It turns out, D3 is more skilled game than D2

Hello friend. I think D3 sux. Good day to you sir.

That’s a fair opinion, but has nothing to do with the topic.

let him chill in d3 topics pls guys, at least he is not trolling other topics :stuck_out_tongue:

But making it easier for the abuser is not the answer. You never give incentive to play solo in an online multiplayer. It literally defeats the purpose.

Proximity group bonuses is the only answer that I can come up with.

I am not opposing that. Obviously I would prefer faster paced gameplay (more drops/exp) but that could work too. I really think ploot would benefit group play a lot (and removing “rushing”).

I will no longer respond to childish dumb posts calling me a troll because I have differing opinion. It’s tiring and it shows you are the actual troll with ad hominems and zero logical counter arguments.

it doesnt. D3 uses a broken system of BIG NUMBERS, which disabled pvp. this same issue made paragon levels required for endgame…it’s such a whack system that they will probably never use it again. D3 plays like a one-armed juggler who’s juggling live grenades and trying to avoid slipping off a mossy rock. D2 is smooooooth, and at the very end you either become a trader or you become a player killer, or even a random act of charity cause you dont care to trade and just throw gifts randomly. pretty wholesome content.

D3 you grind and grind and grind to achieve nothing. yay paragon 5000! grift 1000! what do I have to show for it? nothing! because nobody cares…

D3 is silly nonsense, and I only played for the story content. I quit after I realized item hunting is moot due to lack of trade, and the only thing that changes at high difficulties is monsters have billions of health to compensate for my millions of damage, and then trillions of health to compensate for my billions of damage…it’s the same thing on repeat but with no cooperative value and no true incentive long term for group play. you cant pvp, you cant trade, so why bother? beat the game and move on, there is no endgame in D3 if you really think about it.

meanwhile, in D2, you have pvp and trade. you also have the option of helping new players and other players less fortunate. I can only hope that D4 gets the game back on track and doesnt follow the D3 formula for failure.

D3 did great in it’s first year of selling across multiple platforms, but it really had D2 to thank for that, as it rode the wave of success. then it quickly disapointed many MANY of it’s players with it’s broken system using big numbers and poor coordination between each department. now D3 is a dead game for the most part. you can get on and MAYBE theres 2 other people in chat lol…meanwhile, in D2 after 20+ years, you still have such a thriving community.

I think you are willfully blind. eitherway, I wish you a happy day in the real world.

Yeah? I actually agree with lots of your points but you still didn’t get OP. The point is in D3 it takes more time and skills to reach maximum level than what we saw in D2R. Are you seriously denying that?

That, and D2R could indeed use QoL from D3.

oh, another tactic besides the strawmanning! the “no you are dumb!” method. accusing others what you have been accused of and mirroring them. at least you are trying to mix up your methods now.

You know whose on the top of the solo Ladder in D3? Group players. Now that’s an exploit. That is something you can rage about. That is :poop:. Not this where there’s only one Ladder, that you choose to climb alone, and cry if groups reach higher. If you realy wanted to compete you would’ve geatherd a group. Case closed.

Character level is max 70.then you have that paragon nonsense.

Is there a max level in D3? I thought you said to Zax 70 isn’t max lvl. I think paragon levels are unlimited. What do you mean “max level?”

Highest level reached is 20,000 by Chinese player Edey. They actually played the game and it took them more effort than maximum level in D2 (less than a week). D2R is really abusable did you see how they reached that level?

Yeah, video games just suck I guess oh well back to D2!

No is taking a :poop:on D2 here, especially if you read OP you would know I like it more than D3. The point is obvious though: there’s a lot of elitist attitude that makes absolutely no sense, that D2 is really abusable and could improve, that D3 has indeed good QoL that can make its way in D2R (without changing D2R into D3 magically like D3-phobics believe).

Happy gaming!

What was the maximum paragon level that a character could reach in D3 pre-RoS after paragon was introduced?

What is the maximum paragon level in D3:RoS now?

For D2R, a streamer has reached maximum level of 99 in about 140 hours (I think) of playtime this ladder.

Stop feeding this troll. FFS…I’m getting second hand embarrassment from him.
You are the definition of cringe, dude. It’s beginning to be painful reading your threads and answers. You think you are on a mission and instead of trying to play and understand the game you try in vain to change it in order to fit your agenda.
Just ignore threads from this attention…hmmm…‘seeker’.
Scurry back under your bridge you abomination.


I really dont know how you play but every class is easily able to start doing 100s in 4h of season start

This is most unlikely inaccurate. At season start, there is no power leveling. It takes even “top” players a couple of hours to reach level 70. Next, one needs to get their GR 100 competent ckass set and supporting items. If you class has a crappy Haedrigs gift then it takes even longer. So tbe idea that all classes can easily do GR100 in 4 hours after season start as you claim is horse hockey in my opunion.


yeah I know… its pointless honestly.

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Having played both games extensively…I’ve died far, far, far, far, far, far, far, far, far more in D2 than I ever did in D3. That game you click once with your eyes closed and then a few minutes later you open your eyes get a bunch of “legendary” loot drop, all of which is useless, then you click once, close your eyes, do it all over again…no deaths, no danger, no challenge, no reward, that is the D3 experience. At least D2 has death, and danger, and challenge, and reward.