It turns out, D3 is more skilled game than D2

sound like you bot to…

p8. easier for bot to get drops. instet of 8 in 1 game. 8 bots in 8 games…
Up the drop rate - easier bot to get drops,

yer sound to me like you are botting.
and that you got Alt accounts…
Blocked agian, together with your alt acc.

And i still throw pebbles in the water when i come by a river. Whats your point?

Well…thats not a fair comparation
Which game is easier to beat with 0 knowledge about it? Before answering this, remember that ds difficulty scales beyond with ng+, just like d2 so the comparation is between ds first play through against beating d2 normal.

I agree but sure one is easier than the other
And sure those who dont go past torment think d3 is the easier one, on the other side with 400h of d2r play time i already have beat what is there to beat pve side

Accuse them of what you do

Another ad hominen. Do you have anything to add to this topic besides making false accusations. I have never botted in any video game in my entire life.


ahh another alt… Blocked again…
This bot users is obv to spot. its the same persons who want p8 and easier ways to get loot…
so ther bots can make them easier fg/money…

The only account of mine who has posted in this thread is this account. More ad hominen to discredit those who disagree with your false accusations.

The truth


Your logic makes no sense. If you break the rules and bot, the bot does the work. It is real players who do not cheat that are critical of drop rates. Factually, the old D2 economy was overrun by cheats and duping that hid the reality of drop rates.

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Running from the debate

They avoid logic like the plague

No offense man, but no one does anything without prior knowledge anymore. It’s called the internet. Most games I can watch a video, and run straight through the game. Not really hard. If watching a video makes it easy, then it was never hard, it was using that age old system from NES games where it didn’t give you enough info, and you’d fail until you memorized it piece by piece. Dark Souls bosses are exactly like that. You’ll retry’em until you figure out what all their attacks do… then from then on they are cake.

Go watch a video for d2… and 200 hours later you still trying to get that item. :stuck_out_tongue:

There are full games that are honestly “difficult” mechanically outside of things like using glitches to speed run. One of the examples of an actually mechanically difficult game mechanically I can think of off the top of my head, would be Rocket League. It takes a tremendous amount of practice to get mechanically good at that game.

I still play rpgs without looking for spoilers
Thats the way i played ds and thats the way i played d2 back in the day
I dont get why anyone would do other way
Its like looking for spoilers on a movie youre about to watch

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What make the d3 so bad was no trading and the ambience of the game (the colors like wow make the game look like it was made for children).
D2 have tons of problem either.

  • there is not a good curency, and blizzard never did anything to fix that. When they did it right in d3 (in the begging), that was a booking like a stoke market, in few time they removed it.
  • in d2 there are a lot of stupid mechanics that are there only to make players lose time. The worst i think is you cant change de skills every time you want (like in d3). This really make me wants to quit the game, since is so hard and limited to try new builds.

This is just not true. You are correct that d2 doesn’t take much skill compared to FPS or RTS, but d3 takes even less skill than d2. D3 is just button mashing.

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Have you ever done a high solo GR where you are pushing your character limits in D3?

The difference between Diablo 2 and Diablo 3 is pretty much the development style and developer themselves. Diablo 2 was made by passionate gamers to make a game that other gamers would love, and it worked. It was a game made by gamers for gamers. Diablo 3 is corporatized swill made with spreadsheets and shareholders in mind to maximize profit. It was made by cherrypicked people that piqued CEO and shareholder ideals on how a game “should” be made. As a money making venture, it worked. As a game, it’s abysmal.


Obv not.

D3 were made by passionate gamers aswell. Just because u dont like the game it doesnt mean others dont. D3 was a huge success and is still up and running.

The question is which game require more skill to beat. Lets not forget that d3 players won the race to 99. Even against ppl like llama who been sticking to d2 for all these years. There is not much skill involved in d2. Llama never beat gr150 in d3 while plenty of casual d3 players beats uber solo. Beating gr150 takes alot more effort than beating ubers in d2.

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You seem to have this mistaken idea that the difficulty in D2 comes from beating the mobs. Whoever made that claim?

Also you use the word “skill” as if there is only a single skill in the world. Hell man patience is a skill. So is nose picking. What skill exactly does it take to beat D3?

Just because you chose to handicap yourself doesn’t mean the games hard.

It’s like choosing to play with one hand.

The same kind of skill u require to beat d2 but far more. I takes alot more skill than anything in d2, the hardest challenge in d2 isnt even hard. It takes alot more for a new player to beat gr150 solo than it takes a new player to beat ubers solo.
Mrllama lost the 99 race to d3 players so the amount of skill he got didnt even matter. Infact he got stomped by d3 players. All these years he spend playing d2 and ppl coming from d3 and running him over.

All i se in this forum from new players is… i cant beat act2 boss. i cant get past this and this in d2. Remove immune i cant beat it. its to hard to get gear/runes. the list goes on.

MrLlama ditten go for first.
No. most is D2 players who turned D3 players-
some of them dont even play d3.

.D3 is all about paragon.
d3 is to easy.

I beat 150 in d3 in a week. iam casual d3 player.
still need 7 pices og gear for bis D2R since launch.
Pvp not beaten yet.

D3 beaten :ballot_box_with_check:
D2R beaten :-1:

Those are whiners. U see those in d3 aswell.

Some of them do.

D2 is all about grind ez mode. No gr150. D2 is easier.

There is none who beat gr150 in this season. Typical d2 player, making up stuff about their achievement. U didnt even beat gr150 s25 with the most broken build inna and shards. s25 was the season which everyone could do gr150, the easiest season ever up to date and u still didnt do it. You are aware of that ppl can check your profile? Maybe u should think about that before u actually try to fool someone. So bias that u even need to lie. Pathetic

Only that it was a lie.

Cant help that u bad in d2 aswell then. Hell too hard for u?

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Wher did you read anything about this season?
Why you have to make up a lie?

And yes i did in 25…
you can not check profile i dont post with.

Which season did u beat gr150? Your profile is open and it says none. Why u lie about your achievements?