I am against /p8 online function

no mate i dont prefer offline play i like to play with my friends as i mentioned, i want this option on bnet because if you have just decent gear everything you touch just dies and no challenge/fun left, also drop rates on p1 is not making the game challenging but frustrating for many players. i just don’t bother with split farms because whats the point playing a multiplayer game where everybody plays seperately,
if p8 function added there wont be any public split farm games and how that will ruin the game? if you are joining a split farm game that means you want to play offline actually… but just to get more drops you spent time on finding a game.
if you think that everybody will play solo if has an option to do so, then the problem is elsewhere

Opening chests as the best method to aquire drop, even SP offline is plain bad design.

Superchests are hard coded, nerfing then is not the same as nerfing all popables.

If you ask anyone against it…everyone
If you ask me, its not worth the time bc it will give the same amount of HR as trav with a hoark without the uniques…

Wait wait wait… you dont want p8 bc its easier to get loot the way it is now?

Maybe but i am against changing drops just to implement offline command we dont need.

Removing the %NoDrop calculation is reason enough to not allow /playerX command online.

Issue is not having good tool to find players in game and not being able to see all games.

Requests for /players x command online are ridiculous honestly. I used to play on private D2 servers for years where we had small communities with like 100-300 players and nobody was asking for that command. We didnt need it. And that was 1.10 and 1.11 with a lot worse rune drop where number if players in game was more significant.

Boy, if you can’t read and understand the whole post then that’s really on you. But you seem a little slow, so I won’t bother with you further.

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I did, its basicly just as good as arcane sanctuary or travincal runs in full games for runes.

With almost zero effort and trash equip.


Issue is not having good tool to find players in game and not being able to see all games.
Requests for /players x command online are ridiculous honestly. I used to play on private D2 servers for years where we had small communities with like 100-300 players and nobody was asking for that command. We didnt need it. And that was 1.10 and 1.11 with a lot worse rune drop where number if players in game was more significant.

yes if we had good community pages or a normal lobby screen nobody will care about this , and i also think that if purists here raised their voices to fix the lobby rather than harrasing insulting ppl on forums we’d already got it.
i still think looking for split farm games just to get xp is ridiculous also, that doesn’t make any sense you are in public game but no other players on your screen what’s the point here? and i don’t understand how providing an option that is already in game but available for minor portion of the players will ruin or break this game.

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Because its OP command, it would not be minority who would abuse it to get more loot and exp. It would be almost everyone.

About split farming. Yes you are right that it should be worth playing together. If blizzard add good community/ guild system and then maybe slightly boost MF when playing together, it would change the current MF meta so people would play together more.

i don’t think people playing on 8 player games abusing the game, they are getting more xp and runedrops. Making this available for everyone will not break this game the gg uniques still be rare but there will be more players has decent gear and i don’t get the point why this is a bad thing for the game.
p8 command will not make everybody got gg drops (i have completed a holy grail plus spend too many hours on private servers like you,) people will get mid level uniques more and a little more runedrops, getting a 2os coa will still be rare and not many will have it, but more people will have fortitude, oculus, arachs mesh etc. and still i don’t get it why this is a bad thing?

It is available for everyone. You just have to make an effort to use it. Making the social effort to get 7 others to join the same game and split up the farming areas is the minimum multiplayer effort for p8. You could put in more effort and get 7 players that like to communicate with you also, but that has nothing to do with p8 anymore.

Sorry buddy but if you can’t find 7 others to share a common goal, you might be to anti social for multiplayer.

ok odin i am answering you last time, i will spend more time to find a game than playing the game, current state of the lobby screen or random discord servers is just frustrating, what usually happens is when i try to join a public game i spent rougly 10 mins to find a game less than 3 mins old i join the game start farming someplace after 2 mins everybody lefts the game and repeat the same cycle again. it is not fun. haven’t i made myself clear?

for split farming what is the point of a multiplayer game when everybody plays somewhere else? who enjoys joining a game go to an area and find that someone already sniped that superunique and everybody leaves the game…

why you are so disturbed from the idea that we will have an option to play split farm games on our own without have to look for games? plus lobby screen will be more clean there will be less o tal arm n ist games or less mf01 games

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Because biggest issue with that command is not drops. Its xp bonus. It kills any need to play with others. Do you want that? Online game where everyone is playing solo?

If you don’t like the game, leave and play something else.

The lobby is crap, but there are lots of communities where you can meet up and join a pw protected game, maybe join a voice service and play together. This has nothing to do with the players command.

Why are you so incompetent that you can’t grasp the difference between SP and MP?

Why can’t you find people to play with you? Ok that one is on me, because we can clearly see on your posts why you can’t.

If you want to play alone go SP. If you want to play with people play with people. But quit crying like a 5 year old that you want players command online.

no i don’t agree with you on that matter it will be still more rewarding to play together for xp you will have faster clear speed. look think about an instance where you have a zealer with grief and your friend bowazon with wf or buriza, on p2 diffuculty everyting will die instantly if you make the p5 game it will be more challenging and fun,
instead now what you do is you open a public game with your friend park on the entrance of chaos sanc wait about 5 mins for others to join than clear the chaos sanc and repeat the same cycle again. therefore i think there will be more players playing the game online with p8 command added.

Single player loots the items they need, while online players loot all tradable items. The 8-man lower kurast is a good place for easy rune looting.

odin you are really a pathetic person pls don’t write anything to me

Do you play offline? Because you will xp faster with that command vs with real players.

All casters will play solo, rest: melee characters without bis gear will suffer in public games together.

Only if you stop writing BS. But I guess that won’t happen. I’m happy that the Devs already decided not to implement p8. But I’ll gladly watch your tears.

Their tears ARE delicious.