Item Drop rates are good enough and here is why

So by your logic all those discords that plan dclone walks are also cheating? I don’t think Blizzard has ever expressly authorized them.

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Yea jsut wanted to chat a bit more freely about hork barb and ur success this ladder w/o spamming the forums. I’m assuming you’re running P1, so does your merc even really need to be great?

Not rly as they dont monitor it. However according to ToS it is cheating. Or u trying to tell me that the tos is wrong?

Exactly. Thats what is happening. Read further in the ToS and u understand why.

However u should stop stretching. I get that u love d2jsp however not everyone wants to use third party websites which arent approved by blizzard. The ppl who dont are those who play the game it was meant to be. Can u blame them?

However i dont care if u use it or not. All im saying is that ppl have a different experience depending if they highjack, using d2jsp. Those ways to achieve wealth i see as bad design and thats why i suggest other ideas.

Eh, normaly? You trade it for other Hrs or for ists without jsp just fine. I had ohm vex and bought Lo just fine by trading on discord.

No, it isn’t. Some weirdos on this forum who are obsessed with a small potential link to possible RMT think it must be based off their assumption. They could expressly forbid it and choose not to because it isn’t against the rules. There is nothing about JSP it is a huge aspect of this game and they wouldn’t be able to easily ban users, but they could easily state that it is bannable and never have and never will. There is nothing that directly links JSP with a violation of the ToS, sorry. Your understanding of the ToS is what is wrong, not the ToS itself.

Who is “stretching” lmfao. Traderie? Discords? Diabloii? Maxroll? Whats taht other trade site? They’re all 3rd party. JSP facilitates easier trading and that is it you want it to explain away why you’re behind, but that isn’t it. Just like how you can’t use a Bizon in CSGO and hit global elite, it isn’t the games fault that you chose not to git gud.

U didnt read. U got 35 ists to trade for my ber in ladder? Or like 60 ists for my enigma?

U saying jsp gives no advantage? Or whats your point?

What he said was accurate though an example of an easy trade. People don’t ONLY take ists per rune. Ists/guls/vex/ohm perhaps even down to um pul are all considered some value in making up a HR and could be used. But yes, you are right nobody has 30 ists for you ber right now except perhjaps botters.

Individuals here aren’t being nuanced enough in their critique of d2jsp.

If you use it to trade an item for another with approximately equivalent worth, this isn’t breaking ToS.

If you spend real money via other methods to flood your d2jsp account with FG to facilitate the purchasing of in game items, that is breaking ToS.

Blizzard doesn’t ban people for admitting the use of D2jsp, because they can’t verify which of those two scenarios are occurring.

Plain and simple.

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So u deny that jsp gives u a advantage?

Do ppl have the runes to break down a ber early on ladder?

Streeeeeetching so hard rly.

Shako + Vex + Unid Anni vs Ber

maybe not directly rune correlation, but it is possible. Could easily trade off shako vs vex and unid anni vs ohm or whatever. It is possible, just slower and a waste of time.

People on jsp don’t have runes to break either, or even gear to sell really.

And what is there is VERY expensive, many times the in game value of the equivilent runes.

When a ladder resets troves of gear don’t magically appear on jsp overnight. That has to be FARMED in THIS game, before it’s even available at a massive premium. Your forum gold does you no good if there isn’t anything you need yet to buy, or if you are broke that won’t help you either.

Plus, jsp players won’t just pay you for a 12 stack of light healing potions either, you usually need to have something useful to offer, and you still need to appraise your stuff properly to get proper value for it.

And yet blizzard never did anything about it. And they never made clear statememt about jsp either. Because they are unable to make good trading platfirm in game, they force people to find other places like jsp to trade.

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I dont, all you see on barb was found by sorc.

But i like to maximize my farming possibilities now.

You can’t with the cope haters. They just want JSP to be the excuse for them being bad/behind in ladder. I mean almost 20 years an no bans for using JSP and no statement about JSP it is almost as if they like the fact that someone made a good trading platform for their game. Meanwhile idiots looking for an excuse for being behind keep claiming it is in the ToS, but I never see JSP mentioned.

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I hate that jsp let you use curreny accumulated previous seasons. Its lame as it goes against spirit of fresh start.


If X is good, why do you use Y to double it?

Literally what is the logic here? What kind of unattached redundant question is that?

Like asking a farmer why he uses pesticides alongside fertile soil. Derp.

I get that, but to be honest even with 150k fg right now. If I went hard in the first 3/4 days of ladder I’d be broke right now and ahead of you. I’d never make it back up by next ladder unless I was insanely lucky. I like to think of it as a good way to not transfer wealth into the new season, but to facilitate trades early on that couldn’t be managed without it. If someone has a lem and you have a shako, you cannot trade unless you want to lose a ton of value early ladder. So fg lets someone buy that lem, maybe sell off their shako, but we don’t have to wait until end of ladder when that shako is now only worth a lem.

Edit: point being I don’t think anyone really gets much of a head start with their fg IMO. A select few do, but someone could do that without JSP such as with RMT or trading NL goodies for ladder start items etc.

Thats has nothing to do with what i said. Serious question, do u have ADHD or something as u like missing the point over and over. I dont care who is ahead or not. I have no issues getting gears. Im against the ez methods to do so. Im stating that ppl who use d2jsp or highjack games have a different experience. U say they dont?

They’re different concepts and not comparable.

Also there is no such thing as hijacking games. If they’re public games, they’re public.

Go create a jsp account and empty your stash at premium value right now and see how it easy it is.

All it does it let you post your wares and get back to gaming without stressing about people joining your trade game.

You can also trade for in game items and no fg at all if you want.

You’ll find out real quick it’s not a magic wand, just a tool like traderie etc.