lost a runeword weapon, several runes and max total gold from my shared stash pretty discouraging to have to do everything all over again, ps4 pro, offline mode
So far this is the first report I’ve seen of the issue.
Well, they have sat on my ticket since Monday morning without responding to it, so yeah. Also, maybe they should actually look at the bug report and tech support console forums. Yeah, that’d be cool…smh
So, maybe if I mention there is a dupe bug (exploit potential) that goes along along with the offline stash problem we can get some freaking focus on this?!?! Was able to reload my personal stash after selling it off. Did it a couple of times to confirm. Didn’t hit it hard, only a few k in gold, but it’s there alright.
@Kaisersoza Duping is common in offline games as long as it stays offline, no one will be bothered.
Same here, items were deleted from my shared stash while playing offline on PS4/PS5. Lost a set item, a few rares and tons of runes/gems. Tried a test and put some junk in there (1st shared stash tab) and it kept those items for a bit even when I would pull them out and sell them. They would still be there after logging off and then on again. However, logged in again and all the items in that stash tab are deleted again (nothing in the tab).
Pretty crummy bug which makes it really not too fun as I’ve found several legendaries and set items for other classes and I can only put them in my personal tab. Ended up selling most of them off due to space.
Created a support ticket and they responded that they have not heard about this issue on console and recommended that I make a report in this forum. So yeah…
Same here. I’m on a PS4 pro and I’ve noticed I’ve lost a perfect topaz. But more than likely I’ve lost other stuff and just haven’t noticed.
Sort of work around
First put item in shared stash then in normal stash if you don’t have anything for normal stash first collect something from normal put it on character stash then in normal stash
Then in normal stash pick up and drop an item very vast (in stash not floor) until you see the save logo
Do not visit vendor or anything during this steps or it will not work
When you done for the day give all shared stash items to a second character and let him keep it in his stash bin.
Same exact issue here on PS5, offline mode. I tested it last night by taking out a legendary item, putting them in my character’s inventory, putting an unneeded runeword armor into the shared tab, then closing the game for the night. When I logged back in this evening, the legendary item was still in my inventory… but it was also still in the shared tab. The runeword armor, however, was not. I now have a consistent way to duplicate items, it seems.
Do you hear that, Blizzard? Duplicate. Dupe. DUPES. I CAN DUPE ITEMS AT WILL.
…I don’t know what keywords will get your attention, and I know duplicates don’t matter offline, but this is absolutely ridiculous. I’ve lost numerous runes and items - set items and legendaries among them - and I will require a full refund if this isn’t corrected. This is a critical bug that deletes items or can be used to DUPLICATE items (what does it take to get you to respond, Blizzard?). To have your items erased in a game based around finding items is an extremely unacceptable bug. This is not OK. Get your act together or give me my money back.
Guess what lost all items in the 2 last shared storage on offline…
I am playing on PS4 Pro and my offline character(Paladin) lost everything in the first shared stash page. When I look at my console’s save files it does have a save file for the shared stash but when I load in game it’s empty. Fortunately this happened to me during act 1 on a new normal save so I don’t think I lost anything that will hurt me in the long run but please fix this.
I just lost a full tab from my shared stash after exiting the game yesterday, all my gems, lots of potions, and items I wanted to give to another character.
It happens everyday to me. It seems shared stash is rolled back to the first day of my playing. No matter what I put there, the next day it looks exactly the same as on 23rd Sep. Every added item/rune/charm/potion just disappear next day. My personal stash is full and I have no idea where to put my stuff. Farming now is pointless.
One work around that I found was to simply create one character of each class and put all loot I want to share first in shared stash, switch to the desired character and immediately transfer the item to the personal stash of the second character. It seems that loot remains saved in shared stash for a brief while at least.
I created multiple Barbs named “Gems”, “Runes”, “Uniques 1”, “Sets 1” and keep all items there that I want to keep, I do not keep anything in shared right now
So, last night, after having this issue happen to me practically every time I play, I did (at least) two things differently, and today my stash - both individual and shared - was exactly as I left it the night before. No dupes, no missing items, no resets.
The two things I did differently were:
I changed several settings in the menu, accepted those changes to get the save icon to appear, and then reverted them and accepted them again, getting yet another save icon right before I saved and exited for the night. I don’t think what you change matters; getting the save icon is (or could be) the important part.
I left my PS5 in rest mode. Normally I turn it off completely to avoid any harm that could be done to it in the event that the power goes out, and sometimes I feel like a lot of bugs, glitches, and “bad luck” can be avoided by good, hard shutdowns. But last night I needed to charge my controller, so I left it in rest mode immediately after I stopped playing, and it has been in rest mode all night until just now when I checked it on my lunch break.
It’s possible that one or both of these choices made a difference - or it’s possible that neither of them matter and it’s pure coincidence. Perhaps being in rest mode allowed my PS5 to communicate with some relevant server during the night at the time when the stash state is determined. I don’t know. Maybe changing my settings saved the game in a way that, for whatever reason, saving and exiting isn’t doing. I don’t know. None of this makes sense, but maybe it’s helpful.
There are also two other observations worth mentioning. First, I noticed a save icon that popped up on the main menu after sitting there for roughly 20-30 seconds that I haven’t noticed before, likely because I exit the application before then. Maybe sitting in the menu before closing it could help. Second, I put all of my items that I was willing to risk losing in the shared stash early in my play session. I didn’t put anything in there in the last 30 minutes or so of my playtime. This, too, may have played a role. I don’t know.
Maybe these observations will help the responsible parties in figuring out a solution. Or maybe they’re just the minute fixations of a weirdo with a photographic memory and nothing better to do. Either way, here they are. I hope a fix comes soon. In case you missed my previous post, I’m on PS5 in offline mode.
Same for me. This has happened 3x now, but with varying degrees of regularity… altogether probably 60-70 gems, gear, etc. It seems to have loaded some previous save state only in the shared tabs, because I’ve still got the horadric cube in my inventory, the last mission I played. This is frustrating beyond belief, having put in sooo many hours and realizing I can’t set up future characters on fear that my shared items will vanish. Please correct this guys!
Btw, I’m playing on PS4
I lost everything in the shared stash except the top left item (I organized it all last night and put ALL my jewelry into the shared stash) when I logged in this morning, last night I saved and exited. After reading some of the other peoples posts who have the same issue I tried testing it again. I added just 1 potion to the shared stash and put it in the middle, then saved and exited, turned off my PS5. One minute later I turned it back on, entered the game and checked my stash - potion is gone. This bug is persistent - my husband and I are BOTH playing offline so far this has only happened to me and today was the first time but like I said I tried it again and it happened AGAIN. EVERY time I play I Save and Exit. Please fix this - it’s extremely discouraging.
It happened to me for the first time yesterday. I think I’ll stop playing for now and wait until this is fixed
Offline on ps5:
I switched between 4 items for magic find and 4 for progressing…
I logged and the 4 magic find items became a Copy of the other 4 items -_-
Please fixed It.
I’m level 72, i Lost 200 magic find for this and have 4 duped useless items.
I Guess i would ask for a refund
I just got in and found that all runes in the third shared chest slot disappeared.
Very disappointed. The other shared spaces have things still in them. Only runes all gone, about 25 of them. Wish to get them back, after such a long playtime.