I am against /p8 online function

Your not sorry at all you lie :smiley:

Get yo a$$ back to farming 500 travincal runs or something

Which sane person would run chests in multiplayer? With CHANGING MAPS??

I am going to work now but mainly waiting for ladder. Doing my hc grail offline before that happens.

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Before? No offense but i really hope you’re not gonna make it. Don’t want to wait 3 years+ for first ladder.

Why 3 years? You can finish grail in few months.

But anyway its long time project of mine. I will play ladder and just occasionaly continue with my hc offline grail.

your making assumptions

Like everyone else based on experience

could any of you the purists explain to me logically how /p8 function will ruin the game experience?
let’s assume bliz increased the basic drop rate to p8 what will happen? will ppl trade enigma for vex rune? could someone get coa for an ist rune? maybe 15ias/40 jewels will trade for Lo rune and some charms will trade a little bit less… still many of the players wont get an enigma or full inventory less than 2 months.
But what will happen is forum gold prices will drop significantly, prices on real money trading sites will drop significantly and there will be more ppl playing the game with decent gear. how this will ruin your game experience?

On the other end explain to me what is fun or enjoyable on public dia-baalruns you join a game wait for the tp, wait someone kill the mobs and jump on the loot than quit and join a new game every 3-4 mins?
let’s talk about split farming (what is the point of playing a multiplayer game when everybody plays separately anyways…) what happens when i decide to join mf game: I spend 10 min in lobby to find a game 3-5 mins old , i choose the go to countess because nobody on party screen is in tower, I kill all the mobs on the way and in the end oops someone already sniped the countess, nvm I say I will farm tombs or ancients way etc, I get there oops everybody left the game… How someone could enjoy that kind of gameplay?

About playing solo on bnet, after you got yourself decent gear everything dies when you just touched them, plus you wont get any levels after 93-94, for example i have a decent javazon that i cant play with my friends because everything dies on screen when i swing couple javs and my assasin friend couldn’t be able to lay traps but if i play 3-4 ppl with p8 game will be fun and challenging. back in the days we were having lan parties to play like that, so we either should have a tcp/ip option (or smthg similiar) or p8 on bnet, to make this game more enjoyable. From my part i enjoy this game when i play through with couple of friends when i talk - chat at the same time, for example i like starting from city of the damned and kill everything on the way to diablo. without p8 command it is pointless to play when you have good gear there is no challenge left at all. Also I don’t like making new games every 3-4 mins plus in the current state of the lobby it takes more time looking for a game than playing the game…

so what i think is adding p8 function on bnet will not ruin the game experience at all, in-game prices will not change at all but forum gold prices or real money prices will drop bots and dupes always been in this game and that is what bliz should fix (it has nothing to do with p8 command) and the public games will be less toxic because right now game promotes and reward players who leech or ruin other ppls games. this is why there are so many leechers, theives etc…

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Because they are refusing to accept that a game gets dull after playing it non-stop for weeks, months, years…

Want best xp? → solo p8
Want best drops → solo p8
Want to sell your shaco when p8 → you get pgems at best after 1 week. You increase the influx of mid value items which are already common after a few weeks and everybody that is not farming like a mad man has no chance to trade up for the rare items.

Seems like you 2 don’t like the game. So why not play a game you actually like? I guess because you are forum warriors that prefer crying over something you don’t like instead of enjoying something you do like. Is it because you are bad at an easy game like D2 and can’t accept that? Is your pride and ego hurt because you did not have success in a very easy game?

If I have to explain you what’s fun in a multiplayer game, then maybe you belong to the SP crowd anyway.


i know it is best for xp to solo p8 but than i can’t play with my friends! bliz has removed tcp/ip …

i have already explained there what i like about multiplayer in d2, i like play through the game with my couple of friends kill all the mobs have time , chill, chat etc… i don’t enjoy creating new games every 3 mins. i play this game since it is released in 2000s, i have played many mods even made a holy grail with plugy, now i have all the 7 chars with decent gear, got all the runewords i wanted, i’m just fishing for 2/20 fcr diadems +5 druid pelts etc… so i am not bad at this game and probably better from you!
You are disturbed that you couldn’t sell your shako for a mal rune and more players will get it easily is that really will make you feel bad? (i have never bothered to sell shako or tals amu , i just gave away them to my friends)
you are saying that more players will get their hands on a vipermagi or oculus or hoto will ruin the game?
Adding p8 function to this game or an option that we could play with our friends with single player chars will just make this game more fun. Also if blizz open up a seperate server where you all purists gathered and enjoy yourselves and improve the game experience for other players will also solve the problem…

You have more than four times the combined posts of both these guys your clearly the forum warrior here :smiley:

What was the point of all this

You sound like a woman as you try to insult these two guys lol

Buddy, you wanted an explanation. I’m not the one crying for P8 or for increased droprates. I’ll just tell you that those who are won’t be able to sell their stuff when p8 hits. Because everybody who already is fine now, will be getting HRs and griffons like those people get shacos.

I tell you that it won’t solve the problems those people try to fix with p8.

Also you have a problem with the removal of tcp/ip so that your niche way of playing is no longer supported. That sucks for you, but it is not a reason to destroy the closed bnet mode for everyone else.

You going back to D2LoD with TCP/IP would also solve the problem. The devs already said no to p8. Maybe you have more luck with another shot at TCP/IP mode.

Still hurt buddy? Guess all your cool posts can’t help you to overcome the pain. Seems I hit some nails and now you keep crying. I’m very sad for you.

Waiting for your post, as you already type

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jesus what did your parents do to you? and you become a person like this

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what was the point in all this?

You still didn’t answer why you cant talk like a normal human being :smiley:

I see, you don’t have any arguments and now it’s about my parents :slight_smile: Poor you.

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no i have many arguments, but you just deserve that

Watch as he wriggle’s about like a bug on a hook trying to explain or excuse he quite frankly crazy behaviour lol

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WTH? Asking for /p8 in non-ladder automatically means i don’t like the game?

Sounds like you prefer offline play…so play offline. I do agree that this game needs TCP/IP play to be reinstated the excuse they use is pure greed not the security concern they gave because they still support the original D2:LOD TCP/IP functionality.