Item Drop rates are good enough and here is why

And don’t pretend doing your “Efficient” farming of running the same 1% of the entire games content over and over as something to be encouraged amongst people who play this game who want to experience equipment upgrades.

Doing LK Chest runs, or Travincial, or any of that garbage over, and over and over, sums up how stupid the other sides argument is. You probably can’t even see it.

Compare every time you jump into the game, playing From Act 1 to Act 5 like it’s the first time you played the game, every time you crank the game up… vs doing LK Chest runs.

the LK Chest Runner’s… are the ones defending these drop rates. Honestly. Shutup. The way you people play is BORING!

It’s be nice to be rewarded for playing, instead of botting.

Cause that’s what that playstyle is. It might be a human clicking the button, but your playstyle is basically no better than a bot.

apparently they have attempted to resolve this somewhat I read somewhere. Forget what the feature is called. But I also remember an minor outcry against it.

I farm various things, not just lk or travi. I recently done 200 travi runs just because its fun to show what all you find in certain number of runs.

Imagine undermining your own judgmental response by framing it in apathy.

Are you bored?

Also, nice retort to a 2 week old comment. Kudos.


Please go back to D3. If you find Jah/Ber/Griffons/CoA etc every 12-48 runs, then you are done with it in a week because all your 20 chars are geared to the teeth.


I’m usally done with it within 3 weeks these days anyway. So what’s the point?

It’d be funny if part of that 3 week time period involved something more than just an item hunt.

IE. Why I’ve NEVER participated in PVP in this game, and why PVP in this game is non -existant except for the occasional griefer joining a Baal game.

And get this. There’s Seasons. That reset. Giving you incentive to start over again. So why do you need a abysmal drop rate if there is a reset?

Apparently you all finish this game in 2 weeks anyway, using JSP FG.

The only thing you don’t want happening is your FG losing all it’s value. But you didn’t even look at the outcome of your FG losing it’s value. More people playing this game for reasons other than trying to farm out a rune to build their enigma.

Think about it. If I build my engima in a week. But I still have 3 weeks worth of interest in me. What do I do? I don’t keep farming out to build that enigma. I start “Playing” the game and enjoying what I built. Instead of getting fed up at looking at an insight for 2 months as the last meaningful upgrade my character has made.

Hell they could have centered the end game around PVP dropping loot instead of an ear.
And I don’t mean whatever might happen during permadeath pvp either. I don’t play that garbage, who would. with these drop rates.

This game has nothing to offer after the grind. They even killed pretty much all PvP we had. If everybody would get Jah + Ber in about 10 hours of gameplay, this game would already be a ghosttown because everybody would already have pretty much everything there is.
Go play D3. there you get your whole set in less than 4 hours and you can grind those paragons.


damn you are big noob
get good


So whatsyour saying is, that I’d still put the same exact amount of time into the game.

The only difference is this time, I’ll have an enigma on most my character instead of passing around an single Insight runeword amongst my 20 characters?

Seems to me…
That YOU don’t actually like this game.

Because you’re telling me, that YOU would stop playing it just because there’s no items for you to hunt for anymore?


Read between the lines Blizzard.

This is you
“Now that I built my enigma. I don’t like the game anymore, and it’s boring.”

You know what a gamer who actually likes the game does in that scenario? They start another character from scratch. Instead of cheating by just swapping gear from one character to another.

Just be real, and admit that you only care about Preserving the Value of JSP FG.

Oh BTW… in 20 years of playing this game. I finally got a OHM to drop… 20 years of seeing nothing but Shael drops. And 60 hours later, an Insight and that OHM rune sums it all up.

I should have an enigma in 60 hours. Not garbage.
Is 60 hours not good enough for you?
I bet your JSP FG can build you 60 enigmas in 60 hours… huh?

the drop rates are fine, but there are 2 types of people who complain:

  • the no-lifers who play the game 8 hours per day everyday → these guys will complain that the game is too easy and drops are too high but they don’t realize that they speed-ran through content that was designed to be played by normal people in 4 months. These people need to limit their playtime and go do something else for a while, besides playing non-stop.

  • the average zoomer with ADHD → these people think that if they don’t solo self-find enigma and infinity in 3 days after the ladder started there must be something wrong with the game. The ladder is 4 months long for a reason, you have plenty of time to play the game. (Also, the fact that every online guide list enigma and infinity as mandatory items doesn’t help these people at all.)

in any case, ignore both these types of people, the drop chance is fine


It’s not about anything being mandatory.

It’s about after 20 years of playing this game

I’d like to play with an enigma at some point.

90% of runewords may as well not exist for me, because of the drop rates. And at current rates, My game is already uninstalled LONG before I even get a whiff of it. It’s like a feature of a game that you never get to play with. Because some of you think that there should be “haves and have-nots” in a video game

IT’s a video game, we should all get to enjoy 100% of it. Before we die of old age.

20 years you’ve been trying to preserve your FG value. The game needs to move on to what it is for people like me. A Nostalgic trip you revisit every so often. Not something to dedicate your life too. Just to get a Ber rune to drop.

Required Trade or JSP is not even the correct way to balance drops.

Because when the game is long dead who you going to trade with?

Solo Self Found, is what Drops need to be balanced around.

20 years later and you’re all trying to gatekeep Diablo 2 from players… STILL… Get alife.

Point being. The amount of time I spend with D2 every time I come back to visit has nothing to do with the actual items I’ve gained in that amount of time.

I’d put in 2 month at a time on average whether I built the enigma in a day or it took the whole 2 months.

Vs your side of the arguments. “I built the enigma in a Day, and I got bored!”
You should move on then.

You know what bores me? The fact that an insight almost always wraps it up before I move on to something else that has a decent “reward>Time” investment ratio.

Like you all keep saying, none of that other equipment is mandatory… and that’s your excuse and you’re sticking with it. Begging for dollars on a street corner to buy powerball tickets would be a more worthy Reward>TimeInvestment.

Or in case you still don’t understand it.
By the end of 2 months. Dropping me a Ber rune, would not convince me to not uninstall the game. The dopamine hit from the drop is worthless at that point. And just makes me think I would have spent my time better on that street corner.

Just trying to be entertained. Not pretend I have a 2nd job.

So what I’m saying is that you suck at the game and you should consider playing a game that better fits your time and expectations instead of trying to ruin this game for others.

Sorry but this kind of behaviour just shows that you are a low life troll. Just accept that you are just bad at this game and move on. You can mod sp to shower you in loot.

The problems are normal and NM. It’s justified that hell is better but I found the difference to be huge.
Also, it’s too low offline (My 2.6 wishlist - General Discussion - Diablo 2 Resurrected Forums).

Your conclusion is fundamemtally wrong.

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We found whom this alt account belongs to.

Wipe your mouth little troll. Your typing already shows that you are fuming mad

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Your comclusion is wrong again. That poster is not me. Do you want to go for the trifecta?

So you still have nothing to say and are only here to be a good fanboy? Sorry but I don’t need any followers little troll

Congrstulations on the trifecta with an ad hominen.

The drop rates are published on maxroll for all to see for themselves. You can stop insulting people.

I thought it was self-evident why you were wrong since I immediately stated that account is not mine.

Congratulations already 2 edits for no content.

Go and bark at some trees.

More edits and still mad and no content.

You are no fun little troll.

Personal insults aside, are the drop rates at maxroll accurate in your opinion?

he just exposed him self…
We knew it all a long.
That is just one of many accounts he uses.