Item Drop rates are good enough and here is why

And some don’t. You just sound jealous for no good reason. This system is inclusive to everyone. If you don’t want to use it that’s your problem.

Also, like I said, that gear (What little there is the first few days) Is VERY expensive. If you use your fg from previous seasons you are blowing massive PERCENTAGES of your life savings to get it.

Plus people being geared early benefits the community. They can provide rush services faster, and start farming items and building wealth sooner so people can start actually trading.

It’s not higher. It’s actually massively devalued compared to runes early ladder. It’s just more flexible. Like how we use dollars over Barter irl.

And you’re complaining about drop rates being too low? I haven’t had any drops of that calibur yet and I’m not complaining.

No, I haven’t made a single jsp sale this ladder.

Personally I like a free market. Too bad.

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Can’t argue with a guy that just dumped all his Blizzard stock and invested into PoE. He’s over here literally trying to kill trading in D2R.

He’s not worth arguing with, bonafide trolling and gaslighting.

I mean… You even quoted me lol. Please read highlited stuff:

Can you show what you have on hc online then this season?

Do you wanna bet an Ist he won’t show anything and he won’t add you ingame? :))


I’m not taking that bet, I only have 1 ist right now and that’s set aside for a runeword

I knew that when he called me a racist. But I was trying to figure out his angle, honestly I think he is part of some sort of botting coop that would benefit from JSP’s removal. Just the way he worded some posts was so odd and how quickly he called me racist for pointing out that every D2R bot i’ve seen has been asian made.

This is exactly why I like discussing things with zax, just a back and forth and no weird assumptions or conclusions. So hard to find that on a forum. There are so many people that want people to play the game their way or no way. I’m going to start a petition against meph’s moat trick. If you ever do it you should be banned!!! lol


Personally I like your idea of entering P8 command uninstalls the game.

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I need to farm stuff on sc next like two months but after that i would accept his challenge. But everything must be streamed live.

Hc, no trading.

On all versions. Would be great lol.

I really though don’t like the new TZ split lobby thing. Is what it is, but 99% of the game list now is 1 or 2 players in a game. I saw this coming, and honestly though I can’t blame most ppl farming TZ p1 isn’t bad at all for XP or items.

Possibly. Also not to derail but people that use the accusation of racism are adorable, because 99% of the time it’s incorrect. Stereotypical is correct in the vast majority of instances, because racism denotes an implied superiority/inferiority relationship. Pointing out something like bots that could be asian in origin of programming might be seen as stereotyping if you reached, but no where does it suggest implicitly or explicitly an inferiority.

It’s overused, but more annoyingly misused.

If they were going to try and make this system better what do you think? Add an additional terrorized zone for each player that joins?

I mean obviously having entire new area or an expansion back would be best, but I feel like I’m committing some unnamed sin by asking for such things.

I mean if read irish writing on a bottle of whiskey and called it irish whiskey I don’t even think that could be considered stereotypical lol. I don’t assume all botters are asian, nor that EVERY bot is made by those of asian decent. My observation though was that every bot that made it past the twitch ban phase, and was streamed always was written in asian characters.

Yeah, if you were going to reach it’d be stereotyping, but that is a massive reach and most people would laugh.

That’s why it’s best to just ignore Zahramar, especially if he’s going to sling the “R” label around. Which is a pretty big accusation to lob at someone’s character.

Revert last patch.

Add a VERY difficult end game area that NEEDs 7/8 man that gives good XP and drops?

Have 8 TZ running at a time? Get rid of the bad ones? Still able to turn TZ on/off by game creation, but now why wouldn’t you go join another persons 5 stack for better loot/xp?

I’m not exactly sure how I’d fix it because they were so dedicated to their mess up with the TZ that they made the charms that also IMO were a mistake. They should have balanced out immunities, ways to break immuntiies, character viability, got rid of the XP cap at certain levels when facing certain level monsters, and perhaps made a new instance perhaps maybe everyone can make 1/hour so you can a group could organize doing them or soemthing?

They just went about all of it all wrong IMO basically the lazy/easy/undeveloped way.
So thinking of a change for them wouldn’t matter, they’re actually so far out of it if you listen to what they say in llama’s dev stream with them. The way they understand the playerbase and how we play it is because they don’t know the product they’re working on nor the meta for the past 20 years.

I do however like some of the RW’s they made, but that is probably the only decent thing they’ve contributed to the game.

The sunder charms are AIDS.

I don’t even know why the physical one exists, I’m way better off using berserk rather than life chipping while taking a physical def penalty for the “priviledge”

Not to mention drop rates are retarded, people should still be trying to find these things not overflowing as common as el runes.

Well physical one is good for necro summoner or druid summoner. Also for thorns builds.

Arn’t the summon transfers on the charms bugged right now? Thorns I can see, I haven’t thought of that, I just assumed pally ran level 20 conviction since that is a natural skill for them.

Yeah thats the problem it was a hot fix, not well thought out by the devs, just like TZ weren’t well thought out. The charms IMO were a lame way to figure out class balance after some people finally were able to play an end game build after 20 years on PTR, tehy were like OHHH these so ez. Meanwhile it has always been that way, but they were stuck 6 months into ladder still rocking a wizspike. So we had to figure out how to catch everyone up asap. And then the charms were born.

Oh I thought of another thing, they also could have made a difficulty beyond hell, whatever we’ll call it inferno, much harder so more XP, and everywhere could have been a TZ? So many ideas, but I stopped trying to flush out any good way getting rid of the bad 99 grind once they made TZ and were actually happy with it.

Honestly they could have just got rid of the XP loss issue from monsters being lower level than you, balanced out the classes, created new RWs so all types of damage could have a way to become end game like a light sorc, and honestly I think everyone would have been happy.

I thought about runewords too, create some stepping stones or diverse ones.

I’d love to see new runes too, low mid and hr’s. Could help shake up the economy.

I agree with an additional difficulty, Honestly I want to see actIV expanded, and a new act. Basically I want an expansion pack. New quality bases too, like fine and mastercraft. Gives us more to hunt for than the standard superior 15 Ed. Whoop dee do.

Legit an adventure mod with a map too. That was something d3 Did well.