Don’t do it with the Amazon. After my 83 necro got deleted I didn’t want to play the same class and needed a class that didn’t rely on gear since I lost it all.
Rolled a Javazon and got to NM act 5 struggled. Switched to Ice bowazon and got to act 1 hell. So many immune and killed slow. Used my last respect to go back to original plan of Javazon. Was so awful I got so frustrated I just deleted her at level 75.
And I played Diablo 2 day 1 for 10 years. But you forget somethings. Also these respects were not in the game. I also would just get rushed through hell and do ball runs and be level 85 in 3hrs.
Not use to the struggle. I would of been fine if my Necro didnt get deleted.
Same here. PS5 Offline Mode. Lost most of my stuff in shared stash. Is there any information about this situation? Workaround?
Before exiting your last game of the session, go into options and change any setting, press apply, the game will now force a save. Now save and exit.
And don’t keep any valuable items in the shared stash until it’s fixed to be on the safe side.
Try force save like this:
- Open stash and select last shared page;
- Close stash;
- Open stash and wait for autosave icon appear;
- Close stash;
- Press the Options button (PS4/PS5);
- Go to Options and click “Save and Exit” button;
- Press “Change Character” (Triangle for PS4/PS5) and wait for autosave icon appear;
- Press and hold down the PS button then select close application (PS4/PS5);
Perhaps not all actions are necessary, but I had no problems with six saves in a row.
Video Link: YouTube
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I just lost a Sorceress Torch 15/19 this way, please refund or restore my torch
Just logged in after this morning’s Blizzard’s issues and many of the items I was wearing have disappeared (e.g. sacred target spirit perfect FCR, +2 paladin amulet, etc.). Now what? Damn Blizzard…
And for some reason, my horadric cube is gone too 
If your cube is gone you have no choice but to restart a new character. And do it offline to prevent to lose anything more to rollbacks.
Be careful with the shared stash though, read this thread for tips.
Actually, I just went to the Halls of the dead and got the cube back there. The items I spent a lot of runes and jewels to craft are however still gone :’(
I am on a PC and blizzard just deleted my tal rasha belt… WTF, plz fix this blizzard
PS4, every rune, gem, skull that i had ALL OF IT GONE. everything i have been tediously saving and organizing, stuff i would take unnecessary time to keep my tabs looking clean and nice. all of it gone!!! the best part of this game just got ripped from me. fix it or i want my money back, this is unplayable.
Here just to say that it happened again (second time so far). Moved all my gems and skulls in a shared tab (I really needed the space in my personal stash). I tried following the methods highlighted here (forcing save files, letting the console idle after exiting the game etc). Nope. All gems are gone.
Whatever… thank you blizz. Clap clap
Same here PS5 offline mode. Half of the items in shared stash are gone.
Same here (playing offline PS5). Lost a lot of items from my stash . First noticed some runes missing. A few days later some rings/amulets. Yesterday I found my first unique item (a paladin shield) and now it is gone. Saved the game before shutting it down, but it makes no difference… Will not play the game until they fix this. Really sucks.
This happened to me aswell twice, offline mode @ PS5.
I lost all my gems and skulls the first time… 
Next time I tried with some potions just to see if the bug was still there. Same thing happened.
Hello, I also have had items in shared stash vanish.
For me it seems to be whenever I close the application down.
same, jfc this launch has been somewhat of a disaster
I have a same issue, here.
Kicked from the server then lost item, include the Horadric cube, some charams and runes.
Happening to me too. Items get duped sometimes and then other timesI lose items. How does this happens offline? Obviously we are NOT fully offline. This coincides with server issues.
I haven’t had this issue lately and I think it’s because I’ve been doing one or both of these things:
- While stash is open, wait for the auto-save icon to appear before closing it.
- Save and exit on main character, then log in to a mule to offload items that were put into the shared stash.
I still have kept some random junk like common runes/gems/potions in the shared tabs, and haven’t noticed them disappearing. There’s a new patch for consoles that “fixes various stability issues”, and so if someone can confirm whether this issue still exists after updating to the latest patch it would be much appreciated.
Have anyone confirmed if the latest patch solved this bug?