current bis rws would be good enough.

I think itā€™s fair to be on godmode in pvm after getting the most rare items in game.

On the topic of hammerdin, just change a side area to lvl 85 and add density and fill it with magic immunes. A5 has lots of content untouched by most players. There are still dungeons in other acts that can get buffed to 85 and get resistance adjusted.

Bam, lots of areas a hdin canā€™t farm efficient. Maybe also add lightning immunes that canā€™t be broken by infinity and you buff fire builds too.

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Not enough magic immune monsters is the biggest issue with them.

There were Loads of Hybrids.
Amazon- 20 LF, GA, and MultiShot was a Popular build to do cows before they were nerfed.
Nova Sorc- 20 nova, 20 static, 1 pt frost nova, and 20 into Frozen orb.
These 2 were my personal favorite but the list goes on and on.

Not so. In addition to 1.10 Monsters in nightmare and Hell recieved a Huge increase across the board to all there stats including HP. Before this increase Hybrids performed very well killing mobs similar to full synergized characters of today. Once 1.10 dropped all these builds simply underperformed.

There were already RWs in the game since the beggining and Yes before the introduction of the 1.10 RWs yellow items were very viable. Eth zerker axes with fools mod and ed were worth a kings ransom. Finding a windforce or a lidless wall was a very good day.

Adding things like Enigma, CTA, and Faith were the worst most game breaking things to ever happen to this game.

Immunities is are good but you cant have immunities and a Synergy system.

Fully synergized characters cant complete the game and thats just STUPID.

A new play in single player offline mode will learn that Synergies are good but then will be frustrated when they cant complete the game.

A hybrid build thats contraindicated by synergies would actually be a better build.

So basically get rid of synergies. You would have to make the all the skills perform as it does with all of its Synergies. Or bring Monster Stats back to 1.09 values.

Add Magic immune to the affix table of all the uniques forcing Hammerdins to Diversify into another damage type. There were so manygood Paladin builds back in 1.09 almost nobody would use Blessed Hammer.

With all that in mind the answer is not simply to nerf hammerdins. Hammerdins are a symtpom of the Cancer we call Synergies.

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Well lets look on it? Lighting damage do a) damage over 5k (in PvP) b) stun c) donā€™t require accurate positioning to hit target
hammer do merely 2k in PvP per hit hammer donā€™t stun hammer required very accurate positioning
All in all ā€¦ hammer not even close to the top of the food chain in PvP ā€¦ and who is on the top? Well my bet will be on sin-kicker and smiter

This, I wouldnā€™t call it better.

Repeat with me ā€œNo nerfs! No Nerfs! No Nerfs!ā€

I agree with the guy who dislikes sinergies tho, wouldnā€™t mind if that vanishes from the game so we can choose more than 1 skill tree in peace.

Except a sorc dies in one hit and pallies can sit there and take a beating for 10 hours. Why did you forget to mention that?

Also, 2k per hammer is massive considering how many spin and the fact that they are UNBLOCKABLE UNRESISTABLEā€¦and itā€™s usually the hammer you cant even see that kills you due to server lag / desync

this person right here has a point unlike sorc lightning, sin kicks or pally smite, hammers are unblockable.

Nerf teleport/Enigma and lets see where hammerdins stand

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Never saw the big deal with hammers myself. Zons and Sorcs can clear entire screens of mobs in the time a hammerdin finishes his tiny little clump.