Item Drop rates are good enough and here is why

Yeah but little bit different with auradin i guess, you dont exactly go kill mobs, they die on the way :sweat_smile:

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MF stacking is honestly only good for short runs where kill speed saving time means less than the time it takes to TP somewhere, kill, and make a new game.

MF stacking is great for things like Andy/Meph/Eldritch/Pindleā€¦ and now I guess Trav.

Itā€™s TERRIBLE for clearing cows/chaos/zones in general.

More and more people quitā€¦ and eventually the game shutters. Womp womp womp.

Probably less than 10,000 active accounts on D2R. Thatā€™s not exactly definitive of more on your side, champ.

Thatā€™s the equivalent of saying, ā€œcheck your privilege.ā€

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and nobody here is on your side, you can give me baseless statistics but facts are facts lol

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I guess that I am a nobody.

Youā€™re talking nonsense. I also stopped playing because of drop rates and there are many others.

We play video games for fun, and robotic braindead grind that isnā€™t reward? Yeahā€¦ Rather grind in real life. Waiting for next Seasonā€™s changes.

Exactly. More people agree with me, than you.

I can also cut out parts of your reply to make it seem like you have a point like you did with mineā€¦like I just did with yours lol. Oh Snap. Thanks for agreeing


Anytime, buddy, whatever helps you sleep at night.

Thatā€™s why you post here like you are possessed. :))
You are the epitome of cringe. :clown_face:

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Your using words he wont understand, things need to be simplified for that one.

look at op likes 11ā€¦ yours 7.

facts are facts

Maybe he has free time to post while taking a dump or sitting in his carpool on the way to work.

As someone with over 830 posts, all about stopping change, I donā€™t think you have a lot of room to talk about being possessed and being cringeworthy.

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I am all for change. I enjoy the new terror zones as it they incentivize me to run different zones than the old meta, thus I can more appreciate the work the developers have put in this graphical overhaul, all the beautifully crafted little details that complement the rich lore of Sanctuary.

You see, some of us fell in love with this franchise due to the atmosphere and story. The hunt for loot and bragging rights, your main drive, came laterā€¦

I also welcome and hope for new rune-words, new unique items, new crafting recipes, a in-game item catalog/grail tracker.
I would love to see stackable gems and also a loot filter.
I would be thrilled if they launched new endgame events like uber tristam and diablo clone.
I would be amazed if they come up with a new act to better tie it in with D4 coming on the horizon. Only imagine how amazing that would be!

I am all for change. But not when it comes to the core of the D2 and consequently D2R experience: miniscule drop chances(I know they made chances in the past and donā€™t deny they might do it again, but not at the scale you hope for), no personal loot and no /p8 on Battlenet.

Otherwise I welcome all the content and additions that change the meta. For now I donā€™t really complain with what theyā€™ve done. Is it perfect!? Far from itā€¦We shall seeā€¦
So donā€™t tell me I am against change.

There are so many changes and there are so many things the developers could focus on to make the game even more amazing than its already status as a genre defining cult classic. And yet, you only focus on yelling like a bunch of entitled brats: ā€˜gimme moooreā€™.


You donā€™t realize that what you want are precisely the changes that will crush the heart of the game. Itā€™s amazing you still donā€™t get it: the gameplay only reflects the atmosphere of the game. IT IS DESIGNED to be soul crushingly grindy. It is meant to frustrate you and drive you insane. Itā€™s a game from a different era when studious like Blizzard North perceived the games they made as a form of art. Itā€™s supposed to be an infernal slot machine.

The gameplay, your experience as a player in order to reach the endgame is a meant to be a reflection of Sanctuary.

Luckily two after two decades we know the ideal and most efficient meta to maximize our chances, yet you vehemently refuse to learn and feel so entitled that you request for the game to adapt to your needs rather than you adapt to the game and truly begin to appreciate it.

TL:DR: Drop rates are fineā€¦P8 will never come to Battlenet

But you donā€™t like the purpose of the terror zones, like sunder charms and increased drop rates. So, you donā€™t really like terror zones at all. The graphical overhaul isnā€™t a change, itā€™s the original selling point of the game.

Some of us donā€™t remember disliking a lot of the things you claim to love. Nobody likes small bags, limited storage and endless farming, but it was new and we didnā€™t know any better. Now, those same people are playing 20 years later and have lives. They would like to see progress without dumping 20 hours a week that they donā€™t have into a game.

So again, someone that wants only the changes they want and donā€™t want any of the other changes. You think new rune words are ok but /players8 would ruin the game even though /players8 already exists. You make no sense. Itā€™s like you think this is D2 Zaman Edition.

Lumpus. Would you be ok, to change the drope rate, so it is harder to get gear, then it is now?
revome sunder charms?
Make more immunes?
remove Tz?

Lets see if I will have bad or good drop rates today. 2-3 hours long stream of farming with my barb:

LIVE now (no commentary)

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You dont like grinding and low drop rates. So you dont like Diablo at allā€¦

That makes sense. More so it leads to conclusion that indeed ā€œvast majorityā€ left because of drop rates, only not Diablo drop rates, but Zahramar drop rates (those however are to high and should be lowered)

Gl . ill be watching while i do next weeks job schedules

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You said all of that already.

ā€œOne who must proclaim himself king is no true kingā€ -Tywin Lannister

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