Item Drop rates are good enough and here is why

Because exploiting in trading is not so rampant and as easy as going to the “currency trading site”? I am not blaming you, it’s the game that is broken.

I would rather believe objective data over what anyone says personally.

At the end of the day, people aren’t asking for something that isn’t already in the game and available to people with a little extra cash, or have the time to join the games of other groups of people and do your own thing.

Adding /players8 is literally a version of what you already said you did by joining the games of others and doing your own think in Kurast. You aren’t being social. You aren’t joining a group and helping. You are simply using seven other accounts to increase your drop rate.

What I don’t get is why you want it on Battlenet as long as you also want trading to be removed. Why not just play single player?

He is not even playing online btw.

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The ol’ “I was just pretending” excuse huh?

It is interesting that you would respond in such a defensive way. There is 0 reason for a MF character to ever take off their MF gear when farming keys. I simply stated that MF does not affect key drops. Why would you assume different?

I often respond in that wa when people talk BS about me. Or asume something which is not true.

The reason why I asked is that if you have good MF, you can get plenty of other loot from key wardens so it snot just like wasting 4 hours to get 3x3 keys. I am pretty sure you cna find a lot more just by playing smart, hitting super chests in arcane, getting some loot from nihlathak with MF… Countes will sure give you runes too. And with MF she is good at dropping stuff.

Its also smart to wat for zone to be terrorized and farm then.


Because I like the having the option of playing with others or helping people that might need it.

Interesting how you say this when just a few posts up you mock someone for making baseless claims here :point_down:

And your replies completely skate the actual point of my post. It exists in the game now. People find a way to get /players8 without it being part of the game. So why not give people the option to just select it?

So you like to have option good for you but dont want others to have option to trade? :slight_smile:

Its nnot baseless claim, its something he said on the forum…

It exists only in offline game. Online you can simulate it with less effectivity but its also behind paywall as you need to buy more accounts so its not so common.

What makes you think I don’t want people to have the option to trade? Making stuff up doesn’t prove your point.

Yes, it exists in offline and can be simulated in online, making it a workaround option in online gameplay as well. Why not just give people the option since some people have found a way to get it even though is technically isn’t an option?

The subject was key drop rates. Not how I can increase my MF to get other drops. Not how I can trade for keys.

First, you assumed (incorrectly) that everyone plays for the same amount of time as you and therefore should have the same amount of luck as you. Second, you assumed I wanted drop rates to change. Then you assumed I didn’t run MF on keys farming.

If I were you, I would refrain from making baseless assumptions in the future. It hasn’t worked out for you so far.

Hmm I thought it was you who said it because Zaman reacted after you saying that you wan tit removed. So I thought he was adressing you? I guess it was directed to Zahramar. If you didnt say it, sorry then.

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Because its beneficial way how to play. It would harm group play as people would keep playing solo to get benefits of group play. A lot of people who play without multiboxing now.

Also some stuff is complicated to run with ,multiboxing. It would not be with command.

Another farming session with my barb: I am live now :slight_smile:

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Except you said you were able to do it by joining existing games and doing Kurant runs outside the group. This means grouping would still exist because people group up now when they clearly don’t need to (shown by you) allowing you to join their game to not group up with the people that made the game you just joined.

Clearly, if you didn’t have to group neither do they, but they chose to group which gave you the ability to /players8 without multiboxing. Some people choose to group because they like to or need the help. If there are workarounds for /players8, why not just give people the option?

And your whole post was you using groups to rush through content and powerlevel, then you used groups by joining existing games, but not joining the group, to /players8 loot as fast as possible. You then claim the game is too easy when the fact is, you didn’t really play the game at all.

It seems you quite literally see no flaw in your argument, which is just odd. I know everyone here claims to have played D2 from the beginning, but I have a hard time thinking your rationale is coming from an actual adult that’s old enough to have played this game 20 years ago. I don’t know how old you are, but this seems like the argument is a teenager.

Wrong, If I had command I could do it solo in my own private game even better. I was in game with others because I can do that type of game solo without command or operating 7 other accounts.

You really have no idea if a bot is the source of things you trade for, so it comes across as silly to assume one way or the other. I always assume the opposite way (especially if it is an item I have never seen drop myself)

Yes. You probably did trade with a botter. Deal with it. :sunglasses:

There are lower odds that you traded for something duped, but apparently that is also a possibility. :man_shrugging:

And yes: I’m self-aware. My assumptions are just as silly, without proof, etc.

→ incoming wall of text, sorry ←
But without data: you are not going to change someone else’s automatic assumptions. All you have is anecdotal evidence (your own experience) and it will not help me forget mine (yeah… I’ve experienced drop rates in this game first hand: years in D2 and D2:LoD and months in D2R). My anecdotal evidence that is in opposition to yours: I’ve played for hundreds of hours (in hell difficulty) without seeing a high rune (before LoD 1.09 and with the current noticeably higher rates in D2R), as well as weeks on end of rushing people through hell for their hell forge drop… seeing ratios of dozens of Hel’s per single Um (1.10 I think) and never getting above an Um (I think I read it goes up to Gul on the quest reward… but my 100 or so rushes said otherwise…). Of the thousands of hours I booked over the decades: I have never found IK armor (always traded), never found Mara’s (although I did find Tal ammy), never found Death’s Web, never found a stormshield (traded for one in D2R for the first time) never found the lightning resistance lowering tiara one (not a tiara?, not a coronet… whatever)… the list goes on. It is rather silly, really. Name any elite-level unique (that is usable): I have found less than 10% of them personally. Over thousands of hours. Thousands. I’m talking: I could have spent that time getting multiple PhDs. Yeah, I feel bad about my life choices now. Ok, not that bad. I’m over it now. I got a degree and a cushy enough job to give me the free time to do this (not just in college, but since then too) Yay free time!
→ again, sorry for that…<–

TLDR: I personally have bad luck with RNG drops.

It is funny to watch people in PoE complain about their in-game economy on leagues with really low retentions rates (like the current one). When games have fewer item-generating-bots the low player counts become painfully obvious to anyone trying to trade like normal.

The lower the player count, the more likely it is you are trading for items that came from bots.

If I am not mistaken: this D2R season had fewer players than before, what with the lack of new runewords or skill rebalances, sundering charm controversies and all…

Where are you getting lost?

  1. You join someone else’s game, taking up a spot from someone that might actually want to group and possibly ruining their progression by clearing a zone they need, just so you get the advantage of higher drop rates even though you aren’t with the group.

  2. You make your own game with /players8, leaving that extra spot open for someone that might actually want to group and leave all of their zones untouched, and do the same thing by running solo to farm loot.

Either way, you aren’t grouping. In both examples, you are getting /players8 while running solo. Tell me how what you’re doing is better than implementing /players8?

If you have option to use /p X command most people will be leveling solo as its better with /players x. So baalruns will be rare. Good baalruns extremnely rare as casters will level solo.

Again, you’re skating the issue with made up assumptions.

Most people I know do Baal runs for levels. I don’t know anyone that does it for loot. They may get loot, but it’s a side effect, especially with pickit hacks or console users. Some people can’t solo effectively or simply like to play coop

Most people solo for loot. You, in essence, solo for loot. You’re just taking up a spot in an existing exp group to do it.

The only thing /players8 will do is give everyone that does what you do, which is take up a spot in a group game to run solo, to not take up that spot and just run solo.

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Dude like idk what to tell you, anyone who ever took Xp seriously or getting loot seriously knows that best you can do is be solo under high plaer setting. If you go public baalruns as caster, you not only often have to carry others, but you are getting less experience and loot than being solo under players X setting. You are clueless if you think player base would not abuse the command to maximum. Results would be pretty bad for group play. We need to add reason why play together, not kill group play with /players X command. Thats exact opposite they need to do.