Item Drop rates are good enough and here is why

Would you like to see the last 4 hours of me speed running key wardens that has yielded 2 keys? I average 3 mins a run for all 3 keys. I really don’t think you understand how probability works from what you’ve espoused here, TBH. Game knowledge matters very little as there are only a set amount of places to farm and drop rates are static. Besides understanding map layouts and equipping the right amount of MF, you can do very little to alter the RNG.

That said, drop rates are fine for me. I spend a lot of time every day playing this game. For those who have limited time, it’s a big ask to get them to spend that time to farm something like keys or other gear. On average, you can take up to 4-6+ hours to farm a set of keys for ubers for instance.

How do you not understand this? These are basic concepts.


People that quit because they didn’t want to play enough to get drops… weren’t really playing anyway. :stuck_out_tongue:

So what changes exactly?

Bit of a catch 22 there.


So your suggestion is what then? make 3x3 keys dropping in 4 hours practicaly guaranteed? Because in same time i found all keys for uber tristram. Higher drop rate will result in some people farming all required key in two hours, to open zone with most elite charm in game. This would result in huge drop in pruces for keys and torches.

Now, tell me with how much MF were you running key wardens?

Well its you not understanding that you can just raise drops of stuff because everyone except casuals will get everything easily. And that means people will get bored much faster and leave.

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Examples of items you can get in free games:
Tal Mask, Mav belt, Wilhelm pride, Steeldriver, Hone Sundan, Nat shoes, all IK parts but armour, bunch of other uniques/set items which while not top end, are still significantly better that what you have.

Often so people leave unid blue circlets, armours, rare gloves, claws, javs.
They always leave incorrectly socketed bases (eg 2os armours - Smoke, 3 os maces - Black)

At lvl 90 you should be able to easily gamble better circlet than lore, or amulet.
Your Tal amy is enough to upgrade every slot of your gear.
On the side note your itemization for Zerker seems a bit odd.

This genuinely baffles me for lvl 90 horker.


I legit don’t care what they do. I have plenty of time to farm anything I need.

I never suggested they raise drop rates. Just poked holes in your terrible argument.

I thought you were good at this game/had some game knowledge? MF doesn’t affect key drops.


Zax… Magic Find does not affect Runes or Keys…


Did i say it does? No i didnt, i asked for different reason.

Btw it was funny for me to read reaction i knew would come ::grin: so what was your mf?

Btw I was like, should i bait him or just explain why i ask and i went with bait :slight_smile:

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Where did i say it does?

Its nice you try to educate me guys but i know it very well :slight_smile:

You will understand why i asked after he responds with his mf.

It’s okay to admit being wrong. People would still give you attention but respect you more.

Anyways, drop rates are terrible. Hopefully changes soon because I no longer have desire to play.

Sure, but I didnt claim anything? So what should I be wrong exactly? about regarding mf and runes/keys? I simply asked question :joy:, nothing more.

If you think i didnt know that, go read my item find guide where I mention on atleast two places that mf doesnt affect that.

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i love coming home from work, to read the trolls posts… Brings me joy…

Actually, that question appears to me to be a trap question. Did you really want the response to be mf affects key drop rates so you could criticize? Now the trap was detected, your post seems defensive. If it was not a ttrap, then the response was justified.

While people are complaining about drops I decided to grind out some runs for a few hours. Found cold sunder, vex, and a ber. Just keep farming my friends. Rng will bless you eventually.

that side is way more on my side,heres a good example of it.before I wiped my account and restarted cause I had nothing else to find I offered to give away everything.Mules of shakos,occys,a bunch of JAh runes,tons of stuff and you know what happened…nobody even commented saying they would take it.So if the drop rates sucked people would have been all over it but no, it was quite the opposite.So that right there obviously tells me its the small majority of people that seem to have this odd problem of drop rates lol.So it is in fact my side that thinks drop rates are just fine.

it was, I started off doing normal runs like andy,meph and pindle then it progressed into basically Pit runs only.To this day Ive never actually had to trade for a single item.ive sold a few items for some Hr’s but that was a total of like 3 Hrs. My entire Auradin set up was all self found runes and to even top that off I made a act5 zerker merc with an entire auradin set up of gear,but instead of Dream shield a pally would normally use I just used azurewrath…and that zerker merc wrecks everything. I just wish he could use axes or I would replace his azurewrath with an eth Death Cleaver i found in the pits


It wasnt trap :flushed:, i was interested with how much mf he run it for some additional discussion.

i was soo Obviously why you asked. either they know why and dont wanner admit it, or els they are trolling.
its a thread about drope rate ffs :slight_smile:

I think some people think more MF is better, I think I know why I never have drop problems and thats down to speed .I MF with a total of about 300 on my pit runner and about 400 on my MF sorc.Seems low but if your not weakening your player with a bunch of MF gear and focus on clear speed opposed to having like 800MF and your runs taking 5x as long is what I think a lot of this problem comes from

Well sure, its good to find optimal compromise .

A lot of people also fully clear zones. As it might be good for runes on high player setting, for set and uniques its just better to hit elites only.

Chance to drop good stuff from normal monster is waaaay worse than from elites.

funny. i just gave away a full geaed hammerdin( minus enigma) on day 3 of ladder. only a few wrote in the thread.
gave away an anni the other day, again only a few wrote in the thread.
that tell us. drop is fine, and not many need items.

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true but mass mob killing yields good results, ive actually found a lot of stuff just running to the pits with the auradin lol.Ill actually purposefully look for the shaman camps on my way cause i find a lot of charms from killing 30 of them at a time

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