Ignoring the Enigma/Teleport issue is just cowardly

Just put plus 1 tele on hellfire torch. Way easier to run keys and do ubers than it is to find jah ber legit.

Enigma is still best in slot for basically every end game build even without teleport.

I am, and I have found multiple HRs SSF. I have a CoH, Enigma, and Infinity built. I have Jah runes ready for dual dream when I can get good bases. Your argument is dumb, and it ignores the point. Enigma is still strong without teleport, the str/lvl combined with +2 skills alone is insane.

Once again, you ignore the point. The game has plenty of broken endgame items without teleport on Enigma. Enigma continues to be a broken item without it. What your tiny mind can’t grasp is the idea of class identity. It’s bad that CTA gives BO and BC to non barbs. It’s bad that Engima give teleport to non sorcs. As procs or as charges, these skills are heavily reined in, but as oskills, classes need to retain their unique utility to preserve class identity.

I’m sure I’ll hear another dimwit response about how I personally dislike teleport despite that I mostly play sorc and have an Enigma to toss around to other characters.

Damn ur really riled up about this lol good thing your childish opinion will never be validated by the devs

Remove infinity, beast, dream, insight, treachery, etc etc etc too so that we can maintain “class identity” I guess. Lol

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Auras aren’t casted buffs or even active skills. Treachery doesn’t grant oskills, it grants procs. You don’t understand the game, and it shows in your worthless opinions.

The difference between oskills and an aura or proc shouldnt matter, all abilities are attached to a classes “”“identity”“” and should be removed from all items so they are unique to the class that has them ONLY.

It does matter, you’re too dumb to have a nuanced thought, that’s why you’re struggling to comprehend something this simple. Being too dumb to realize why you’re wrong doesn’t mean that you’re actually right.

Crazy you can even read your monitor from your high horse. Thank god youre not on the dev team, there would be a quarter of the builds in the game that currently exist just to preserve “ClAsS IdEnTiTy”

Wow, 2 edits and still ignore the point and run away from the argument. You barely understand the game if you think class identity isn’t driving build diversity.

Explain to me how a paladin aura on any class is different than having any +oskills. Auras are paladin class identity and if you want an aura you should need a paladin in your party just like you should need a barb for shouts.

Added new rune word - CheapTP- 3 socket helmet TALPULORT

+1 Teleport

Paladin auras are granted at a set skill level and not as an oskill, and paladins remain the best users of auras as they have the strongest auras even when using items like Dream or Dragon if only because they also have the synergy bonuses available to them. Putting weaker versions of these auras on other classes does not rob anything that the paladin has to offer to a group or to their own solo play.

CTA effectively removes the weapon swap from the game and replaces it with this buff. CTA is a conceptually bad item that shrinks the game for many builds while also stepping on the barb’s toes.

Enigma grants +1 teleport, which is the maximum endgame investment that any sorc puts into teleport. It’s easily the worst idea for an oskill in the game.

Can you understand any of that, you simpleton? And yes, the new Hustle armor is also a bad idea.

LOL no sorry that kills sorcs class identity, it should be charges cause thats fine and not contradictory.

The concept is no different than enigma. An item that grants teleport. If all you have is +1 to teleport on the runeword, it comes at a great price because you’re going to lose +2 skills and other goodies.

So we down for removing passion, wolfhowl, beast too? Sick

The fact you cant see your own contradiction of class identity being somehow exclusive to only skills you cherry pick shows me you also really dont know what youre talking about either. I have no problem admitting im no game dev and am not the best at balancing a game.

Its crazy how much of a superiority complex you have insulting me every post lol you sound like you need some therapy or to talk to someone IRL.

I’m not surprised that you don’t understand what the word “utility” means. Those are ATTACKING skills, not buffs or utility. My god, dude, do you ever get sick of being wrong and dumb? I haven’t once contradicted myself. Your brain is faulty and can’t understand context and nuanced details. Explaining these concepts to you feels like training my dog to sit or lay down.

Werebear and lycanthropy are attacking skills? Not buffs or utility?

I can smell the cheeto dust coming through my monitor every time you reply

Go touch grass. I’m glad anyone as self righteous as you is too socially awkward to ever work on a dev team.

End game melee barb having to wear Enigma is just a joke. Enigma is horrible.

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End game d2 has been about every class being able to teleport for too long, that aspect is never changing. So anyone who can’t accept this just leave now or only play non-expansion. If the complaint is there needs to be alternatives to enigma to have teleport on other items but not change any end game strength of the new builds versus their enigma counterparts, then why…? If it is to create build diversity, I’m not sure how it would change much. Unless they come out with something that displaces Enigma, which the game doesn’t need as enigma is properly balanced for end game, then no one uses enigma and they instead use the new one only and we are back to square one. It is a dangerous game to play just to appease the cry babies that either don’t want tele or enigma.

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Wearbear necessarily changes attack frames and so yes, it is an attack skill. Again, you can’t comprehend nuance.