Item Drop rates are good enough and here is why

So power gaming and joining other people’s games to run around and open a bunch of stuff in Kurast.

Sounds like so much… fun. No wonder you don’t want anything changed with riveting gameplay like that.

Thanks for proving this game needs to be fixed by showing everyone “how it’s done”. The sad thing is you probably think there’s nothing wrong with it… clearly.

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You can clear the game naked,
you can clear the game with just 1 spirit.
you dont NEED anything. you WANT IT. it is just greed…

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Nobody is forcing you, its optional. Its equip and character progression. Its content of game and reason to play the game for a long time. Something you want as dev? To people play your game as long as possible? Its what makes d2 so great.

Oh god this topic is like magnet to biggest trolls and people with insane ideas. I am actualy mindblown.


…wanting to experience the contents of a product that I have purchased with a reasonable investment of time is…


How in the sevens hells do you figure…?
You do realize that cans of tuna actually have tuna inside, and that you’re not supposed to just eat the paper on the outside, right, or are you content with eating the paper because it’d be too much of a privilege to actually get the content inside the container…?

If you buy a car, do you expect it to actually drive, without you having to spend 10 000 hours inputting codes to allow you to actually drive it?

If you buy a book – are you content with having to decode each page with a set of special decoding tool, because you don’t feel privy to the information inside it after buying it…?

It’s insanity.
The idea that you should not be able to have a realistic chance of getting the content within the game, no matter how many times you play the game as intended within reason.

intense and selfish desire for something, especially wealth, power, or food.

Wanting nobody else to experience the content of a game is closer to the definition of greed than actually wanting people to have a realistic chance of experience the content of a game.

My position is closer to reason.

a cause, explanation, or justification for an action or event.


people need to learn to drive first. it take some people a long time to master… Think about that…

The car workes fine. but if you dont know how to drive. its not the cars fault…

Maybe you can get low/mid items but nothing exotic.

Some bases and a few odds and ends. Since cold sorcs destroy the cow bodies, there is not much to hork.

I have 17 perfect gems.

You did something better than say. You have demonstrated that the whole time.

Do you stop farming and leave if they ask you to leave?

When you have more fg chasing fewer goods you have reduced buying power.

Just like when you have more dollars chasing fewer goods in real life.

Yes you are complaining. You also have not proven that jsp is cheating, and the aggregate of our discussion is leaning towards it is not cheating.

Cheating is a ban able offense.

Doesn’t change that you are a thief and an oppressor.

So your saying if the system allows it, It’s ok? The National Socialists (Formerly German Workers party) of 1930’s and 40’s Germany felt it was ok to persecute jews because their system allowed it.

By your very own admission you value laziness over communication.

That analogy fails in so many ways.
I know how to play the game – I know how to play the story.
The actual game.
I also know how to mindlessly farm the same area over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over…
Like; You could literally teach that to a monkey, or dog – a pavlovian dog.

The exact problem I’m complaining about is that you cannot actually find the good stuff when you actually need the good stuff:
During the actual game – the meaningful part of the game – when you’re actually playing a hero’s journey to defeat some nasty demons.

…I cannot imagine a singleplayer game, made today, with both the width of content and the scarcity of it, we see in Diablo 2 and Resurrected.
I’ve played so many roleplaying games and action roleplaying games.
Some where some grinding is expected, like the Castlevania games.
But in those, you do it during the actual story, to advance your character’s abilities, to kill bosses.

Even in my only MMO, Dungeons and Dragons Online, you grind content, not to finish your character after finishing the game – but to advance your character, so that you’re powerful enough to advance.

The fact that you know how to get the content that is evidently poorly packaged – you can’t get it during the actual part of the game it’s obviously designed to be used against – is not evidence of good design.
The idea that other people that actually want the content of the game more accessibly do not know how to play the game is deeply flawed:

The complaint is that the game is intended to be played as a story-driven action roleplaying roguelike.
That is a fact.

It is also a fact that the actual game – the supported journey your hero goes through – ends when you kill Baal in Hell.
After that, we’re just toying around in an open world, in a game that plays like a sandbox – except it’s actually not a sandbox game.

It was a roguelike, and your character failed to get any of the good content in the game on his or her journey.

The fact that we want to see that content so bad that we chase it through thousands of hours after finishing the story for the 5th or 6th is a testament to the quality of the game, not evidence that the rarity of the items is fine.

If the game was not good, I’d not give a damn about the items in it.
But I’d much prefer if the items actually dropped during the actual game, when my character actually had a purpose to use them towards.


We can speculate why this is the case, and make reasonable assertions:

I believe the drop rate for high runes and the highest level content was supposed to be dropped more frequently in the second expansion – providing characters with the necessary leap in power to complete that conent, then, with an incredibly small chance of aquiring the power earlier.

We know for a fact that they had a total of two expansions planned when they made the first, and that the original developers didn’t get to develop that second expansion nor continue to work on Diablo 2 as they probably would have wanted when the second expansion got scrapped for work on Blizzard North’s Diablo III, back in 2002-2003.

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no hes not hes completely right, I wiped my entire account and started over because I had an entire account filled with items and hrs.the drop rates are astonishingly higher than LOD cause I actually play both. and for icing on the cake I play this game 1/20th of what I used to play LOD and have found 50x as much good items and GG stuff. for reference if I played this as much as I played LOD back in the day that literally means my RNG is 1000x better in D2r lol

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This is pretty much it.

Some people enjoy having things that others do not have, and are much more invested in ensuring that others continue to not have shiny toys. :man_facepalming:

Some people do not enjoy what they have, but rather enjoy watching other people not have things. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

people need to stop analyzing this game from the multiplayer perspective…

unless you were ssf all this time

if thats the case, i take it back

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Well then we will have to agree to disagree. As with all the others who have quit, and likely won’t come back. As it is, getting the gear you want is just… too impossible for most people. That’s the center of this whole thing. To you, and the OP, its fine. To many others, it isn’t.

One side has more people, and I hope you’re not stupid enough to think its your side.

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But, but, but. How? You need to meet lv 20 / 40 / 60 to pass the ancients for normal/nightmare/hell. lv35? are u serious?

Yes you do, but he wasnt doing ancient quest, you will complete baal quest in party as others do it and can go higher difficulty without facing ancients.

No you don’t look up grush if you want more info

WOW! Understood.
The teleporter only Lv35 and he/she could fly in hell? Great skill! Amazing.

I want to join such fantastic group next season as well. :joy:

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So u making things up to prove your point? Cant say its the first time.

What does that have to do with u jumping conclusions out of the blue? Dodge much?

Another example where u prove that u got no clue. Again educate yourself before u speak further u just making a fool of yourself.

Someone with cash has more buying power than those without. How stupid are u?
Ppl with 10k FG got more buying power than those without any FG. Its rly simple.

I did, i linked the ToS. Not my problem that u dont understand it. According to blizzards definition its cheating.

Read further in the ToS. Sometimes i wonder if ppl like u even finished elementary school.

Call me whatever u like. None of that proves your point. Just another weak way to argue.

Thats the opposite of what im saying. I clearly stated its a bad design. However u should ask yourself that as u the one who believe using d2jsp is ok. U rly shown that u suffer from cognitive disortion and now try labeling like the way 6y olds argue.

I stated several times i believe it matters to ppls experience. And d2jsp is a third party website which allows u to transfer wealth from a previous season or even buy wealth for real money.
Some ppl wont use it because of its not authorized by blizzard. Which according to their ToS means its cheating.

Autism x2000. Now i understand why u suffer from severe tunnelvision and jumping conclusions.

You have demonstrated your belief that stealing from people’s games and taking advantage of those that can’t fight back has more morality than using a free and inclusive trading platform in your view. Since you won’t answer for yourself it is only reasonable to conclude that you brutalize players that try to stop you.

You are a thief and a coward.

Those with runes have more buying power than those with fg in the beginning ladder.

This is another example that YOU do not know what you are talking about and you aren’t man enough to admit it.

Somehow myself and everyone on this forum that uses jsp is still here. You do not understand how to read the Terms of Service. If jsp was cheating we would all be banned for it.

That is exactly what you are and I will never let you forget it.

You choosing to exploit it for your selfish reasons at the direct expense of helpless players is YOUR FAULT. Blizzard didn’t make you a thief, you do that. No one else.

We have gone through your points thoroughly and you have revealed your own fraudulent and malevolent nature through this process. You have nothing left.

Don’t ever change. I like you just the way you are.

And here is why they are not: I’m farming Countess for a few days now on Hell lvl and the highest rune I’ve got is Hell ( which is the Nightmare rune ). Mostly AMN and ORT are dropping. It’s appalling.

You have no clue how randomization works.

Also, like many people you severely underestimate the effect of what individual items drop for you has on the total value you get. You can be extremely lucky with drops and still what you get wont be those items people go for, and might very well be almost worthless.