I play on PS5 and I have also lost several items from various shared stash. I also found a duplicate of 2 items in another stash. Not sure how I did that as I was not trying to do anything like that. I have lost perfect gems, lost the Lem rune I got to drop and a Do rune I was able to transmute. I’m not a super fast player, hence why I play solo offline. This is very frustrating as it is happening all of the time. Please fix Blizzard!
Bump ! PS4. Happens to me too. Frequently losing shared stash loot, or duplicating. Gems, runes and items. I placed a unique item in shared, then moved it a in personal stash. When i came back next day, I had this unique item in the shared stash AND in my personal stash. It duplicated. Thanks
This morning i check my chest an everything on my chest was gone!!!
Playing only single-player, offline, had multiple cases when stuff had disappeared from the shared stash. But not only that. It occasionally looks like not all progress of the session didn’t save correctly - sometimes map didn’t save at all, sometimes experience is missing. It seems all those bugs are random to me.
I’m having the same issue on ps4.
Lost a bunch of nice runes. It appears that when playing in offline mode and not connected to bnet anything placed in a shared stash tab will not get saved. If I play in offline mode while connected to bnet things placed in a shared stash will get saved. For some reason the shared stash tabs are connected to battlenet.
When you save&exit after putting something in the shared stash.
Start another game again before closing the game fully
(I usually use the same character that placed something in the shared stash to begin with)
and save&exit one more time.
NOW you can close the game.
Shared stash should save. Basically just always double save&exit the game when you finish playing and are getting ready to close the game completely.
Diablo win. I deleted my offline character.
Platform: Playstation 4
Mode: Single player
Hello, I have the same problem. I have experimented three times. When I put unique item or set item on Shared Stash and exit the game (using “Save and Exit” after auto-save icon) the Items disappear.
I have put unique/set item in Shared, left the game and when i’'ve back in the game only unique/set items disappered. General items in Shared and all items (including unique/set items) in Personal Stash is fine.
I thought when I create new single char there will be a link between old and new characters and Shared will be work. But no. It didn’t help.
When I put on Shared Stash mana potion and exit the game the mana potion was saved ;p
Does blizzard have any answers on this issue? Soon everyone will lose interest in this game with this approach. Every time things disappear from the chest.
Moreover, as I understand it, this problem has been going on since 2012. That is, the company has been unable to do anything about it for 9 years.
I contacted support directly and they told me they were not aware of the issue, so I don’t think it will be fixed.
They have advised of the issue with Regional databases and a Global Database and a lack of sync between the two causing stuff to disappear.
They advised last week they have a fix to ensure regional and global databases are in sync and will have a PTR to test it soon.
There is also a client side patch coming to add more info on the queue system and bug fixes.
We just need to be patient.
known problem since 2012, still not solved … what a shame and shame …
This bug is for offline/single player only. Has nothing to do with the servers/databases.
ich habe das selbe Problem. Bestimmt schon 5 Legendäre + Set Items etc. alles weg!
Ist es irgendwie möglich sich die Sachen wieder herstellen zu lassen?
Bei einem Unternehmen wie Blizz mit der Erfahrung ist es einfach unglaublich das soetwas passiert und man dann als Spieler nicht mal support bekommt.
Echt enttäuschend!!!
And yet occurs because it seems to be saving a copy of your save to the their database even if your char is offline.
No, I have played with my console disconnected for the past 2 weeks after the black screen bug. And I still have items disappearing from the shared stash.
I lost fun playing Diablo 2. So many items gone and Blizzard give a s**t about it.
The bug still has not been addressed in the latest patch notes.
20 years wasn’t patient enough?
Will do a test tonight and report back tomorrow. Thanks for the suggestion.