Item Drop rates are good enough and here is why

So if it were more difficult to get ahead but could still used in tandem with playing to accumulate advantage you’d be okay with it?

Press X to doubt.

Someone could accuse you of straight up lying. The idea that you’d be okay with d2jsp if it were more difficult to use for ladder advantage is a bad joke.

It’s either an artifical lead, or it isn’t. Since the ladder lead isn’t the issue for you, then why should the ease of such goals likewise concern you?

You can’t accuse others of ADHD when your whole point is a collapsed nothing.

It’s like saying, “I don’t mind that people use a bicycle in a foot race, but the mechanical advantages of pedaling have to go!”.


Yeah i know, many people do not understand that who fight against jsp. But advantage is still there. You dont have to ofcourse buy all. You can just buy good farming gear day one and probanly dont spend more than 1/10 of that. Unless you go crazy for full equip.

But i dont think that most people would even do that. Not only you want to have something in bank just in case, but its still fresh seasons and if you spend all to get full gear day one, well what else is there then? You basicly skipped what is season about in first day.

I have some friends who for example start every season with 0 fg to have fresh start, which is great.

Honestly I think 90% of the d2jsp butthurt would vanish if they would create new FG currency for each ladder and confine normal FG to non-ladder.

We all know this ain’t happenin’ but it would probably alleviate a lot of crying.

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I don’t think you understand exactly how broke 99% of JSP is in FG, and how expensive items are day 1. 99% of users have under 1kfg, and a sol rune day 1 is 250fg. You might complete you insight a bit sooner, but you’re not buying even a wealth runeword for 1k day one. I get your fight against it somewhat, but trading in game to me will never be worth it, which is IMO what blizz realized early on which is why they never expressly forbade it. But the worry about past JSP wealth is a strange one, because RMT users, botters, and people who trade NL for ladder items probably get way further ahead than most people with banked fg. So, worrying about that bank IMO only a select few VERY rich in fg and botters use fg banks early to gear up.

I personally don’t start with zero, but I never finish below where I started. Past 2 ladders I haven’t dipped past my starting point. My bank is sitting there in case something really cool comes up on NL or Ladder that I really want, but honestly I probably would be outbid by the really rich JSP users if that were the case.

Nah they’d just move onto the next portion. “its 3rd party” or “its RMT” at least most of them would.

Thing is I don’t think most of the JSP haters understand how broke most JSP users are, and how expensive stuff is early ladder. Shakos sell for 10x most people’s bank day 1. Meanwhile they completly ignore actual RMT sites or botters.

In my experience most of the people joining my public trades are looking to either steal from me or are blatantly trying to get a 400% trade up.

Most public trade games, the people are just downright crooks. Why bother with that if you’re so used to a more streamlined currency system?

I get it. I really do.

And you cannot easily price check in game either.
The sunder charms, those people who abused the bug were trading them out for MEGA drops early on because most ppl didn’t know what was going on. Game is straight predatory. Meanwhile there is a PC forum and a search feature that tells you where you’re at in pricing that is so easy to access.

I have found some good/even trades in game, but they don’t happen often. Discords are the same way, but honestly some of it is due to the fact that how do you modify a price when you can’t just go by easy numbers though a common currency? And then on top of that the market changes. Tal mask is worth something for 3 days, then nothing, shako 2 or 3 weeks, then nothing. Meanwhile a shako could get an ohm early on, but only a lem later. Too chaotic and time consuming to be worth the energy IMO. I’ll scan for trade games every now and then, but usually wind up giving someone a free tal mask lmfao.

I hope you uninstall the game, because you basically refuse to learn the games basics for more than 20 years now. It’s not the games fault that you are just bad at it. 20 years… best item insight… a joke…


Well yeah i get it. But my point was that some good players can afford it early and even two simple items you buy gives you advantage. If i would use jsp from day one, i would have stuff i do have now sooner.i can guarantee that.

But i am not really guy who buy items. I mostly like to find them on my own and sell items for runes. I very rarely sell runes for example. There is no way i would buy shako for Lo or Ohm early. Thats huge waste of runes :slight_smile:

I asure you that i had quite good picture about prices on jsp as rest of our group sold ocul there like 3+ hoursafter start for 2,k fg i believe? So like if we talk about you, xou could essily spend 10% of your aealth and get shako+ ocul right? And thats huge. Smart player could accumulate fg before new season and use it like that. My point is not that most do it, just some might.

I kind of lost interest. Blizzard is not able to do anything about it anyway and they cant even make in game trade system. I just hate that trade player base is split into many places. I tried all places and most comfortable one is discord as its fastets for trading. But it has his own issues too. Like some items are more problematic to sell there.

People who use “trading” websites that make D2 Baby Mode: No problem at all with drop rates and itemization of D2!

Legit fair players who find their own items, play Hardcore too: There are clearly huge problems as it is exploit2win.

Player retention: Speaks for itself.

Whose tale is to be taken into account? Hopefully they focus next season on drop rates, exping, itemization and player-scalability system re-work.

Obv they use FG…

A wealth which u could save up from previous seasons. Ppl are buying and selling early ladder aswell.

The gears appear in game. Ppls buying power are much higher because of FG. Which again they could save from previous seasons. They might not have a lem but they got FG.

Neither does trading. However gears pop up fast. Ppl have enigma first day. I got 2 shakos, cta and other stuff by the end of first day and thats without trading at all going full SSF.

One person only needs to have something useful to offer. 1 guy can have a ocu and the other only FG.

U dont agree with that ppl who use d2jsp will progress faster than those who dont?

Im saying ppl who dont use it will have a different experience. Just like ppl who bot compare to those who dont.

Personally i want trade to be resticted. D2jsp speeds up the game by a huge amount just like highjacking pub games. I dont see this as a good design. Ppl shouldnt need to highjack games or buy several copies of the game and they shouldnt need to use a third party website which are shared with ppl who spend real money or botters use to sell their goods.

Dude like… Its online mode for a reason, trading was always huge part of d2 online experience. People play online so they can play with others, pvp or trade.

Players who trade are legit too. Even if you are on jsp and start season with 0, you are 100% legit if you dont invest real money into it. You still have to sell what you find to get what you want.

False because there are people hoarding “currency” from previous games not even seasons, and most of their items are from exploits too. We used that website long time ago, we know it very well.

Getting your items from exploiters and thinking drop rates and itemization is “good enough”. Sure. :roll_eyes:

I think they need to fix that design flaw, game should not need a website or exploiters to give it a healthy economy or to just let legit fair players have fun.

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While I certainly could have bought a shako/occy and they are a boost, they’re not really a game changer over spirit/tarnhelm. But your point would be somewhat valid with like CTA or infinity/enigma. So I get it. But an occy 2 days later isn’t worth nearly that, you’d have to grind to recover. Which is doable, but most don’t go that hard at least not for a 2k occy. Meanwhile you’d want hoto anyway. Shako is end game which is werid so taht would be an actual good investment into ladder IMO. And yes i’d be ahead, but someone who found a skullders could do the same trade. And if I have a spirit sword and someone has an occy in game, are they really dominating me? Or do they just have abit more dmg/mf? I do get your point, but the few people that use it, it is waht it is. Would be more worthwhile IMO to think on those who use RMT, which I actually didn’t think was as big as it seems to be. That is where people are leagues ahead. Day1 enigma can steamroll you through everything.

I actually trade everywhere. JSP is just where I found I have the easiest time finding/getting what I want with almost no issue. Item I don’t need → gets turned in to fg. When I need something → buy with fg. Makes it smooth. If everything had a direct rune value or if there was an AH I’d use that, but there isn’t and JSP just makes it smooth.

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What is this “we” you’re talking about? Are you one of the botter groups trying to get JSP banned to fund your RMT site? You seem a bit off.


This logic absolutely kills me.

Dude finds item, gets another later on. Takes it and trades it for a good bit of gear for his build.

Zahramar : YoU’Re nOt A rEaL LaDdeR pLayER!!

Just stop playing D2R. Although I suspect PoE is paying you well to come onto these forums and spew ideas like:

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Yeah because, trading within a website that is founded on a Bot, abbreviation stands for a Botting “system”, supports RMT (people trading “currency” for Steam/ Amazon gift card, and you can “donate” for that “currency”), oh and not to mention bots and exploits is totally the same as two legit players trading which is absolute rarity given how trading is inefficient in-game…

Beat that strawman lad, beat it hard!

Only Blizzard can change things.

Site no longer has bot. Doesn’t matter what the title used to mean. It is a trading platform.
Site is not RMT, 99% of users are free users.
Meanwhile the percent of actual RMT users in game is higher than that.
Bots and exploit talk is banned on the site.

keep spewing lies.

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Sure lies, sure… :roll_eyes:

I think they should remove trading and giving out items next Season and we will see how you noobs used to Baby Easy Mode getting high-end gear for literally nothing think of drop rates and Itemization of D2. Or heck, just remove that “trading” platform. That’s enough for you noobs. Nice experiment no?

You’d still be far behind me. I’d bet you on it too.


Yeah sure, that’s a bet I am willing to take.
Hardcore, by the way.