Item Drop rates are good enough and here is why

lol, lmao even

This is YOUR personal opinion. I am still delighted whenever I see a unique Grand Charm drop and do wish more drops are like that!

Even then, when people mean increase drop rates they donā€™t necessarily mean this much. Sunder Charm is a necessary item to cancel the flawed game-design ā€œImmunitiesā€ (which should just be removed to be honest) so it makes sense to make it drop very very often.

Its so easy to find stuff on sc that i consider playing hc again :slight_smile:

For some reason I was under the impression you wanted Shakos to rain from the sky. I might be able to agree that the game could use a slight buff, but I still think that buff should be first implemented with group buffs like the no drop intended to do with screen proximity (but it ended up being useless).

Have you tried using an item find barb in P8 games? Thatā€™s something I will probably try soon.

ā€œLook what i have dudeā€

So funny coming from a guy who does this on the only /command player count drop rate emulator- the barbarian.

The REASON farming council/trav is a thing is itā€™s in essence the EXACT SAME as running a higher player count.

All this adorable post did, whether real or not, was show us we need P8 in bnet so all heros can have the same drop rate as you are getting on your barb.

Kinda cool you proved MY point with your attempted mirage thinking it would fool people. You are desperate to keep the value of your gg rare stocks you would even act like horking isnt pseudo player count manipulation. A lot of naive players dont understand this

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They donā€™t need to change that much however things like Sunder Charm are necessary and in my opinion should be dropped very often, because they gate-keep gameplay. Same with +1 Teleport, I think they should add cheap Runeword alternative because it gate-keeps lots of builds, while allowing Shapeshifters to Teleport. Barbarian again is an example, where you pretty much need a Grief. Conviction is also needed for MANY builds. I would even argue BO is mandatory especially more-so in Hardcore.

This is your ā€œstarter magic find kitā€ that should be common to get for everyone, so they can start the real grind. This is my issue here. Now lots of those (other than Teleport skill) can be fixed by a simple rebalance of the classes, that could work too.

No one is asking for complete removal of grinding but donā€™t make it gate-keep builds like this. And to be very honest anyone who is saying drop-rates are okay while non-lifing the game isā€¦ Subject for being laughed at. They are not okay. At all. You have to get your High Runes from exploiters to make your Enigma or you might get lucky and get them end of season, very fun right?

I did it long long time ago with Zerk but I think things changed since 2.4?

We understand that and we also understand they probably got their equipment from exploiters anyways. This build needs lots of rare gear to be viable.

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Are you delusional? Its ladder online lol. I was even streaming it yesterday and posted link here.

Most of my play time farming is on p1. I did travi only because it was terrorized.


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Oh man, that was for real when I was wearing a face mask to work for Covid :cry:.

What is that smellā€¦ oh it must be me.

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What did you find, exactly, during those 3 hours ā€“ of particular value?

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Mavina bow, multiple sunder charms, perfect fire sunder charm, gems and jewels for crafting, 1 minute before stream i got lighting skiller when i was cubing gems, boneshade 5 minute after stream ended, uniq cuirass, laying of hands, some other useful stuff worth keeping or giving to friends. Nothing gg or epic. I probably drained my RNG luck two days before that but thats fine. It was still good session.

What was that about 200 dollars you edited? Is my equip worth only that? :slight_smile: idk about prices on RMT sites.

I might stream another farming session today.

ā€¦so, 8 perfect gems with the bow and a couple more for the Boneshade.
Perfect Fire Sunder Charm was a nice find ā€“ but itā€™s something like a Lem rune.

You didnā€™t beat rushing for Hellforge for an average of Mal + Um in that timespan.

I wasnt trying to beat anything. I am happy i found usefull stuff. I dont need to find hr worth stuff every day. And i rather find myown perfect sunder than waste my lem on it :slight_smile:

Lets see what i will find today.

Itā€™s painfully obvious the drop rates are not okay at all. Hope Blizzard updates it to cater to the majority and their playtime.

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drop rates are great!!! found a Lo rune in act 1 tz and was able to fully gear a sorc to mf properā€¦ have 2 fully geared chars nowā€¦

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Lol you should watch our discord where people post stuff they found.

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You mean to cater to the loud, entitled and lazy minority of brats that wants everything without putting in the effort.


Why? I have objective data about the drop rates available online.

And i have still cta, enigma, grief and fully equipped barb from 10 days of playing. If you play online getting stuff is easy. If you refuse to trade for your weird reasons, its your problem. But you dont play at all, so why do you even care about drop rates?

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Yes itā€™s easy to get items from exploiters, we have done it million times before. More especially in Softcore too. We want it for legit self found.

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Everyone else who dont share you opinion is either exploiter or trading with exploiters. Thats funny.