Items Disappearing from Stash

For me saving twice does the trick.

  1. Save&Exit
  2. Don’t close the game, wait for the red pentagram to disappear on the character select screen
  3. Enter the game again with the same character (just press “Play”)
  4. Save&Exit again
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Just saw Rhykkers video mentioning that items disappearing may be linked to the maximum file size for D2R where it is still the same limit as D2 and with more stash space we may be breaching that limit.

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I lost a few yellow items I wanted to give alts. Put them in shared stash. Now they’re gone. Blizzard is really screwing the pooch with this beloved game. Server issues and missing stash are both very bad practices for this classic title.
Is Blizzard reading these concerns or just ignoring the community?

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I lost my ohm rune from shared stash on PS5. Crafted few days ago. Today i was trying make CTA and rune is gone!

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I haven’t played the game in about a month after uninstalling it. I’m keeping an eye out for a fix…hopefully. Still disappointed with Blizzard. Recently, I came across a couple players who live in Alberta Canada that haven’t seen this issue with the stash loot disappearing. They are playing offline too. I’m info gathering at the moment…I’ll pass on any relevant info I learn.

UPDATE False alarm…both players are on PC’s. I guess we console players don’t rate a fix.:rage:

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Lost a few items yesterday, I think double saving does work but we really shouldn’t have to quit and save, wait, go back into the game, quit and save, wait just to save our shared stash. Needs to be fixed asap

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When I have talked with blizzard support they have said 2 times now that they were not aware of the bug, so don’t hold your breath that it will be fixed.

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It just happened to me. All my precious stones are gone and my unique items too. I was about to defeat diablo in the fourth act!…

Really frustrating. I’ve paid 80 bucks for a remastered game still there’s some bugs like this.

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I haven’t played for ages but I’m keeping an eye on this thread.

This isn’t just a bug it’s a breach of trust.

The whole point of Diablo is to collect loot.

The whole point of a stash is to provide a place to store your loot.

For items to be (randomly?) deleted from the stash is a game-breaking bug and frankly I’m incredulous that this hasn’t been fixed as a priority.

How will we ever know if it’s safe to store loot in our stash? To my knowledge nobody “official” has even acknowledged this bug exists.

As I said, it’s a breach of trust with the consumer and trust is … hard to win back.

I know, I know, I should lower my expectations. There’s plenty of other games to play and plenty of worse problems in the world.

But in the context of this game, and these forums, this ongoing situation is absurd.


Their developers must be fixing PC part first. No man left for consoles. We have to wait for PC to be stable I guess

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Omg I had an Unid 118 Shako in my last shared stash tab yesterday and now its gone… just wow


I can’t play anymore I keep losing items all the time now.

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seems to have found a solution. For at least a week, things have not been lost …settings, save and exit, wait on the screen for the save icon on the character selection screen. Then enter the game by pressing play. After that, just exit the game through saving.
I do this every day and so far nothing has disappeared .


I lost all my charms (10) I stashed cause I was moving staff around. It is sad that this bug still exists. Thank you diablo 3 all useful charms are gone and I am left with nothing… Anyone got a clue why and when it happens? I was playing on Hell act 1 and checked my stash and puff gone.

I may try this, but it’s a bandaid. I’ve been blowing off any temporary fixes, even using mules. I got tired of that after one game session. Lol. I just lost interest in the game…maybe even AFTER a fix. Huge letdown…

UPDATE I finally pulled the game out of mothballs and decided to try the ‘two saves’ work-around. I did a test with about a two hour break between game sessions…it worked. I play again until the wee hours, until I got the Horadric Cube…which I put in my personal stash. I created some gems with it, then I put them and a few mid-range weapons and armor into two shared stashes. I logged back in a while ago…all the weapons and armor were gone, and the gems I created were pieces again. At least I didn’t lose them entirely.
So it worked partially…not enough for me to continue playing. Putting in the work to create and save stuff then have it kinda disappear is stupid. I did notice that another update occurred while I was checking my stashes. We’ll see what happens.

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No need to wait for anything just save twice before closing the game. You don’t need to wait for the spinning pentagram. Save yourself the time :stuck_out_tongue:


Have the exact same issue. I sent a report with no answer whatsoever. This is absolutely non acceptable.


I can’t believe such a big and reputated company as Blizzard could have decided to ship the game with such a game breaker bug.

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This doesn’t always work.


Same here. It’s not a very bit deal I lost about 6 gems … but if I had like a Jah an Ith and a Ber in there and then they would be missing, I would ask for a refund.
How can items dissapear from the offline stash?