Item Drop rates are good enough and here is why

I have only played zerker barb so far in ladder, with a mix of solo and public games with very little trading. I am level 90 and rank ~1,100 on the barbarian ladder leaderboard.

My best items:

Chest armor: Stealth
Helm: Lore helm
Weapon: Malice, Spirit Crystal Sword, Non-descript uniques
Shields: Spirit Monarch, Ancient Pledge, Rhyme, (Lidless wall that someone dropped in town), few not helpful uniques
Gloves: Rare glove
Boots: Infernostrike, rares, (Goblin Toes that someone dropped in town)
Belt: Rare, Low level set belts
Amulet: +1 barb skill rare amulet, Tal Amulet
Rings: Rare rings (No unique rings found)
Sunder Charms: Have all types (found 5 and traded for magic & physical)
Best rune so far: Io
Merc has infinity (Made both an insight bow and infinity polearm)

Your experience is different than mine. I do not have an enigma & harlequin crest & ali baba & unique rings etc…

Let’s just consider my uniques per item slot:

Weapons: Found alot of weapons, nothing good enough to currently equip
Helm: 2 nothing special (merc has one helm since it has life leech)
Shield: Few not helpful, (Got lidless wall that someone dropped in town)
Boots: Infernostrike x2 (got goblin toe that someone dropped in town)
Belts: None (have some low level set belts)
Chest Armor: Level 17 unique
Gloves: None
Rings: None
Amulets: None; however, found Tal amulet

Not at all. Im saying ppl have different experience depending if they use these third party website. U dont agree? U defend cheat for no good reason.

So u denying that ppl who use d2jsp progress much faster than those who dont? If u spend fg to gear smiter up u also can sell torches rly early on for a huge amount. Not everyone is dumb and dont know how to invest on proper things. Seem like u use d2jsp but still are a trash player.

So u saying ppl who use d2jsp gets wealth faster and therefor have a different experience compare to those who dont… xD

Its simple economics. U deny that aswell? Well u not very educated are u.

No im not. U missing the whole point but your emotions make u blind. I never complained about the droprates being low. Im saying ppl experience the game different. Ppl who use d2jsp or highjack games get a huge advantage. I alrdy stated i highjack ppls games. I find it dumb that i have to do it to gear up quicker.

Some ppl dont wanna ruin other ppls games or use third party websites. The game isnt supposed to be like that so u cant blame them for not abusing these. Its bad design.

Just like droprates shouldnt be designed around botters so shouldnt it be designed around using a third party website which enables ppl to bring wealth from a previous season. Or ppl ruining ppls game just so they can find more items.

So u not using d2jsp means ppl who use it wont have benefit? Tunnelvision x20000

You mean Insight not Infinity, right?

You also do not have “trading currency”. Wink wink. :wink:

Drop rates are fine bro, we just get items from botters/ exploiters!
In Hardcore there are less botters and you can see how scarce items are, and how fair legit players abhor them.

Correct. I have two insights. If I had two infinities already…

I didnt have any trading currency from time before season 2 either.

Does not matter dude, you get your items from RMT people who exploit and bot. Trust me, I know that “trading platform” very well.

I got most of my items from people on trading discords. Well most of my runes.

I didnt really buy any other items than runes with exception of annihilus.

Yes and we are sure those people don’t bot and exploit.
Drop rates are so fine that I think in 20+ years I am not sure if I got Jah and Ber dropped to me.

Drop Rates are set in stone and they just suck, personal anecdote don’t really have room when there is factual data.

Did you look at my items? This is more representative of people who do not have a dedicated group and not doing much trading.

However, even a mid-tier runeword like grief needs lo. Enigma needs ber/jah. My best rune is Io.

Nonsense, if you would play like me your drop on average will be same. This is not about anecdotal different experience.

Its quite simple actualy, people who do not have much dont know how to play well to get stuff. Or they dont invest a lot of time at all.

But mostly its about skill and knowledge. To know where and how with what farm effectively.

Its harsh reality and tough to hear, i know…

Is this your excuse for anything? Botters mostly sell stuff to RMT sites. Is it possible that there are some individuals who had bot on discord trading servers? Possible but unlikely.

Dude like you seriously think botter need to buy my shako for ohm? No :joy: they dont need to buy stuff like i was selling. Their bots dont need it. People bot to get stuff, not to buy stuff for bots.

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It’s a skill and knowledge, imagine saying something like that unironically when it comes to RNG and the ratio is public for everyone to see. :roll_eyes:

Some people really have inferior complexity or what. Come on Zax get real dude.

How many hours did you play so far this season.

What do you mean with dedicated group. We did speedrun and then rushing our main chars, anyone can do this. You were free to join any group or make your own. After that i was mostly doing mf runs solo on my own. I didnt get any items from them. I got only help with torch to get my own.

I stand behind what i said 100%. There is reason many people struggle not finding anything in many hours. Skill and game knowledge is very important.

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Alot. I am level 90.

I did alot of public multiplayer games.

How many mf solo runs? Is this what you are referring to for not getting any items?

How did you get your high runes for the enigma?

I did too but only for leveling or for lower/upper kurast objects runs where i was on my own.

I mean our group, i didnt get any items from them really. I had frozen orb sorc so she is not even that goid mf farmer above p1. 99% of items you see on my barb or i had on sorc is all found by me. As far as i can remember i bought only annihilus, Jah, Lo and some lesser runes with stuff i found.

I have also Call to arms +5 bo on my Sorc :slight_smile:

I am mostly lone wolf player prefering solo mf runs. So i did just very few runs with my initial group. But that was mostly to level up or find sunder charms day 1.

Just give us an online SSF ladder and then make any chance you like to multiplayer. I honestly belive both camps are left happy.

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Found two Sur runes so i combined to Ber, our speedrun group placed in tournament so my share in team was Jah. But when i think about it, it didnt matter even if we didnt win anything as I could sell my cta +5 for Jah most likely.

Basicly all higher runes I found myself:

2x Ist

I was mostly doing diablo runs hell with my orb sorc, it took like 5 minutes and i eventuaky made it in like 3 later with better gear. Few andy and meph runs. Very early mf runs with group for sunder charms. A lot of hours wasted by boring leveling to 91. Several hours of lower/upper kurast object runs in full games (some gg charms, sur, vex,ist from there)

This is me day 2 of season btw

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Full games, full games and full games…sounds like you’re advocating for players command :wink:

No, i am against it for online play :slight_smile:

Read and watched. Didn’t convince. Hence why I said you were wrong, and always have been. There’s probably some fancy term for the logical fallacy you’re committing, doubling down that your argument must be convincing… so by being unconvinced I must not have reviewed your opinion.

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