It turns out, D3 is more skilled game than D2

If 500,000 out of 5 million played ladder the first day, that sounds like a very impressive player retention in general. But presumably the unique player count is way lower.
Would be interesting to know the non-ladder player count the same day however.

As for all the usual D2 vs D3 nonsense, both are fairly low skill games, and the amount of time it takes to reach max lvl is not indicative of skill, nor game quality. “Endless” lvling in D3 is a disgrace.

Yeah, bring back TCP/IP!

Yeah the endgless thing is just an easy out for devs to make people think there is more than than there is. Just like endlessly generating random maps.

D2 characters have an end point. That’s why I love it. Eventually you are “done” with that build. Even if it can take a LOT of work, there is an end goal.

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I would say that % is a bit of an indictment on D2R. Since this is a remaster, you have people who spent money to buy this game who claim that they played for years. As such, I would expect higher retention within the first year and first ladder.

I mean I wouldn’t. Every game I’ve seen has had numbers around there. With a few exceptions like D3, Cyberpunk, Fallout 76, ect.

Sure, and those people might very well be among the 15-20% still playing. Not like every single person who bought D2R said they had played D2 for 20 years. Lots of people were those who played 20 years ago, and some where entirely new players.
15-20% still playing (if true, which I doubt) regularly more than ½ a year after release sounds like pretty high player retention.

For a “remaster” of a beloved 20 year old game. This is a different demographic than most game buyers.

Also, I will reiterate first ladder.

What makes a remaster special statistically?

I mean if anything after Warcraft 3 Refunded you’d think it would be a detriment. I’d argue that remasters have a harder time than new games, unless it’s a remake.

I would argue that the issues with W3R made it so those issues were not part of D2R.

Also, those who were nervous that D2R would be D2Refunded most likely did not buy the game and therefore, they are not part of the denominator in retention %.

To be fair if a buddy of mine hadn’t talked me into it, I’d still probably being playing LoD after WC3 Reforged. And WoW classic going full boost selling. So I can concede that point.

Deckard died to a butterfly in d3

Sad part is I own D3 on 360/ps4/pc… and I can’t for the life remember the events of it. Haven’t touched it in ages. Had a friend try to get me back into it… 15 minutes of watching him stream and my level of “hard pass” was quite high.

Last time we talked about D3 was a couple years ago, and all he had to say was “an empty nothingness with number inflation.”


I got friends who played d2 for 5 min and said its mega bad and boring. Also got friends who watched someone played it and then they wanted to throw up. And then we got ppl who see d2 as nothing but a slotmachine for gamble addicts. Not sure what u trying to prove. There are ppl who dislike both games. In the end the games are simular. However d3 offers way more challenging content than d2.


In diablo3 you literally don’t even have to enter the main game, so your comparison of getting rushed means nothing, you literally DO NOT EVEN PLAY THE GAME FOR 1 SECOND IN D3, and you get RUSHED EVEN FASTER…MAX LEVEL IN A MATTER OF 1-2 RIFTS, LESS THAN 10 MINUTES!!! and then you proceed to just run the same boring grind until you get bored, usually takes me less than 3 hours to realize, i made a bad choice by even pretending i wanted to play it

pressing blessed hammer over and over is really hard and requires lots of skill for sure.

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People play Diablo for the tactical challenge?
Lol how bad is OP at video games.

Lol how bad is this person at reading basic English.

It`s obv op is just a troll. Op want easier way to get loot in D2R, p8, better drop rate. its obv because he uses bot. its obv for all.

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Probably not, but we should. Throw D2 and D3 out, and replace them with more tactically interesting combat in D4 imo.

Yeah I mean I think Lost Ark really illustrated how the difficulty level for an ARPG can be off the charts. I wouldn’t mind seeing that happen on the Diablo series. Minus the P2W and time gating.

But I like D2 as the slot machine it is.

Do you have any evidence to support your claim or is this another ad hominen personal attack since you can not make a logical and compelling argument?

These comments defy basic logic. Iit makes no sense at all your claim in my opinion. People who bot tend not to discuss drop rates since the bot does the farming.