Ignoring the Enigma/Teleport issue is just cowardly

While teleporting and during spell casting you also need penalties such as 0 defense, 0 block rate, and 0 all resistances. or It should never be used as an evasion technique other than pure movement. While using skills (cast and teleport), the block rate is reduced by 2/3 and the defense must be 0.

Adds a cooldown to teleport skills among sorceress skills. For balance rather than elimination, a cooldown of 5 seconds per level and a mana cost of 100 are applied, and cooldown reduction of 0.5 seconds is applied and mana consumption is reduced by -10 for every 1 skill level increase.

That’s the point of the activities I suggest to add to the game



  • king of the hells: game wide Den of evil remaining mechanic that makes remaining monsters stronger

  • restless dead: full clearing an area makes it reset with stronger monsters

Activities that involve clearing areas

Which makes every monsters useful

Also, I’m not dumb, In those mechanics I made it increment like the playercount does rather than Mlvl

Which doesn’t affect Attack builds negatively and adds no loot bonus

So bosses are still a good farming solution for 1 and done games

But if you stay longer you bring value to your game with those mechanics

tp staffs/tp charge circlets already exist. Enigma is meant to be endgame and is 100% not necessary for farming. The point of the game is to mf to end game gear and taking away the goal of most classes is a bad idea.

Nerfing enigma is not the solution

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The idea is to have all classes with the same advantage. Teleport mobility is a HUGE advantage in the game and if teleport was removed from Enigma, EVERYONE will be playing sorceress. Teleport is good to have in an armor, but we should have other options as well. If it is to be removed, then the teleport skill for the sorceress should also be removed to keep things equal. As for armor, I would much rather use COH, but there is no keeping up in group play if you do not have the teleport ability.

Perfect Teleport nerf

-cost reduced to 4mana

-range decreased to 4yards at lvl 1 and +1yeard per +lvl

-added cost per additional yard: 20mana per yard, decreasing by 1mana per +1lvl to max 1mana

-added CastDelay 0.1sec per +1lvl after 20lvl to max 2sec

Lol, this is why they do not make people like you developers :slight_smile: . I personally have no issues with the skill, I just do not like the fact that if you are not playing sorceress, you must have enigma which really impacts choices for armor. No sets can be worn, no uniques can be worn, just enigma. Teleport is ok, I just think there should be more options.


sorc is squishy and can die easy tele is required ! unlike a barb who can stand in a mob or a pally who can do the same, or a zon with ranged attacks im mean come on yall are bickering about a skill that has been around20+yrs, get over it… its a god dang game… play it or dont ! stop yapping and GRIND!

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I don’t think the issue is so much teleport as to how profitable boss running is. The quicker you can ignore everything and kill the boss, the more profit you make.

So, shift the focus from boss running to…something else.

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Are you kidding? boss drops blow balls compared to elite mobs (unqiue/champ packs) yall just dont understand this game at all!

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Use Energy Shield and she is as tanky as all those other builds!

Key word, end game, end game items should be powerful and game changing. There is no cowardly issue, the only coward is you hiding behind a monitor talking crap.


why nerf a 20+ yr old skill, answer this with some kind of real reasoning… There is none u wanna tele play sorc, if u dont play another char stay away from enigma, all choices in the game,
why play a certin way ? (oooooooohhhhhhhhh enigma gives people an advantage) then make one! god blesss


I do. What you seem to not understand is what I said is applicable to elites/uniques and champs, too. Kill the mobs that mean something, ignore the rest. Teleport is still your man.

im not complaining, also yeah cool use Es then u gotta gear for it and then u lack other skills, still nothing

Instead of hammering Enigma, why not just address the Dupe issue. Then you might see how hard it is to actually find the runes for Enigma and it will truly be an end game armor again…

energy shield before youre max level with a insight merc that can live and +%mana is absolutely not tanky, get smacked once and you lose all your mana and die.

i trade for all my runes so its actually pretty Ez to get runes just got to grind, and put in the hours, (kinda how this game was made) SHOULD OF COME WITH A WARNING “NOT FOR CASUAL PLAYERS”

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That’s kinda my point. If you trade and put the hours in, enigma is for you. When every casual player thinks enigma is attainable and the only armor they should be using, you have a duping problem.


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