Item Drop rates are good enough and here is why

This is day 10 of season and I finished building by Barbrian Horker. Its of course not fully optimized with best stuff I can get, but its amazing char for MF runs and Online grail I am going to complete.

Plenty of people is claiming that drop rates are now high enough, but I think my barb is evidence that its not true. Yes I played a lot in those 10 days, but I didnt have the best luck I ever had either and I know plenty of people who had much more luck this season. And again, it was just 10 days. Person playing average time can do it just fine in 20 days, casual in 1,5 month which is totaly fine and reasonable time. So I dotn think items need any icnrease in drops at all. We already got some icnrease in drops in terror zones anywa.y

Also you can definitely have sutff I have even sooner even without using RMT or previously farmed FG on JSP.

Here is my barb btw and its hybrid of Double Swing/Berserk build.

I spend those 10 days by farming items with my sorc and this barb with some scavange horking in public games. My sorc has 89 and this barb has 91 so perfect for Terror zones to get all max benefits.

So how did I get to this point? I will explain.

I started Season with finding Speedrun group and we finished to end of hell in 3 hours and then made rush for our second MF characters (I started with barb). Then we were informed that sunder charms are dropping from elites with high chance by using find item which my barb was doing anyway so we spend some time farming them until we all hade one from every element.

Then I was mostly farming Any, Mephisto and most Diablo Hell. I found two shakos and plenty of other stuff i sold. Early shako went for Ohm, then later I found in Chaos Sur, Ohm Durance of Hate 2 super chest behind Mephisto, Another Ohm in Arcane Sanctuary super chest.

I was also doing Lower kurast runs joining public games with 7 people and kept running objects. This got me plenty of very nice charms you can see on my barb. Also I found Ist, Vex and another Sur in LK from objects.

So with all this +selling items and gaining price given to our speedrun group I got to this place I am no with quite well equipped barb for MF and rune finding. 4500 Life, 75% all resist with exception of Poison, almost 500% MF, 71% find item chance.

Time to Start my online Barb only Grail now :slight_smile:


You’re wrong, and have always been wrong on this issue. You’re not convincing anyone, people who have quit because the drop rates will not come back.


So you didnt bother read or loot at video at all I guess? All oyu have to do to have more stuff is to get some game knowledge, you dont need increased drop chances. You need to learn how to play.


Drop rates are a joke, at this point solo is a complete waste of time.


I play solo exclusively. Have everything I want with regards to items.


“have everything I want”… what does that even mean lol, it sounds like complete nonsense tbh.


Found Griffons on day 3, for example.
That’s what it means. Drops rain from the sky.


That’s called being extremely lucky but okay


XD not unlucky, that is correct.

Drop rates are not fine at all, no one is buying this up only exploiters/ RMTers backing you.

Many legit fair players quit and this is a huge problem, no player retention = no new copies sold. Does anyone honestly believe Blizzard remade this for “purists”?

Most people especially fans of OG D2 are now 30+, they don’t want a video game part time job.

Blizzard should just send surveys and see what the majority wants.


How many hours did you play over those 10 days?


But look at what all I have dude, how can you say drop rates are not fine by seeing that.

Better not think about it :smiley:


But no one can ever verify personal anecdotes, all we have to work with is the Drop Rates which are factual. Do you not agree?

And also majority are sick of it and literally quitting the game, and I mean LOTS of players over drop rates. We have to consider majority regardless.

Can you answer the question? Dont you think its kind of important to your point?


So to summarize your 10 days.

“I played like a bot, then started trading.”

Do it without getting dragged into hell, and do it without trading.

That’s what Diablo 2 needs to be balanced around.

If you want to cry that makes the game too fast. Then don’t trade.

But I don’t install this game to waste time trying to trade, I do it to play it. Trading is the least fun aspect I can think of. I don’t care that it’s there, But you shouldn’t be giving me a crappy SSF experience just because they want to fast track though it with trading then cry about it later, when all they had to do to slow things down. Is quit trying to skip past everything.

Your entire spiel was how you skipped past the game so you can resort to playing like a bot. Congrats.

Because that doesn’t change that 20 years of SSF and the best runeword I ever made was an insight. Granted, I usually start from scratch every time I come back. So it’s not 20 consecutive years. But … on average, when I get the chance. 2 hard months of playing 4+ hours a day. And it results in an insight.

Whoever this game is balanced around, has no life.

And I laugh at that post about how ladder is done in 1 week.

DELETE YOUR CHARACTER AND START AGAIN. Wow, that was really hard to figure out wasn’t it?

Now you can make it a contest of how many times you ran circles around the thing instead of whining about finishing it in a week.

Cause what takes you a week still takes a normal person playing on normal hours 4 months.


we belive you, and the moon is made out of butter…


Honestly they did great with D3 removing trading. Trading is not worth the trouble at all. I hope they remove it from D2R too…

Then no bots, no RMT, no “trading currencies” and drop rates will go up. Then we can play the game.


Why would I need to lie about that?

Look at how you people are playing this game, and tell me that is how it should be played. running 10% of it over and over again for efficiencies sake?

Where you all resort to a small handful of builds to even do it all.

Lets see any of you finish ladder in a week without skipping through it, without running 10% of it, without using cheese builds for the initial cheese farming to build everything else out.

This is the gameplay flow you are defending. Look at it!


Your entire post is just a whine “DO IT MY WAY WAHHHH” lol no. Just because you are inefficient doesn’t mean everyone else is.