Item Drop rates are good enough and here is why

oh, so you playing since the launch?

tbh sounds a little underwhelming for over a year of farming

how many hours do you think you have put into the game?

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First of all thanks for being decent, people like you are rare here and you get hate just for asking for changes.

And yes, you are right. I post from phone usually and even then I do not really post much. My post count is high yes but you have to remember each post is like a “text message” in these forums, so in ~4 hours you could even post 1000 posts. I got a bit hyper active during new season period.

But this does not matter, because the person who is calling me cringe is funny because I ask everyone, who is more cringe:

  • Person who rarely insults people and has many posts but usually cares about their favorite game and wants the best for it, thus suggesting changes.
  • Person who is literally obsessed with me and hating me for [literally] almost a year now. For what? I suggest changes to a video game. I have him blocked for almost that period, it’s scary how obsessive some people are, still posting daily at least one post attacking me. I have no idea why he is not banned yet from the forums. Makes fun of my post count when I wouldn’t bet 50% of his posts are personally directed towards me and I do not even read them (because ignored).

Anyways I will keep asking for changes, they will not silence me and certainly their words have no effect on me as I rarely read them after I put them into ignore.

Thanks again. :smiley:

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I’m sorry but your whole post is based ONLY on YOUR experience. I am one not complaining about drops but you telling others things are fine based on your luck and 100% pure rng game is ridiculous.

All you are showing is you have been having a lot better RNG than a lot of people. So please don’t tell others drops are fine if they are farming like mad only to not really have things to show for it. You don’t know what they are experiencing. I am also willing to bet if you weren’t having this luck at all you wouldn’t be making this post.

I am sure though we are all super happy your have great rng luck and think drop rates are fine.

it happen every season for me a well. 2-3 days i get full geard what ever i play, just with trading in game or tradier or my items i find. the same goes for ALOT of people. it not that hard. drop rate is more then fine. i would like them to be lowerd, but iam ok with this current lvl.

btw Bojangles, its a name from a former Rper on Nopixel Gta Rp

Do you think 18 votes on the Blizzard D2R forum represents the widespread view of tbe D2R playerbase?

I personally think that this is a very small number characterized by sampling bias.

if I were to average out my playtime per day cause I dont play everyday 15-20 minutes a day maybe since launch

dude, he was making fun of you

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You should re-read his/her post thoroughly. In any case let’s not get out of topic - points in my post stand.

Hoping Blizzard adjust the long overdue drop rates!

SHowing my rns just now:

Which is a very nice gesture but it’s hard to watch other people play D2 for long because unfortunately, it isn’t a very fun game to watch. I am curious to know your findings though and I trust your honesty.

However also keep in mind how you got those items with high Magic Find, and how many accumulated hours you have so far. Do you believe majority can spend that much time? Especially every ~4 months season? Nevermind adding time it would take to get your Magic Find gear in legit and fair manner.

The point is it’s hard to argue drop rates are good when they are openly for everyone see objectively dude.

If by “ok with it” do you mean I would quit if they did that?

No, I wouldn’t quit. It wouldn’t be the change I want to see but the reality is, I play online solo almost 100% of the time so not a lot would change for me. I never get rushed. I solo almost every boss through the entire story.

I’m ok with some changes that would make the game harder, like a 10 second reuse timer on teleport. At the end of the day, I play as long as I enjoy playing.

I actually wasn’t making fun of him. Some people post when they are locked in to doing nothing, like sitting on the pot, stuck in traffic as a passenger, at the doctor’s office, etc.

I knew I smelled something :nauseated_face:

That’s your breath blowing back in your face. :wink:

Haven’t gotten to use that one since the 8th grade…lol

TLDR; I found a Jah, Ohm, and Mal in 2 hours.

His video demonstrates one thing though, those two unique Grand Charms he found within 15 minutes are completely void of any excitement, emotion and hype. So basically if they lowered the drop rates, he would be finding Shakos, Swirling Crystals, etc and most likely dumping them (other items) unless they were perfect.

I only agree with a slight drop rate increase when it comes to a screen proximity bonus because 8 people have to FFA loot (or loot allocation roll) for them.

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Well i was axcited tho as I found 12% physical sunder and 70% fire sunder later :slight_smile:


Nice lol, I usually see dark humiility dump even 75% Sunders, and he uses JSP so he doesn’t even bother selling them because they must be worthless on there.

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I keep them for my Free items session for our discord, pletny of people still dont have them


No wonder u so uneducated. U didnt believe the teachers in school to be actual teachers and only believe in your own delusional mind.

Atleast u listen and quote fictional characters xD…
I would recommend u to watch less tv and grind less d2r. Go educate yourself instead.

The ToS doesnt change wheter u believe me or not though. And neither did your brainpower increase u just prove that u lack it.

“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results” Einstein

Muted. A monkey like u lack the ability to understand simple facts.

You are a meme.

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