P.S. Do you really think repeating “fair and legit players” and “Majority” over and over again is going to brainwash Blizzard programmers into believing you?
You see, if you want to be as successful as Stalin or Hitler, you need to have all of academia and media in your pocket pre -suading your cult narratives for years first.
98.37% alrdy quit. Alot of ppl know how gear/trade to but choose to not. Why? Because highjacking games and using a third party website is lame. Do u find it exciting to use d2jsp? Or joining baalruns just to run somewhere else to farm? Not at all. I find it silly that the game is designed like that.
It rly feels outdated and ancient. Obv some purists wont let go of it. But it surely would be a better game.
JSP just makes trading easier. I do however find sitting in trade games hoping to trade out every item I have for a fal-ohm rune so that I can eventually get what I want with runes to be a very boring way to trade in game. I myself personally do not snipe games that much this ladder. If a good TZ is going on I’m in a private game. If not I ask to MF in a pub run for farm. Which I actually do find MFing fun.
Private TZ 1 player is just fine IMO, you don’t have to think and can go twice as fast, plus since i’m only farming unique packs it doesn’t matter as much IMO. Though obviously I would like P8, I’m far better off not stuggling to get it.
I get blocking people, but I’m going to let you know that there are actually people like MrEos, who have ZERO idea of what they’re doing and and stuck in like day 1 of ladder mode for the past 20 years. I really don’t understand how, but I’m telling you I’ve been helping out some newer players and players returning after some years, and the amount of times i’ve heard “i’ve never seen a HR or had an anni” blows my mind.
Even with the worst luck imaginable, if he’s at least cognitive enough to understand his own statement concerning “best runewords”, after 20 years, he could have made better. I simply don’t believe him.
It rly effects how ppl gain wealth and in which rate.
And all this stacked up FG? From previous seasons? D2jsp makes it easier to make wealth. U add a currency which doesnt exist in game. U dont need gears to trade for stuff u want. U could just spend FG. Its not like having a rune i stash.
U find a ber. U trade it for FG. FG can be splitted up to buy stuff from different ppl. It gives u alot of wealth. Which u even can save for next season.
Without d2jsp. U got ber. How u split it? U first need to find someone with runes which value up to a ber or stuff u want. Its time consuming and takes much more time. Time which could be used to farm. So yes it makes gearing faster and easier. U cant trade that ber for gears worth ist unless u broke it down which isnt all that ez to do early on. Gl finding someone with 30 ists to trade for that Ber early on. The ber rather sits in stash until u use it.
Ppl who doesnt use d2jsp have a disadvantage vs those who does.
Using d2jsp speeds up your progression by a huge amount. Ppl who disagree simply havnt played d2 before d2jsp.
Insight and Spirit are arguably the best low level runewords one could make. Perhaps people could dabble in some of the weird short lived meta runewords like wealth or lore, but they’re surpassed so easily I can see some people never making anything better. A hoto for some is impossible.
I’ve been on JSP for forever, but regardless i’ll digress.
I’m probably in the top 1% of people with the most fg even though I don’t have nearly as much as some people have. Regardless none of that changes that early ladder items are EXPENSIVE, and that 99% of people cannot just straight up even buy a day 3 shako, much less an enigma or infinity or a full character. They might be able to finish their spirit sword quicker if they’re missing one thing or perhaps get a low vmagi early on, but they CANNOT gear themselves up easily. Most people are broke on that site and they have to trade out what they don’t need to buy what they do need early ladder.
Now as far as trading out wealth, pre JSP or post JSP you could always trade NL godlies for ladder start items. So, you’ll never stop someone bringing in past wealth. Not even to mention actual RMT sites where you can just straight buy what you want whenver you feel like it. Meanwhile 99% of JSP users right now still can’t even afford an ohm with their fg bank.
As far as retaining value of a find early ladder that is what is amazing about JSP. If all your lucky gets used up finding a ber rune day 1, then that value is no wasted. someone else can give you that current value and you’re no longer stuck with an item that is losing value daily.
And those who choose to not use JSP chose their disadvantage. Just like those who don’t know how to farm because they refuse to read posts about MFing. Those who kill mobs slowly in P1 because they committed to a bad build because they refused to plan their build on maxroll or do any research on BP’s and items chose to be behind.
And yes JSP is a tool that can be used to progress quickly, it doesn’t magically make you ahead. It just facilitates organization and trading in a much better way than you could ever do in game or through a discord.
Now you’re on the real point. The people who are currently in charge of the game are basically like those who think a hoto is impossible. Then they rely on feedback of the mass of noobs who refuse to help themselves and validate the dev’s idiotic opinions of how the game should go. This is why the game keeps getting driven into the noob direction and it won’t stop.
TZ are a lame and unimaginative way to fix the 99 grind.
They killed PvP with the FHR “fix”
The charms are a poor way to balance classes power rankings
The devs will keep doing this stuff though because they’re not smart enough to do any better. They could barely manage to copy/paste a 20 year old game.
Ppl who use jsp have a huge clear advantage over those who doesnt. Thats a fact. Go play a season without using d2jsp. Tell me u wouldnt progress slower then.
U even pointed it out yourself. I made it clear that it makes the game easier. And thats what i said. Ppl who use this kind of “tool” will have another experience. And again alot of ppl know these things exist but choose not to use it because its lame.
I’ve never used D2jsp, so let me be perfectly blunt with you. If after 20 years of ladder, an insight is the best you’ve ever crafted, then you’re doing something horribly, horribly wrong.
Because I’d be stuck in stupid trade games? There is nobody locking anyone out from using JSP, them choosing not to use it is on them. Yes it is better and faster, but you can do the same thing in game, it just isn’t smart. But let’s say it wasn’t JSP, but perhaps an AH in game.
If there was an AH I would still be ahead of 90% of the players. They’d have access to it in game as well and they’d still be behind because they have crap builds and crap knowledge.
Its a third party site which blizzard doesnt approve of. Its cheating. Obv cheating is beneficial. Do everyone wants to cheat? No, some want to play legit. Cheaters have a different experience than none cheaters? Obv.
Ppl who bot will have a different opinion of the droprate.
Im not saying they should improve the droprate. I said ppl have a different experience depending on how they play. Not everyone wants things which isnt approved by blizz. Thats why my personal opinion is to restrict trade and actually make the game up to date.
3rd party site - yes
Blizzard doesn’t approve of it? Wrong. They’ve never spoken against it. It isn’t listed in their ToS. They could easily do whatever they want and they don’t because they’re not against it.
There is no “cheating” because it isn’t a cheat, sorry.
Blaming JSP because you’re behind isn’t going to get you ahead.
They never spoke for it. Also u could read the tos. Why its not banned is simply that they cant.
Taken from the ToS cheats; i.e. methods not expressly authorized by Blizzard (whether accomplished using hardware, software, a combination thereof, or otherwise)
Is d2jsp expressly authorized? The answer is no. And by blizzards definition that makes it cheating.
Im not behind as im geared second day of ladder. However as i stated ppl have different experience of the game. I do highjack games. Having incitament to do that i find to be a bad design
With this build i can run anything on players 1 which is all i need with horking. I basicly run just terror zones. I move from elite to elite to boss and hork, sometimes kill ghost type monsters and hork them.
I am trying to figure out best merc setups as i will pribanly use different ones for different zones. Currently my main merc is act 5 frenzy with full sazabi set+azurewrath.
I fully admit to useing JSP here every day. No ban. Crazy?
They consider it cheating, but don’t ban anyone who admits to using it on their linked account?
I’m sure I can find a way to make it seem like installing D2R on an external HDD against the TOS, they’re written to cover their butts in all scenarios and to encompass everything that way they can do as they please with their product. If they wanted to make JSP an issue they could easily do it, they don’t because JSP is the best patch D2 has ever seen. They fixed the crappy in game market.
Is tradierie expressly authorized? Maxroll? Diabloii information? No, are they bannable? No.
They could easily edit their ToS to say “D2JSP and Forum Gold is against the rules and will result in a ban” they never have because they know that site is the best way to trade in this game.
You hijack games cool? I guess? I did the same last ladder? IMO there is nothing wrong with it. Private games are a thing if they’re so worried about it. What difference does that make? Having to do it yes, ofc is a bad game design. Just like the race to 99 relying on full games for XP back then. Both are awful mechanics.