Ignoring the Enigma/Teleport issue is just cowardly

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I’ve thought that a simple way to nerf Enigma and put Teleport a little more in line with other classes would be to add a 2.0 second cooldown to Teleport that would decrease by .1 seconds per skill lvl. This would still allow Sorcs to fly through levels like they can now after a little more skill investment, but slow it down for everyone else.

With or without that change, adding more CHEAPER 0skill Tele options would also be fantastic.

You never make an Enigma from scratch… you life is miserable …
You don’t need good gear to beat this game, D2 is a easy game…
If you wanna increased difficult and more drops just play single player and set players to 8 and voiala!!!
Or play another game

are you high? just take a second and think about the suggestion.

let’s say we remove teleport from enigma. now sorceress is all anyone plays.
let’s say we nerf teleport but keep enigma. nothing changes unless teleport is nerfed so far into the ground that running is better than teleporting, ultimately making the skill useless.
let’s say we give every class a mobility skill. unless they are all as good as sorceress’s teleport, nothing changes. keep in mind that paladin and assassin already have mobility skills, but they aren’t as good as teleport is. movement skills would have to be AS good.

now, for my original statement which you didn’t seem to care about, why does the game require mobility? that’s because, with minor exception to 2-3 superuniques, the best areas in the game are nowhere near town. this is why pindle, eldritch, shenk, trav, and chaos are so good (with other reasons too).

take an extreme example: imagine if the definitively bis farming spot was accessible from town, massively open with nearly 0 walls, and had huge density. teleport would be almost worthless then. this is the strategy (but less extreme) that pd2 took. they have areas that are bis that you can access from town and several of them are dense and open enough that characters/builds without teleport gain nothing by having teleport.

OMG ITS A MIRACLE!!! everyone can keep their mobility skill or lack thereof and have a great place to farm!

the issue is not teleport, the issue is the game requires mobility to be competitive.


It’s your choice. I play many classes and teleport isn’t an issue. As a matter of fact I never made even single enigma in D2R. I love vigor on paly and burst of speed on assa. New Haste runeword will improve mobility for some classes. I don’t understand why some of you claim that Enigma is an issue. It’s not. Actually removal teleport from enigma will make some of you pretty much play only the sorc. D2 sorc w/o teleport will ruin legacy of this game. Speaking of D3. There will be epic season of D3. xD. I’ll be playing.

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Maybe add 50% frw to CoH in the next PTR?

But we do have staffs with charges, that can be used on weapon swap.

Pretending there is an issue with it in the first place is just foolish.

Pretending like other things don’t provide skills from other classes is weird. Origional class design? Are you now never going to use conviction or battle orders?

Sure let them add another enigma armor that is just zod zod zod, you’d still be crying here though.

They hate enigma, because they’re not good enough to farm one for themselves. It has nothing to do with enigma itself.


that’s a very stupid childish elementary playground take.

why dont they also hate BotD and Last Wish then?

Because they’re not good items? What?

You can’t be jealous of people’s last wishes if nobody bothers to make them?

That or perhaps their brains simply don’t function fast enough to keep up with a teleporting character.

literally so low iq you pointed out the problem.

teleport is the best mobility skill and its not even close, so to be optimal you cant use any other armor besides enigma. therefor all other chest armors are pointless merc items.

people want more options, regardless of your ability to understand that and need to lash out like a child.

i mean how stupid is it that even pure melee builds have enigma as bis?

enigma enigma enigma enigma enigma enigma enigma enigma enigma enigma enigma enigma enigma enigma enigma enigma enigma enigma enigma enigma enigma enigma enigma enigma enigma enigma enigma enigma enigma enigma


The only Enigma/Teleport issue is that Enigma has +1 Teleport when it shouldn’t. Sorcs get to teleport, it’s their thing. It’s what makes people see sorc and think “golly gee, I want to play one of those too”. It’s good that classes have these features.

Before I start hearing the cries of “muh farming”, it’s not always better to boss rush. TZs make walk farms pretty decent. If you want to do a bunch of Andy/Meph/baal/key runs, use the sorc. For most anything else, walking and clearing is fine.

I already got used with Bravata and his toxic posts. Not worth your time. With TZ enigma is reduced to a utility for very few types of farming.

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2 hrs being the price for TP on any class is good balance TBH and thats a fact.

Enigma is a target item in a game where the whole goal is farming and grinding, its the perfect goal and just because some people dont have the time/ dont want to put in the effort doesnt make it bad design.

I think the latter is the way to go. Just put teleport on Stealth and all kinds of other gear pieces that are popular during leveling. Add +1 teleport to most things.

The price of Enigma doesn’t matter. 1000x more or less expensive and the concept behind it is still bad. It’s also massive player misconception that having teleport matters for farming in this game. It was never a requirement to really farm, and with the introduction of TZs, it’s never mattered less that a build can or can’t teleport.

Boss farming and key farming? Sure, great, teleport away. Literally have any sorc on hand for those. For the rest of the game, it doesn’t matter.

This statement is idiotic. Enigma isn’t anywhere near the most expensive runeword in the game, and it’s not even terribly expensive on paper. The problem with Enigma has nothing to do with its price and everything to do with class identity. Moving utility to oskills is bad for the game, and it has always been bad for the game. CTA is the same type of problem, and that item turns weapon swap into a boring health/mana buff. Every possibility that a build could use for their weapon swap has been reduced to a prebuff; it’s bad design.

Or, change teleport to be LoS only like Leap is. How it should be.

Fixes literally all the problems.

Lol I mean Last wish and infinity both give any class things from pally assassin and necro and are the only 2 more expensive. Either way any Multi Jah and Ber runewords should be OP since theyre so expensive to make.

Saying their not terribly expensive is the real idiotic statement, go play single player until you farm jah and ber and come back to tell me its easy. Even better do it without Lower K runs.

The game needs endgame items that are fun and broken and goals for classes. Enigma is one of those and just because YOU dont like how teleport works doesnt make it bad game design.

items: plural

1 endgame chest armor for 99% builds

Ok, so add more endgame items? Problem solved glad we agree. Enigma is fine if they add more end game options.