It is hard to move towards the left hand wall in the Catacombs Level 4 first chamber (left clicks don't register)

  1. Go to Catacombs Level 4 and stay in the first chamber
  2. Try to get your character move to the left hand wall (character’s left hand\right wall on the screen)

Problem: move command (clicks) don’t register when clicking on\near that wall - nothing happens.
To get near the wall you have to start moving by clicking somewhere else and holding - then dragging the cursor near that wall.
The problem is present in legacy view too.

it also applies in other small dungeon areas, like tal-rasha’s chamber

I’ve noticed as well in the same spot, along with a few other places as well. I remember in old old old D2 (probably like pre-1.08 or 1.09 maybe) there was this weird pathing issue with scenery and walls although I can’t remember if it was the same as this or not (it’s been decades). I do remember there being a patch note about it though, but can’t be arsed to currently go through the changelogs to see when it was.