Item Drop rates are good enough and here is why

trading? also, at no time during any reset is a barb torch worth a ber.


people complaining about drop rates need to start trading.

if youā€™re argument is, ā€˜i cant find my own jah and ber to make enigma, therefore the drop rates need increased.ā€™ to that i say, this isnt diablo 3, trading exists for a reason. if you dont like trading, multiplayer d2r isnt for you.


yes, drop rates are fine. You literally do not need ā€œGGā€ gear to complete the game. The key is not to be jelly of wealthy players. Just play the game at youā€™re own pace. WHen the drops to come, it will feel super rewarding.


Nonsense, good gear is needed for PVP.

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Good gear is needed to make lots of builds viable and efficient. Enigma for Hammerdin, Grief for Barbarian, Infinity for Javazon/ Light Sorc, etc.

Basic D2 knowledge.

I donā€™t feel ā€œrewardedā€ when I get good loot because I know how many hours it took for it. Itā€™s just time sink.

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Hammerdin is viable with 2x spirit. it can complete the game, same with fist of heavens. Jav zon can complete hell with poison jav/Charge strike build, with minimal gear. Barbs idk, I havenā€™t played them in a long time.

You could try switching up youā€™re play style. Always open chests, and try killing monsters on the way to bosses.

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Not viable at all, especially not in Hardcore.

How efficient is it too? How many minutes compared to someone with Enigma? Javazon is also trash without Infinity, mostly same for Light Sorc.

Builds are gate-kept by those items.

Anyways it is pointless to discuss I have a feeling TZ was just the start. Blizzard knows.

I wouldnā€™t complain too much about a small bump in drop rates. Although that doses not change the fact its rng, and people are still going to complain they canā€™t find anything. Our high runes are kind of like primals in d3. They take a lot of time as they should. Its not pointless. Iā€™m sorry you donā€™t like the current drop rates.

I played path of diablo for awhile. The drop rates are alot higher, its pretty fun in tis own way. GIve it a try. Only problem is they are a little too high. Token could get you a ber in path of diablo.

There are plenty of good options. Just figured if there was an XP bonus in inferno mode and perhaps some way or organizing a more ideal way to MF in that mode then XP is solved and people can farm in their solo games if they chose. maybe make P1 inferno the same as P5 hell. Then they would have had all the time in the world to figure out the immunity BS. They should ahve reworked useless uniques/sets long ago and while there are a ton of bases, there is typically just a few that are worth anything of note. Should perhaps even them out a bit.

I disagree about representative. At this point in the ladder you can get better geared from free items games (you may not like them though), scavenging other people cows (you may not like that too). Not doing much trading seems somewhat misleading - for about 40 PGs (and dunno if rals are currency already too) you should be able to get full budget version. At lvl 90 there is no way you didnt manage acumulate 40 PGs.

And some people arenā€™t going to play your way, too bad for you.

I donā€™t care if they do. The faster people progress the more the economy benefits through item generation to trade. Seems like you donā€™t use it and are still a trash person.

I progressed pretty quickly without making any jsp sales because I have friends and we help each other. You should try it, but before that you need to become a better person.

^What did I just say!? You canā€™t even spell a three letter word and you want to talk about other peopleā€™s education. You probably think raising the minimum wage fixes the real life economy and you want to talk about buying power.

^Says other people are emotional while being a snide passive aggressive malcontent that openly admits to hijacking other peoples games because no one would actually choose to play with you. Big surprise there. I canā€™t wait for your response mewling about being a ā€œvictimā€ of the system necessitating you to be a stain on the community.

I have been using jsp, but no one bought what I was selling, so I traded in game instead. Even if people were building mega wealth day 1 with it, I wouldnā€™t care because Iā€™m not a control freak like you.

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My guess is bot ran 240 hours.


In other words u didnt get the point and spit out random stuff. What a fool u are rly.

Never said anything about playing my way. Im explaining that ppl have different experience. Are u rly that dumb? Nvm u are.
And yes denying fact and rather believe in your own conspiracy theories is rly something only stupid rly stupid ppl do.

ā€œYou donā€™t understaaaand. Iā€™m just saying that I have no problem with people having a different experience than me while whining about people having a different experience than me.ā€

So u truly didnt read. As thats not what i said. I said ppl have a different experience depending if they use d2jsp or highjack or bot. And sure i believe its a bad design to balance the game around the ppl who do these things. To start with its considered cheating and hijacking isnt rly a nice way to play the game.

Im stating that u progress faster by using a unauthorized third party website. Which some ppl are against simply because its considered cheating. U being bad at the game wont change the fact that it gives a advantage which is huge and ppl who dont wont have the same experience or progressing as quickly.

Im highjacking games because its efficient. Playing with friends is not faster than highjacking games. Its just efficient and i find it to be a bad design as ruin ppls games is beneficial. Alot of ppl are against it but thats how it is.

All these bla bla u got no friends etc is just u making up stuff because u lack arguments and just acting like a child. And yes adding a currency effects ppls buying power. Giving a currency which can be transfered between seasons surely increase it aswell. Again u rly got no clue what u talking about. I would recommend u to go educate yourself before u speak.

I dont have any trouble gaining wealth or progressing. Thats not what i said or stated. I claimed ppl have different experience depending if they cheat or not. And i dont need friends to ā€œhelpā€ as the game is alrdy too ez.

Ppls native language or ppl not bothering typing full words on a gaming forum has anything to do with education? Are u a hillbilly or something? I thought ppl in the modern world have come further.

You are claiming using a free market inclusive trading platform is more immoral than STEALING from peopleā€™s games. And probably victimizing anyone that has the audacity to stop your colonization and theft.

Buying power and flexibility are two different things with currency.

Then you have nothing to complain about. The entire community sees right through your virtue signalling thinly veiling you as a thief and an oppressor.

You value laziness above communication and it makes you a dullard.

Where did i say that?

ā€œprobablyā€ stop making up things and guess what i believe.

Again u should educate yourself before u speak further
[Buying Power Definition (](

Im not complaining. Im stating saying that ppl have different experience based on if they cheat or not. U surely should understand this by now.

When did u speak for the community? U suffer from narscissim? I use what the game offers. If its efficient to ruin games for others i will do it. I dont care about some strangers on the internet. However i can still believe that its a bad design that its being efficient to ruin games for others.

Subjective opinion based on your emotions. Its common for ppl with autism to get annoyed about ppls spelling even on a internet forum. Plenty of other ppl couldnt care less though.

ā€¦if drop rates are good enough ā€“ how many people have built enigma before killing baal using runes theyā€™ve found during the actual game, normal to killing Baal in Hell, on that character ā€“ in singleplayer, where the runeword also is activatedā€¦?

I will remind you that most people ā€“ most of the 15+ million people who bought Diablo 2 only played singleplayer.

How many people have found the full Tal Rasha or Immortal King during the 10 hour campaign the game actually isā€¦?

This is not a game with an endgame.
Itā€™s a roguelike.

In roguelikes, youā€™re supposed to have a realistic chance, however small, of actually finding stuff.

A 1 in 200 odds of having the opportunity of building Last Wish in a game going from Normal to killing Baal in hell is fine, for itā€™s genre.
Heck ā€“ itā€™d be fine if you killed Diablo 10-20 times just in order to find the last runes, even though thatā€™s kind of abusing the game mechanics; Thatā€™s arcade-like in nature ā€“ that you, during a literal quest to save the world, can kill a specific demon in a specific place again and again with the same character hoping for better drops.
Not even loading a savegame prior to killing him ā€“ but killing him again, keeping loot and experience.

Itā€™s strange, in the realm of both roguelikes, and roleplaying games.
Itā€™s more of an arcade mechanic.


The current drop rates are insane ā€“ the fact that finding the actual content of the game, the gear that never dropped while you played the story, is considered endgameā€¦


Iā€™d rather they added shiny versions of items with a 1 in 12 odds of items being shiny, and the rarest ~50 items ā€“ and the best rare and magic item affixes ā€“ got their drop rates increased 12-fold.

Iā€™d like to play the game as intended, just once, and actually build a 1.10 runeword during the campaign, which I cannot believe was not intended.

I seriously think Blizzard North was completely out of touch with the gameā€™s drop rates by several orders of magnitude.

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Finding full tal rasha or IK in one gaming progress session? What are you smoking dude? :slight_smile:

This game lasted over 20 years. You would destroy it in few weeks with suggestions like this. Everyone would be having good stuff super fast and game would become joke.


In one characterā€™s journey to killing Baal in hell ā€“ not one session.


What am I smokingā€¦?
What are you smokingā€¦?
What singleplayer-first roleplaying games have you played where you have to spend thousands of hours ā€“ AFTER FINISHING THE GAME to find the content in the actual gameā€¦?

Imagine if mushrooms in Super Mario Bros had a 1 in 1 300 000 chance of spawning from a block, and 1 in 130 000 chance of spawning from the last blockā€¦ after killing Bowser in the final level.
But you could keep that mushroom as you restart the game.
And if the fire flower had a 1 in 500 000 odds of spawning.

It is absurd.

I would have played Diablo 2 as a roguelike if itā€™d only let me.
Problem is ā€“ it canā€™t be played like a roguelike, because you cannot expect to actually find anything awesome.
You wonā€™t be able to make one of the best 1.10 runewords playing the actual game, the actual story, the way the game was intended to be played, no matter how many times you play it.

ā€¦everyone would find shiny versions of items how fastā€¦?
Exactly the current pace ā€“ except common items would also be rarer.

The self imposed challenge many of us do after finishing the game would be exactly the same for completionists, just shiny versions of items instead of the regular versions of items.
Playing the game as intended ā€“ stop using the character after killing Baal in Hell ā€“ would be far more feasible though.

They could make the drop bonus for first time kills for elite mobs and just keep track of all unique monsters ā€“ and make it 100-times normal, but only the first time you kill a specific elite pack.

I mean.
I want to play the game with new characters ā€“ but I have to farm for hundreds of hours to actually get the gear I want to try on those new charactersā€¦

ā€¦and thatā€™s why I quit the most often:
I never find the gear I want to use on new characters ā€“ gear that I have to farm on level 90 characters instead of actually playing the game with the characters I want to play.

Griphonā€™s Eye, Deathā€™s Fathom.