Item Drop rates are good enough and here is why

Not at all. Again u making assumptions. Again u have severe cognitive disortion.

Whatever, its your emotions speaking. U act like im the only one who highjack games to be efficient. By blizzards definition u are a cheater.

Those with FG and runes have more buying power than those with only runes. Sick mental block i must say.

I know very well what i talk about. U the one trying to deny that using d2jsp gives a advantage.

Told u read further on the ToS.

Im a ex-lawyer. The issue is that u dont understand it because u lack the brainpower.

Gps is cheating in d3. Is everyone banned for it? Does that make it legit?
U rly arent the brightest star. Infact i would say u below avrg.

Your opinion doesnt matter. I couldnt care less what u believe about me. U just showing your own true color. A childish emotional manbaby. Shouting at me wont make u less bald.

Just like u use d2jsp. Why should i care about strangers on the internet? U eat food while children in the world is starving. What makes u better?
The game is designed that way which just makes it much more beneficial to play with player 8.

U gone through it and misinterpret. Your try labeling like a child with no arguments. Its a sign of a person who lack brainpower to counter arguments and then resort to personal attacks.

I know its sort of common between purist manbabies but u rly being a joke now.

If u got nothing to say which holds any value then im just gonna mute u.

The rarity of drops ensures that, while some players find Ber, 2x Jah, Lo and Sur in 100 hours, others will not have found one single of any of them in 2000 – playing the exact same way, exactly as effective.

Again on average you would have same stuff. You might drop different items but but overall value will be same. This season i found 3 shakos, last one i didnt find one first ten days. But i had enigma sooner. But i didnt have grief sooner than now. Do you see what i mean. If i look at my results, its always ± same in certain period of time. You might not drop same stuff, but thanks to trading you will get to same results in very similar times if you play in same way.

There is reason Micro has far worse items than me. And its not RNG.

“Item drop rates are fine. Here’s a sample size of 1 to prove it.”

Come on dude put more effort into your posts.


Item drop rates are okay for bots and exploit users only, and without them 90% of playerbase would never get one Enigma or even see one.

It’s long overdue time for a change. We want to play the game not go to shady “trading platform”.

Games are meant to put effort into them and get rewarded, current drop rates are not rewarding and kills most people’s desire to play the game.


I wonder what would convince people like you. You guys seems to have always some kind of excuse when someone shows that you can get stuff if you know what you do.

Its always constant excuses like:

  • you trade
  • you exploit the game
  • you traded with possible botters
  • jsp
  • you are multiboxing
  • you got help
  • you have time to play and i dont
  • you have help from community as streamer
  • you bot
  • you got lucky
  • your experience doesnt mean i get the drop
  • its RNG

I mean did i freaking forget something. Its hilarious that some people here can come up with anything as excuse.

So tell me. What the hell would convince you that drops are fine? Considering you play online game and you can play with others.

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But are we wrong dude?

The drop rates are set in stone for everyone to see, so personal anecdotes are indeed just luck. People do win the lotteries too.

Are you denying exploits, botting, and that disaster “trading platform” are running rampant?

We are not really wrong here. Nothing would convince us because again: They are set in stone for everyone to see and you can objectively see how they suck.

Its self contradictory. If I drop different items, they will hold different value or no value at all, and theres no system in game that would reassure I would drop more of them to compensate for lower value.

Also, given how low drop rates are, its plausible it would only start averaging out over thousands of hours played, even if we were doing the exact same thing.

Great, I farmed cows and tunnels until I was close to puking this season, and the only sellable drops I found was tal armor and a Gul.

Meanwhile my friends were doing cows over the weekend and within 2 hours of playing got 2 Jahs and an SC worth another Ber+.

Id love to see if theres enough time left this year for it to start averaging out.

Yes you are wrong. Drops are set in stone,so what lol? Its about using you knowledge and skill to get maximum from it. If you cant do it and suck at game, you wont get that many drops, simple as that.

And answer my question please, what would convince you that soneone here on forum can show that droo rates are fine.

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When there is data for people to see, that is quantitative and is objective, subjective opinions do not matter.

If there is 3% chance it will rain tomorrow in each city, most cities won’t see rain and you could see the rain 3 times in a week. There will be cities that won’t see the rain in 20+ years. This is totally and very not okay.

I answered it, you can’t convince us because again and again there is OBJECTIVE data behind our facts.

You literally have no control over the rng aspect of it.

The only way you can realistically use ‘skills and knowledge’ is to slightly optimize farming patterns, which is only equivalent to buying more lottery tickets. Still doesnt address the main issue.


Finding items is literally one of the only end games in D2. That’s why people like JSP so much, because they’re addicting to farming forum gold, that’s their end game.

All of these people would stop playing if drop rates were increased. Who do you think would fill their spots? Zoomers? They want nothing to do with this game.

I guess this summarize you and few others here quite well. You are stubborn and want to stick to your opinion no matter what. It doesnt matter there is ton of evidence making your opinions wrong. You dont care and dont want to be better at game, to gain some game knowkedge to find more stuff. You want everything on silver platter with no effort.

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That’s not even playing the game!!! In what world where common sense is really not that common is this okay?!? How is this more okay then people playing the game and finding their own items, when trading won’t be gone anyways?!?

The “purists” are in fact at best 10% minority dude. Both Zoomers and OG D2 fans like me would want drop rates improved, because we are not teenagers anymore.

YOU are the stubborn one. There is objective factual data and you are here saying subjective opinions. I gave you a good example of the rain. Science exists for a reason.

Skill and knowledge in this game is far more important than you think. While you wasted time in cows with most likely slow killing character on p1, i was doing far better rune farming method and secured Ist, Vex, Sur.

No its still you. I am open to change my mind and i did on few topic over the months here on forums. On other hand you yourself said that you cant be convinced. Thats for being stubborn.

You cant get stuff, I can and i can every season. So how it can be low drop rates?

Instead of trying to find out how to play better, you look for excuses why I found more.

Its actualy hilarious as overwatch forum has few people like you also. Nothing will convince them that they dont play well. You can show them milion videos how to get better at game and climb ranks. Doesnt matter. They are not interested to put some hard work in and learn. Hell no, they instead look for any kind of excuse and blame system being against them and rigged or blabe team mates for being stuck in bronk rank ::grin:

This similarity is mindblowing.

Because of objective factual data behind drop rates, again and again. Cities don’t see rain in 20+ years if we set rain percentage 3%.

Imagine thinking objective factual data is an “excuse”. :roll_eyes:

OW depends on skill actually and I am enjoying it, and not complaining there.

Why i can get stuff every season and you cant?

R N G.
And you trade with exploiters/ botters.

People like trading. This is what made Runescape fun as for people as well. Once Jagex removed trading runescape died and they were forced to bring it back.

Can you explain what the end game should be other than farming for items? I don’t see you supporting the idea of an SSF ladder, or a PVP Arena, or a modern ranking system for the current ladder.

Once finding items is made to be easier, what are you going to do with those items?

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