Same issue. Ps5 offline. Having bugs is acceptable. Completely ignoring paying customers having a critical issue, is not. Get it together Blizzard or I want a refund. A response would be great.
Same here, after I saved and exit the game, the stash cannot store items properly, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t work, when it is not, the items just vanish, it feels like the game is back in time, the items that I stored went missing, the items that I sell or moved will back to the time where I not selling the items or move the items.
I play in offline mode and my PS5 doesn’t even connect to the internet, which means the game can’t even save properly.
Same issue with my offline character on PS4 with my necromancer. Had amassed a collection of runes and other set items and they disappeared completely from my shared stash and personal stash. Items I had sold reappeared… also worth noting is that my map progression, as far as how much of the map was completed, kept resetting.
Any word from Blizzard? Logged in this morning and all my shared stash tabs are empty.
Nope, utter radio silence on their end.
Are we console peasants deliberately being ignored in favor of the pc master race …?
Is this bug even a thing on pc? Does anybody know?
Same issue here. I lost a complete shared stash full of runes, gems and rings. 30 hours of collecting and farming for nothing??
How you can take 40€ for this? Totaly frustrated and pissed off by the NONreaction…refund incoming.
Mesma coisa aqui!!! Perdi um monte de runas, itens únicos e gemas!!! Que droga!!!
I just start to play yesterday, few hours of my collecting are gone… (ps4, offline) From all of those 4 stash. Omg, really? JUST REPAIR THIS GAME! We can’t play this in this condition! Or is it tax to us, who don’t want to play online and pay for that real money for PS Plus, when on pc is this option TOTALLY FREE??
- I believe PC doesn’t have this issue.*
My items missing again… I thought I can fix the issue by fast travel before “save and exit”.
Same. This is the second time it’s happened to me in every single one of my shared tabs (haven’t tried personal yet), also all my gems I’ve upgraded in the cube have reverted back to lesser qualities (though still there) though my quest progression, from the time I received the items I’m missing, is also still there; so the saved state is being saved but for some reason the items in stashed is bugged. it’s semi recent since this character was made 3-4 days ago (hardcore offline ps5 necro) and items from first 2 days are still there (besides gems resetting back to chipped/flawed) but the items from last 2 days are gone.
Originally I thought it might have been some sort of save bug from when I loaded the game and it compared both console and cloud storage (it just autoselected and loaded instead of asking for my choice), but if that were the case my quest progression would also have been lost.
I have tried to wait for autosave before saving and quiting but that didn’t help any.
Hopefully this gets fixed soon and doesn’t carry over to online (I haven’t played online in a few days so I haven’t seen if it’s happening there or not as well).
So it happened to me I lost stuff and all my money out of private stash even took the horadric cube… if there is now way to gwt it back without starting over I would like my money back you can keep your game
They’ve released several patches for PC but none for console, I can’t believe that Blizzard hasn’t had a single word about this stash bug, they would rather work on the ladder instead of fixing the broken shared stash for the console.
I had an idea for using shared stashes, hope this would help.
You only can move the items from the “PERSONAL” tab to the “SHARED” tab when you first enter the game, after that please do not put any items into the “SHARED” stash until you enter the game for the next time. BUT YOU CAN MOVE THE ITEMS FROM THE “SHARED” STASH INTO THE “PERSONAL” TAB IF YOU WANT.
which means you only use the “PERSONAL” stash to keep your items when you playing the game and only move the items to the “SHARED” stash when entering the game.
The reason behind this is to avoid items missing.
The items in the “PERSONAL” stash will not disappear.
When the “reset” occurs, the items in the “SHARED” stash will either disappear or return to the previous state… Which mean your items will appear in your “PERSONAL” stash if the “reset” occurs.
Once the items are confirmed and stay in the “SHARED” stash, they will not disappear, but if you move the items from the “SHARED” tab to the “PERSONAL” tab, the items may appear on both stashes after you re-open the game, which means duplicated, it depends on luck.
Personal stash not reset in this case and item disappear.
I’m glad I’m not the only one having this problem, it’s happened to me numerous times. I keep losing gems and runes I put into shared stash and it’s like wtf man. I even lost like 250k gold. I swear we better get our stuff back and like some kind of compensation for this crap. This is ridiculous dude. I even experienced data leveling loss for one of my characters. It was the Paladin and apparently I found out it was cause I used the same name as my PsN name which for whatever reason bugs out that character and effs it up and prevents it from being able to level up proper and everything. The game will even start crashing repeatedly if you attempt to play with that character so I was forced to delete it. I’m not sure but that character I had may have caused my stash bug issue too because I didn’t experience it until after that character I made and even after deleting it I’m still experiencing the bug now with the shared stash. I basically can’t use shared stash at all now or at least one of them which is the one I had my gems and runes in. This is ridiculous.
This has happened to me multiple times. This game is trash
Are you saying that your items can disappear in the personal stash?
So during playing the game, don’t place any items in the shared stash, just use the personal stash, you only move the items to the shared stash you want when you entering the game.
The game is very very good. IMO one of the best of all time. The problem right now is that the Resurrected edition is also very very broken which makes it difficult to play at the best of times. Right now it is very frustrating that we pretty much just have to wait for Blizzard to fix it and they are not helping matters much by not communicating at all with the community.