It turns out, D3 is more skilled game than D2

Says the guy who believes a game is hard because of there is pvp. On top of that ignores that d3 got LB which is also competition between players.

You are so clulesā€¦
pvp is the hardest. its not the only thing ther is hard. but you woulden know. you just a troll


what makes pvp hard is the skill of people playing, not the game itself. Any game with skill dependant pvp is by definition infinitively hard to beat if you use pvp as an argumentā€¦ So applying to d2 is kinda senseless. You could say pvp is skilled, it would be more accurate than saying ā€œd2 is hardā€

yer you are rightā€¦ thats also what the topic is about.
It turns out, D3 is more skilled game than D2.

So you rightā€¦ D2 is more skilled then D3

Not rly u just being dumb. Player vs player. Its competition. Nothing to do with the game being hard. This just shows how dumb u are. Again there is competition in d3 aswell. Infact more ppl in LB chasing gr150 than there are ppl in pvp in d2. So d3 got more competition which means it be harder by your logic.

can you show any proff of this?

Sure as soon as u beat gr150 without a seasonal theme and faster than ppl beat ubers in d2. Dont forget that everyone who ever did a gr ends up on LB while in d2 u simply have to make a pvp game.

Also heartstone is harder than d2. Cause u know its pvp.

ok so you have no proff. just made up lies and more stories form youā€¦ exactly what we all thought.

So u dont respond and change goal post again. Not surprised. After all u are 600 paragon scrub

No proff just made up lies after liesā€¦ tsk tskā€¦
you make more sence on your stanner acc.


last chance to come clean. or i will block you. like i did some of your alt accounts

people still think Ubers is the hardest content in D2/D2R :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

keep talking about paragon 600 in D3. like its somthing spicialā€¦

So u refuse to prove that d3 is easier than d2?

Guess u cant. Kind of obv because d2 is a ez game. Show me proof where ppl took longer to beat ubers than it took ppl to finish gr150. If u cant u admit that d2 us a ez casual game. Change topic again and u admit d2 is a easier game.

Also ignored until u can show proof of ppl beating gr150 faster than 3h ubers.

Gl with it mr 600 paragon. Here is your acc: Bugles#2611 - Community - Diablo III (

A build that was nerfed later and in a season with an overpowered theme. If this is your frame of reference, you clearly do not know D3 as no one in the entire world has cleared GR 150 solo this season that is 20+ days old which is far more than your claim of beating D3 in a week playing casually. Ironically, this season has petrified scream that helps with 125 augments and getting xp in comparison to non-seasons.

Have you ever solo cleared GR 150 with a build that was not nerfed and in the absence of an OP seasonal theme?

Iā€™ve played almost every Blizzard Game From D1,D2,warcraft1,2,3,starcraft1,and world of warcraft. Currently playing D2R,and D3 with D3 taking a break for D2R. Think Iā€™m around 1000 paragon in D3 with my Highest personnel GR of 120 for this season. But my love for original D2 is making me keep trying to play with much frustration. my 1 and only current problem with d2r is the lack of hi runes to get to the next level of play. As D3 is pretty much a drop mod it makes it fun enough to play without a huge amount of time invested which is perfect for a guy like me in his 50ā€™s that has more responsibility than staring at a screen all day. With a 4 month season now in d2r, drops need to reflect the shorter season. If D2r reset yearly I wouldnā€™t have such a desire for increased drops as there is no way Iā€™ll ever reach my goal of being super powerful within 4 months to only start from scratch again.

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You realize leveling in D3 is 100000000x easier and faster than D2 right?

Wait are you being serious this isnt a troll post?


Gotcha chief. Youā€™re making a comparison to a game you didnā€™t even play.

Well played

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The minority often bark the loudest.

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Not true. You can do the same in D3 and just idle while other people clear grifts. lol


post on that account then.

Maybe he doesnt have D2R in that account?
Blizzards policy: you must own the game in your account to be able to post in the forum of that game, does not matter if you already bought games from within the company on that account.
Trash company.
Otherwise feel free to gift him a copy of D2R to that account.


best ide ever. gift me D2R copy to that account.
Then i also have a account to bo with :slight_smile:

You could post on that account on the D3 forum with a bunch of :trumpet: :trumpet: and link that post here with blockquote.

I will ask again. Have you ever cleared GR 150 solo without the benefit of an OP build that was subsequently nerfed AND an OP seasonal theme?

Your claim of being able to clear GR 150 solo playing casually in D3 within a week seems preposterous. When the current D3 season wss 24 days old, no one in the entire world soloed GR 150 in any class.

Also, you can have your alt account like the post that you made. Although a D2R gane license is required to post on this forum, someone without that can still give a like if logged in.