Item Drop rates are good enough and here is why

Like your subjective opinions regarding what the ‘majority’ wants?
This is gold! :))


Thanks you for proving my point below :sweat_smile:

And no, i dont trade with botters and exploiters. I dont know any. Who was botter or exploiter from people i traded with? Show evidence please.

Why is my rng better than yours repeatedly every time?

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I challenge you. Record your MF session (atleast 2 hours) and i can guarantee that i can spot multiple things you do wrongly resulting in less change to get more loot

Your point is that, a list of logical and very reasonable counter-arguments been presented to you that you just stubbornly brush off and dismiss? That won’t make them any less right.

You are not understanding. Efficiency has nothing to do with drop rates we complain about, this is the “RNG” part. Try to understand what we are typing.

Because it is… RNG?!?
People win the lottery too. Are you serious now?

But more importantly, because you probably play insane amount of hours into the game. It’s not about efficiency, it’s simply because of this.

Like think we open 1 lootboxes in a week, you open 400. Of course you would get better items when you play like 400% more than us!!!

I would genuinely love to watch you both doing 10 of those just to have video footage proving differences in drops.

Read again above.

Do they win it every week? Of course no, stop being silly with examples like that. I am constantly getting good stuff when i start from 0 every time. Because i know what i am doing. If you suck at game, you obviously have less chance to get more good items. RNG obviously exist but if you dont give it much chance with terrible gameplay, you wont get more and better items.

So you want good stuff without hard work? World doesnt work like that buddy.

Your insecurity and inferior complexity is getting out of hand. There is no skill or talent in luck saying so would only open you up for mockery. No offense.

But more importantly, because you no-life the game as I said. Most sane people aren’t willing to put all that time every season, doing such mindless grinding when they have other things to do and a life.

This is a video game, not a job. We grind in real life. Even then, facts remain the game is not rewarding and drop rates suck.

Honestly this whole thread is just silly. I think we all know why it is silly I am not going to offend anyone. :roll_eyes:

I will record my today’s mf session. Or i will stream it actualy.

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Why dont you show how you play the game? Do you even play online? Probably not. Its hard to believe that you do with so much complaining about drops.

While I respect your knowledge as a d2 player Zax, I think you are a little out of touch with what the drop rates are… and they are really bad.

If you do not use jsp or have fg, or just be extremely lucky to find something very valuable that you can sell for bers, the grind is immense for anything good (especially if you solo on bnet). You either have good luck or waste dozens and dozens of hours for a measly hr. And while I get that this makes the item even more valuable and fun to find, we og players of d2 (that make up most of the player base I think) are in our thirties or even forties and cant possibly spend that much time in a game like we used when we were teenagers. (even if we wanted)
If I am lucky I can clock in about 2-3 hours / 4-5 days a week, do you know how much good loot (actually good not budget) you can find in this time frame ? close to nill most of the time, or 1-2 good items if you’re lucky.


Good day,
i read what you guys post but i think, like Hanz said, if you really want to test of drop rates are good or not, you need to run a SSF character to find out.
Playing on games with more people and trading alter the results on P1 drop rates.

I dont think we should get a 100% MF buff but maybe a little bit of a bump would help getting stuff. Maybe excluding some low items from the drop table in some mobs would help?

Have fun!

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Yes i played a lot but i have what i have in 10 days. Someone who doesnt play as much as me can have it in few weeks or month. Thats totaly reasonable. I also did have to find most of it, people who play less can get stuff for free or cheap even at this time already.

I throw stuff i could sell well early for free now. There is plenty of opportunities for people who dont play alot.

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You mean 2-3 hours total per week or 4-5 days of week? Meaning 2-3 hours per day?

I agree that the drop rates can be unforgiving and make the game frustrating or boring. My friend would get angry. A lot of it comes down to personality.

The only time I’ve suggested an increase of drop rate is if they do it in a more constructive way: by giving an MF or Rune bonus to screen proximity party gameplay (something reasonable).

It looks bad when people just ID unique Grand Charms and toss them away, there’s no excitement or emotion when it comes to Sunder Charms.

Average of 10-12 hours a week Im guessing, I find mid tier stuff all the time, for buget builds, just not good stuff. For example playing these past 2 weeks, highest rune I found was an ist. It’s all rng, last year when I started in my first week found a Ber, and after a month a griffon’s, but overall statistically drop rates seem bad (after 1 year and something of playing)

Thats actualy good number of hours. Most time consuming for me was leveling.

I usualy normaly play 2-5 hours per day. More on weekend.

Well i will be streaming 2-3 hours long MF seassion today then. And post link here, probably 7 hours from now.

About the drops. I think that most player base is failing at identifing what has good price. I see it all the time, people dont bother to pick up stuff, they dont pick up large charms, they sell pvp jewels and charms to vendors, theydont id magic rings or amulets or other magic stuff/rare stuff which can have price of multiple high runes.

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I would add also the fact that a lot of people don’t use the excess of gems/low runes/trash jewels to craft items and roll the terror zones charms.
You can hit the jackpot that way also.

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Yes, there is so many options what you can do. Thats why its mindblowing that some people think game knowledge and game skill wont help you to get loot. Its so far from truth its mindblowing. It will take you probably several years to really understand what can be valuable. I see it everytime with new players. They struggle with value of items for months.

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I advise to watch guy on youtube with name “ilovemf”. His clips are amazing example of how some items can have good value as he is showing reaction to items dropped and often also share price.