It turns out, D3 is more skilled game than D2

Both games’ difficulty depends on the goals that the players have for themselves.

No to personal loot. Just make magic find stack as a group, and increase drop rates. Give us some cube recipes to craft unique and set items from rares, and I can assure you people would flock to this game in droves to play all the GG builds (finally.)

“But they’ll quit once they make the build.” Says the moron who doesn’t understand the type of gamer that would return to a game to finally play a build that doesn’t require luck to get gear for.

Pvm is skilless in both just requires time. Pvp kept d2 alive for 20 years while d3 pvp is an embarrassment.

The devs are working on making d2 pvp just as bad but it will take them some time since they aren’t that knowledgeable about d2 code.

The leader in D2R is to repeat the chaos and ball run thousands of times until you reach 99, this seems to me something sick and meaningless, probably the best game for people with paicological problems such as obsessive comoulsive disorder. Doing the same run thousands of times makes me vomit from boredom. Diablo 3 did well in its end game and its ladder.

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You have to develop a taste for it.
Single player is truly where d2 shines.

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try getting close to one the Teo’s speedrun records, then you’ll have the right to tell what he does doesn’t require skill

Need a group of people to play the game for me and I leech it out. Also find me highest end-game gear probably by using exploits (duping), or FGs/$$.

what method are you talking about? or are you just making accusations? duping hasnt been a thing for while now.

#3 no
#4 no
#6 no
#9 no

please. go back to d3 with these.

d3 us ever challenging. D2 is basically a dead end at endgame. thoses grs…keep testing yourself. d2s test is basically waiting for a gear drop. If yours buying items, then i dunno what the funfactor is.
Im just burned out on d3 rn and d2 is still very good

you have never leveled a very high character, didn’t you? by the time you get to 99, EVERYTHING drops. Unfounded accusations.

What a total rubbish talk LOL. You could hit level 99 and not get a Jah/Ber. I am starting to believe most of you don’t even play the game. Seriously, try playing the game or at least play it legit every once in a while and not FG/$$ some HRs from botters/exploiters.

He got WAY MORE than that (infinity, enigma, etc.) in what, less than 24 hours? Diablo II C O M M U N I S M. Probably with the help of dupers/exploiters and of course FGs/$$. It’s obvious.

Yes I did do it by the way, I have literally done everything you could even think of in this game over the last 2 decades. In Hardcore mode too.

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how many 99s have you reached yourself? i have only 1 and i found at least a dozen of jah&ber on the way…

i think you underestimate how much killing is needed for 99

there is also the technique of looting all the monsters in the CS when the seal bosses are killed, i’m sure they are using it

i don’t know

He thinks it’s diablo 3 lol

Oh so 99 is the magical number eh? I will remember that logic. How about people who made like only one level 99 but a dozen of level 97-98?

Level does not matter. Playtime does. Actually, level 99 would probably have less chance because you would be leeching exp instead of going high rune hunting.

the CS run optimizes both. All that needs to be done is 1 party member to teleport around the CS before the last seal\boss is killed

So playing Diablo II Communism. So I were right. You also need p7+.

Logically speaking a character going to level 99 is less likely to find a HR because if you’re going to 99 then you already have end-gear, and you wouldn’t be rune hunting. Your logic is flawed.

Wait, no, that’s cheating!!!

i hope this is a joke topic, I really do…

We already talked about how diablo 2 represents unchecked capitalism rather than communism…. People invest in other players who become overwhelmingly powerful and can farm disproportionately faster….

Whereas communism no individual can progress any faster than the system…. Which is more along the lines of what you want…

Omg I just realized you are a Russian troll aren’t you??