This is also happening to me, lost a bunch of runes and stuff… The runes sometimes reappear but nothing else does. Only in shared tabs for me in offline mode
Lost some first day offline and just lost runes, jewels and charms now. All from shared stash, personal stash has been fine.
(Offline(PS5))I have had the same issue since launch. Over and over again. Items in my stash simply go away. Nothing like grinding for hours to get the runes you need for words just to have them disappear. I have also lost over 9 hours of game play after saving and turning off for the night. Woke up to find that my character was an entire act behind and lost 12 levels. This game is great…Totally not broken at all.
Same here!!! I lost everything valuable from my shared stash! Only thing which is left is few potions! I had first shared stash full of health potions, second full of mana potions and the last one full of “golden” items and necklaces, rings etc… This is sp f. up when you realize how much time it took to store all of it and now it’s gone… I’m so mad I’d return the game instantly back…
Yes. I feel your pain my friend. I deleted the game off of my console around the 5th time it happen to me. I simply no longer have the emotional strength to keep playing. Sad too. I have been playing Diablo since the 90’s.
Same here, I’m playing the game with the console network turned OFF because of the game CRASHES
and this happens every time I “save and quit” the game.
some times I will go online and check in with my friends and then turn the network connection OFF and start the game…
same loop these days
Is it not funny? The first time I saved a game was Zelda on the NES…Crazy how it’s 2021 and Blizzard can’t seem to figure out how to get such a simple mechanic working.
Spent more then 8 hours of playing and collecting items only to loose them all and get set back to 2nd act quest 1. Lost all my loot and money. I had to just turn it off not playing tell they fix it. I really used to love this game. But why play if this is going to happen over and over.
How do you exit the game? Do you just close the game or do you select “save and exit” first?
Last night my shared stash reverted to a previous state where recently added items disappeared and recently removed items reappeared. I’m going to try putting my Horadric Cube in the shared stash tonight and see what happens.
So I ran little test last night. Played for a couple hours, picked up a ton of stuffs. Put almost all of it in personal, but put a single mana potion in each shared tab. Logged in just now to check, everything in Personal, including gold is there, no loss. All three shared tabs are empty. I have only two offline chars, so the online/offline same name char thing is not in play. PS4 Pro.
Im in act 5 and it is still happening
I think after my first play through im done with this game
This is the response I got from support
Hey there,
Tech Specialist Lorrothir at your service. Thank you for reaching out to us. I know it’s not easy to have items go missing while trying to share them between characters. I’ll do my best to help go over the situation.
So far this is the first report I’ve seen of the issue. I went ahead and created a tracking internally so that if any other similar reports come up they can be handled appropriately, and so that if there does turn out to be some sort of game bug then our developers have the info they need to investigate and resolve the issue.
Please bare in mind that any resolution from Dev would be an update to the game and it would most likely not restore any lost items. Hopefully the problem was just a one-off but if it continues to happen please dont’ hesitate to reopen the request.
I hope this info helps! If there’s anything else you might need just let us know! Thanks for playing and enjoy the games!
Reopened my ticket.
Please log your tickets under support regarding this issue
Greetings Japie,
Tech Specialist Ektiledil at your service! Thank you for your report. We will pass this info to Diablo II: Resurrected development team. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.
I’m afraid we won’t be able to restore lost items as offline character data is stored locally (on your console), we don’t have a backup. Hopefully this can be fixed quickly and you won’t have to deal with it again.
Kind regards,
Blizzard Entertainment
Same problem for me. Only items from shared stash. Offline mode, ps5. Hopefully i am not the only one. Farming now is wasting time.
Yeah i feel ya pain its the same 4 me blizzard plz fix dis
I have had the same issue, it seems that my whole shared stash was reverted to an earlier state with items I’ve sold back but all the items, including a ton of gems, runes, and unique items just gone. It was fine yesterday coming and going from the game but when I logged on today, all gone.
Yep seems like its happening to lots of people BLIZZARD plz fix the disappearing items from stash!!
Same here end of act 3 saved and quit, restarted, Horadric Cube, is gone! Along with the Flail and Heart! This has happened 3 times! Ive gone back to the halls of the dead, gotten the cube, saved and quit, Only to have it disappear again! WTF?
This is some BS! I too lost all of my gems and runes. Losing that progress makes a me not even want to play the game. This needs to be fixed asap.
Same issue with the ps5, shared stash, poof all items gone overnight. @blizzardteam fix the issue or issue a refund. >$60/game console/PC this sounds like a class action header. Just saying that time is money and a lot of people here have spent the time and money for enjoyment only to be given less than satisfactory results. Cyberpunk 2077 had the right ideal, refund and fix it properly
Same issue here on PS5, I lost all runes (about 20?) from my hared stash after I made some sorting yesterday and moved them all to one of the shared tabs. Today I loggeg in and all runes were gone, only some jewels that were there previously were left in this tab. Looks like it saved my personal after I move the runes, but rolled back shared one to a state from before I moved all of them.