It turns out, D3 is more skilled game than D2

Let’s get at the truth and not hyperbole with bias.

What is your top solo GR clear in D3?

The current season in D3 started before D2R ladder. In D3, no one in the enttire world has soloed GR150 yet this season.

Has anyone soloed the hardest difficulty in D2R this ladder?

Both games have merit. To act like D3 is one click with your eyes closed and everything dies is inaccurate.

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I agree. It takes a real “skill” to still think D3 was ever a relevant enough of a game to talk about in 2022.

D3 failed at doing the only one thing it ever tried to do, and it that was making a D2 clone targeted at WoW’s audience. In reality it was just hated by both player bases. It failed at being the bandaid that stopped the bleed out of players running from Blizzard in droves to other places after WoW Cata.

Speak for yourself. There are players that enjoy each game in the diablo franchise.

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No thanks. I remember D3’s launch and how people on both D2 and WoW laughed at it like it was the worlds worst meme.

How many people purchased D3 AFTER the game was already out for a year and people knew what to expect and the reviews?

The only thing witch should be brought to d2r should be some form of replayability. Not the same ubers and key farming and mephisto farming all day…

Some sort of replayability like I do not know, when you kill baal you have a chance to open a portal to uber x area that has increased drops and some kind of uber mobs…

Not to mention groups cheese their way in to the top of the solo Ladder.

I also purchased some McDonalds. It was also not worth talking about 10 years later.

You did not answer the question. How many people purchased D3 after it was out for a year?

A google search amount. I don’t know or care. The only time D3 gets brought into a conversation is when people are trying to compare a game to something bad.

18+ million. The + does not include the last 5 years or so of sales.

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McDonald’s probably sold 45 Trillion fries as well. Who cares? Do you also think Nsync was the best band ever?

On that topic:

Denial is one hell of a drug. “D3 sold only out of D2 hype!”. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Facts don’t care about feelings, and the truth is? Those facts are really embarrassing for some people!

No. Sales does nor equal quality. Even in your example, McDonalds is still incredibly successful. You and I may not like their food but facts remain.

Also, I would argue that their fries still are quite good.

D3 was successful.

Lots of things were “successful” that’s hardly an argument for their relevence in 2022. I mean pogs were pretty damn successful. Want to have a conversation about pogs?

Gimme false equivalence with extra logical fallacy on the sides please. We are comparing two video games, of the same franchise, of the same genre to each other here. Even if you combine both D2R + D2LoD LTD sales, they barely stand a chance against just 6 month sales of D3.

Again, facts are facts. Facts don’t care about feelings.

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Whit all do respect, it’s not bad. It’s different. You realy need to abstract it from D2. Look at it as it’s own thing. You just need to set your mind to it. Change your attitude towards it. Let’s say it’s an arcade game. If you like those, you’ll like D3 too.

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I do wonder how many ladder characters exist per player this ladder season.

Blizzard announced recently D2R had 5 million paid players. At my last peek, there was 750,000 ladder characters. Someone can make a new ladder level 1 to get a sense of the new numbers.

I have 2 ladder characters right now where one is a level 1 mule.

I do not PVP. but if you think it’s all gear based and no skill. I am sure someone in the PVP community would love to gear you up and have you show how easy it is.

Beats me. I had no interest in ladder from the get go.