Items Disappearing from Stash

No, I say if you move item from personal stash to shared. Game save personal stash state without (removed) item. And if shared stash not saved item not appear in personal stash.
Shared stash reset to previous state (without item) and personal stash keep current state (removed item).
Personal stash always saved in current state without rollbacks for me.

I know the items in the personal stash is always saved. So you currently won’t use the shared stash until they fix?

I use a shared stash to store items for other classes, but I know there is no guarantee that I will not lose these items. And I have lost a lot of good items that can help me start other classes.
In current state of game you can use only personal stash.

(ps 4,offline mode) OK, SO WE MAYBE HAVE A SOLUTION: Do you realize that is a problem primary on ps4/ps5 console? It is somewhere in comunication between ps4/ps5 and game. It is not necesary be only ingame problem. We tried simply thing, on 2 different profiles and it is really working - for now:

  1. Play game and save and exit to the main title.
  2. Load your game again, control your items in stash, if they still there.
  3. Save and exit, exit the game completely.
  4. Let your console idle for a while before turning it off (don’t turn off your internet connection). We tried cca 15-20 minutes.
  5. Then turn off your console.
    We try this for a few days, lething our loot in all stashes, personal and shared. Everything is on its place. Hope it will work then they will fix this crap. But who knows…? GOOD LUCK TO EVERYBODY.

The shared stash seems to be reliable if you save and exit, then re-login with another character. I’ve created mule characters to store my most valuables and haven’t lost anything in the shared stash from logging out and back in with the mules to retrieve items. I have only lost items after powering off my PS5 for the night and re-logging in the next day.


Is this fixed after todays patch?
Just tested play a view hours, save exit , shut down PS5, restart and poof everything is gone so this patch did not fix it
Back to path of exile and waiting on Sony for a refund

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I just had this happen to me again. Not fixed…

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They took my horadric cube and prismatic amulet

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Definitely not fixed.
I just spent half an hour after the update storing loot, save & exited, then restarted the console to see. The Stash didn’t save and I still lost everything I added to the Stash in that half an hour. Things added in the Inventory were kept though.

Every time I play this I lose something. I’ve probably lost 40% of my items overall.
There are things in my Stash that I sell literally every time I play, but they’re still there the next time I load the game.

I would never have spent £35 buying a game as soon as it came out, especially not a digital version, apart from Diablo. This just shows why. If they haven’t fixed it
by now within the weeks since it’s been released (although these issues were raised during the Beta, actually), then I doubt they’ll be fixed soon.


콘솔판 입니다… 인그래도 온라인이 시작부터 서버 터져가지고 싱글플레이나 하며 유유자적하고 있었는데 자꾸 공용보관함에 넣었던 아이템과 룬 보석 등등 모든 오브제들이 계속 없어집니다… 스피리트랑 통찰력 재료들도 반은 증발했고… 어느정도 감안하며 플레이 해보려 했으나 한두번도 아니고 하루 두 번은 이런 일이 발생하니 속이 부글부글 끓네요. 제 노력에 대한 보상들은 어쩝니까? 그냥 별 볼일 없는 휘발성 데이터 조각에 인생을 허비한 기분이 듭니다.

I feel so sad about this. Yesterday I sorted ALL my gems (about 20 hours of playtime) in one of the shared tabs. Today it is completely empty. How is this tolerable? Way to kick your players in the butt, Blizzard. They really cannot get one right nowadays.

Feel so unmotivated to keep playing now.


PS5 Same happened to me 2 times already why blizzard cant fix something like that they should communicate about this issue and say when they are going to fix it otherwise best is to return the game

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My Unique Gravenspine Bone Wand item is lost !!! I just deleted the game, give me back my money now !!!

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its a new mechanic, its called “shred the evidence” its a real world reference to shredding all the evidence in the PR department because of the lawsuit lol. but unfortunately yes my friend lost items too. this is silly…

PS4 offline.
Same problems since day 1. Last patch (1.03) didn’t fix it.
Blizzard doesn’t care. Too busy removing sexy women and names of developers from games they didn’t created.

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I’m playing on PS4, and this has happened to me 3 times so far. The first time there was a rare wand I had gotten for my main character, that I had equipped, disappeared, a bunch of rare items that I was saving for another character in my personal stash. The second time, around 60,000 gold and some rare items I was saving for another character out of my personal stash and a shared tab. This last time, it hit me for some more rare items, 6 columns worth of healing and mana potions (3 columns of each), and a couple large charms, and about 55,000 gold out of my shared tabs. This is really aggravating seeing as how I loved this game 21 years ago and enjoying it, for the most part, on my console. Please someone fix this. It’s very disheartening for this to happen.

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I’m playing on PS4 (offline), the same problem happened to me, items disappeared in all shared stash.


Same here, PS4, offline, things are disappearing from stash.

I’m not satisfied with the game, since the nicest thing in it is the shared stash for our multiple characters!

Playstation does not want to refund the game since we played, but the demo won’t show this feature. They say it is an ingame bug, so they won’t do anything about it.

Blizzard replied me 20 hours ago, telling that they are not aware of the issue?!?!?

Some1 knows what we can do as unsatisfied customers??


Same for me as well, just lost a bunch of unique items In my shared stash. Ps4 offline…

The patch didn’t mention fixing the stash bug.

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