Item Drop rates are good enough and here is why

It’s crazy - I played so much last ladder for like 3 weeks and found hardly anything. This ladder I had grief+enigma by day 9 and added pride+forti by day 14. That RNG is what keeps me playing though - who knows what next ladder will be like - and that RNG is really the spirit of D2. At some point, there’s a line at which people should really just play a different game

…do you seriously not understand why a singleplayer game should actually offer players a realistic chance of seeing the majority of the game’s content within the game in 100 playthroughs, including bouts of dedicated farming for a couple of hours on some playthroughs…?

If not – then I don’t see the point in trying to explain this to you.

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And you will find it in 100 playthroughs. Unless you play like noob or skip content.

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If you kill every single monster, you’re still only likely to find about Vex worth of runes from 100 playthroughs killing every single monster in every act in Hell 100 times.
Plus Hellforge, of course, which averages around a median of Pul, or average of Mal, which is the highest rune you will find during most 100% monsters cleared from all areas of the game runs:
Even Lem from hellforge is likely to beat the average rune drops from a singleplayer first time playthrough 100% monsters cleared run in hell.

And please remember – you were not able to mule in singleplayer, you were never intended to be able to transfer any items, so that Death’s Fathom you found on your barbarian horking Pits of Archeron on your run 453 through the entire game is useless.

There is a mountain of evidence the current drop rates are a massive fluke – only marginally made better by the fact that we’ve got botters on ladder, and before that, dupes, both artificially increasing our abilities to farm gear after the actual meaningful part of our characters journeys, killing Baal in hell for the first time.

It’s so frustrating that there isn’t an endgame difficulty – a final Hurrah to actually play all the gear you need to farm after killing Baal.

Or even – what if there was a game mode where nothing respawns, ever, apart from revived monsters that get more and more corrupted each revive until they’re no longer forming correctly, and thus, there is no replayability – only the journey to defeat Baal…
and in it, the drop rates are fixed to actually be roguelike.


That’s not true. Drop rates to be really good enough should fulfill conditions:

  1. As a baseline for drop rates players1 game, with 0% mf should be taken.
  2. Few dozen runs, not thousands, should be enough to get chased items.
  3. It should work with any character class.

If players have to play on PlayersX, stacking ~300+ magic find just to start to somewhat consistently find anything, then it’s a clear sign something is wrong with drop rates.
I’m writing based on my single player experience only.

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I have found a lot stuff in just one playthrough with horker.

That’s nice, now take into consideration non-horker characters. These also should preform so well you won’t have to use a dedicated horker. Well, I should add paragraph 3 into my previous post…

You will still find a lot of stuff if you actualy gather MF and dont skip content. Do you even realize how many hours is 100 playthroughs he talked about if you dont skip content?

Could be like 2000+ hours :slight_smile:

I have finished grails in much less time.

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In fact I do, as I do full playthroughs without skipping. And as mentioned in my 1st post - you’ll find stuff (by that I mean rare/set/uniques) by playing, but to get some reasonable amount of loot you’re forced to stack mf, let alone its quality(how many unique rings turns out to be Stone of Jordan for example?) and no-drop chance. That’s why many of community members here, me included, claim drop rates are not fine.

Drop rates are what keep this game alive for so many years, because there are still items you didnt find to upgrade your character.

You have trading online to get what you want with stuff you found. If you play offline and cant endure current drop rates, you can use mods which increase it.

The game was never “alive” for so many years, even D2R now is dead. So drop rates actually killed the game and not kept it “alive”.

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Game is alive for more than over 20 years. Just because you uninstalled and its dead for you doesnt mean its dead for others who are playing.


Imagine having to announce you’re blocking someone.

Are you important?

Game is alive because I still like a moron keep coming back just to build an insight. Before the game become too boring and need to add more variety into my life. Sure would be nice if some lame JSP forum wasn’t a necessity to break past that barrier.

I feel alot of you still won’t understand the ultimate point here.

As a SSF. It would be nice to get the drops, Before I’m practically uninstalling the game.
Like, let me get the drop, and enjoy it for a little bit.

Don’t drop it when I’m at the end of my patience. The dopamine hit is almost worthless at that point. Which is probably why I’ve never even dabbled in PVP in this game. How dumb is that. I wouldn’t ever dabble in PVP until I finished my item hunt anyway.

So you locked that whole part of the game away from me as well.

And I don’t need to hear any of your excuses about low level PVP. I have my preferences. Maybe after I was done building out my character I would have dabbled in low level builds too. But in my opinion that is like Skipping content. I’d rather do High level full decked PVP before I drop down to gimped PVP.

But the drop rates suck. Just because I don’t use JSP.

When Drop rates only make sense when use JSP, a 3rd party site = Dumb.

As for the others making a claim that Blizzard can’t do anything about JSP. Like hell they can’t. It’s real simple. INCREASE THE DROP RATES! Pooof No more need for JSP. Now you all get to play the game as it was REALLY intended. Solo Self Found. Because that is what the drops should be balanced around. Not the notion that you assume everyone plays online and trades. This aint no damn Free To Play MMO with Microtransactions. It’s a 20 year old game that the majority of us play alone. Because everyone else moved on.

What is it really you’re trying to hold on to? You think people care or respect you for what you found in this game? I’m just trying to play a game to pass some time and would prefer to experience everything that game has to offer at some point And that includes the Equipment upgrades. Not trying to pretend this is serious business and we have to preserve some neckbeard economy.

I’d feel sick if I took that game THAT seriously to care about gatekeeping it from others just so you can feel like your FG is worth something.

What a nonsense. Do you know what is funny? They actualy did that in 2.5 as it contains silent changes to treasure classes. Higher monster levels also allow to drop more stuff and with increased chance.

So why is jsp still going? It didnt poof.

I don’t know, this is the first time I decided to re-install it in about a year and a half to see if anything really changed. I doubt it… but we’ll see. I don’t know, how long has this game been out now? I lose time

And the Poof reference, was in relation to this notion that I’m almost forced to join that place. If increased drop rates, I don’t have to use JSP to get upgrades. that means POOOF. No JSP.

At that point anyone using JSP then crying about how quickly they beat it, can face the truth. Don’t use JSP.

The power is literally in their hands to slow the game down if they want too.

Lol, why are you discusing this then when you dont even bothered to play the game or investigate changes? Its hilarious, I feel like majority of people complaining and demanding /players x and increased drop rate are not even playing damn game so they have no clue about results of what they ask for.

No you are not forced to join it at all. You can trade without it just fine. Dude like if you dont have time to play the game and farm items, jsp will be useless to you because you will be broke there also not being able to afford good stuff.

Good player doesnt need jsp to be rich. Player who is able to get good stuff in game will be able to get it on jsp. Poor player in game will be still poor on jsp. Thats the order of things, always was.

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Let me put to the rest for GOOD.

You all talk about how running over and over and over and over and over and over to farm out your items is what this game is all about right?

You skip past what you claim makes this game SOOOOO great when you use JSP.

I mean, who in their right mind would deny themselves of getting a Harlequin Crest Dropping legit on a run, vs just trading for it on a forum somewhere?

playing the game though, just “I” haven’t played in about a year. Won’t speak for the rest. And considering how “Changes” happen… Yeah. I’m pretty sure my assumptions are still pretty close.

Who is “you”? I dont use jsp. I always starts season from 0. Thats the point of reset.

Good, so do I . I usually these days can stomach about 2 months, 4 hours a day before I uninstall it.

That usually ends up with an insight built to sum it all up. And 90% of that time would be farming hell. This is the drop rates you are defending as I know it to be.

If I manage to build an enigma in this 2 month sprint I’m about to attempt.

I might believe there was some real change made.